Just Let him Die..!

CuteOldGuy's Avatar
The fact that I don't want the government to take care of me cradle to grave does not make me heartless. And while I don't currently have employees, when I had a business I did pay for health insurance for my employees. It was part of their compensation. They earned it, I didn't give it to them.

And I don't know all the facts behind Dr. Paul's actions. But the system is not set up to let people die. There's more to this than the little soundbite Tex shared.

Yeah, the Tea Party has a lot of idiots, more now since they have been co-opted by the Republicans.

And my suggestion that medical bills for people who choose not to buy insurance be non-dischargeable was in response to the claim of who pays for those people. This makes the patient responsible. It might provide incentive for people to buy insurance. That's a hell of a lot better than the government mandating that a person buy a product. If the government can do that, there is nothing the government can't make us do.

You're the heartless one, Tex. You want higher oil prices so everybody will suffer while you live in peace. But you're welcome to your opinion.
hi_handsome's Avatar
YOW! Now that's a statement of ... something. Texas is "ran" very liberally?

exactly what cities are you planning to do what in, darlin? Originally Posted by Yssup Rider

i'm just speaking on all the "regulation" in Tx. do the research, most of the jobs created here in tx were governmental. all that tea party stuff is just politics. say whatever they need to here to get the nomination.

i don't understand why they just don't get it. preventive medicine is the key to national health care, not the treatment of ignored illness.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 09-16-2011, 06:30 AM
I have been looking since Clinton brought it up the first time and I still can't find anywhere in the Constitution where healthcare is a right. Originally Posted by blue3122

Then why did Sara Palin and the Tea Party folks cry Death Panels when Obama was trying to get Medicare cost under control?

A bunch of Tea Folks talk out their ass...
  • Laz
  • 09-16-2011, 07:11 AM
i'm just speaking on all the "regulation" in Tx. do the research, most of the jobs created here in tx were governmental. all that tea party stuff is just politics. say whatever they need to here to get the nomination.

i don't understand why they just don't get it. preventive medicine is the key to national health care, not the treatment of ignored illness. Originally Posted by hi_handsome
Unless it is a government job politicians do not create jobs. I wish they would all shut up about how many jobs they created. They can legitimately talk about policies that encouraged job growth and that would actually be more informative.

As for preventive medicine, people already know what things they can do to stay healthy that are inexpensive or free. Weigh the right amount and exercise. Those two things would make a huge difference but people, not even me, will not do them. You can't legislate behavior. Without that you have to calulate the cost of preventive medicine and I suspect that all of those tests to find the few problems will actually increase the amount of money spent.
Liberals are hysterical about a single audience member at CNN's Republican debate whom they believe wanted a hypothetical man without health insurance in a hypothetical coma to die -- hypothetically.

Democrats/Liberals want people in comas to die only when they are not hypothetical but real, like Terri Schiavo.

All you brain dead liberals might want to google the Schiavo controversy to see what side lobbied to have the plug pulled on her life


And before you liberal numbskulls talk about conservatives blood thirst and the death penalty; keep in mind that before being executed, the convicted are mirandized, given a court appointed (taxpayer funded) legal defense team, a jury of his peers, the right to confront the accuser, and the right to multiple appeals!

What rights do liberals grant the unborn before terminating? Zip, nada, nothing !
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 09-16-2011, 08:33 AM
Democrats want people in comas to die only when they are not hypothetical but real, like Terri Schiavo.

All you brain dead liberals might want to google the Schiavo controversy to see what side lobbied to have the plug pulled on her life ! Originally Posted by Whirlaway
The courts sided with her husband on just wtf that brain dead chicks wish's were should something like that happen.

You should try and know more about a subject before speaking.

Do you wanna lay there with no brain...it should be bad enough stuck with that little one you have!
blue3122's Avatar
Then why did Sara Palin and the Tea Party folks cry Death Panels when Obama was trying to get Medicare cost under control?

A bunch of Tea Folks talk out their ass... Originally Posted by WTF

What?? Did you read what I wrote?? I was questioning why anyone thinks healthcare is a Constitutional right. It has nothing to do with any specifics of the law, its a question of rather the law should even be considered as it is not considered in the Constitution. In your haste to degrade someone, you failed to even read or comprehend rather the Constitution guarantees healthcare or if that is an individual consideration in the pursuit of happiness.

It likely doesn't matter because the Commerce Clause has been sacrosanct for over 100 years and the Supremes will likely strike down this boogdoggle on that clause alone.

Kennedy is too libertarian to go with the Obama section.
hi_handsome's Avatar
Unless it is a government job politicians do not create jobs. I wish they would all shut up about how many jobs they created. They can legitimately talk about policies that encouraged job growth and that would actually be more informative.

As for preventive medicine, people already know what things they can do to stay healthy that are inexpensive or free. Weigh the right amount and exercise. Those two things would make a huge difference but people, not even me, will not do them. You can't legislate behavior. Without that you have to calulate the cost of preventive medicine and I suspect that all of those tests to find the few problems will actually increase the amount of money spent. Originally Posted by Laz
good point
As for preventive medicine, people already know what things they can do to stay healthy that are inexpensive or free. Weigh the right amount and exercise. Those two things would make a huge difference but people, not even me, will not do them. You can't legislate behavior. Without that you have to calulate the cost of preventive medicine and I suspect that all of those tests to find the few problems will actually increase the amount of money spent. Originally Posted by Laz

Your assuming that preventive medicine is just about weight control and healthy habits? No, well woman care exams are needed because a woman cannot control (healthy diet/exercise or not) if she gets cervical or uterine cancer, or fibroids or pelvic infections that are not related to STDs. Having regular eye exams to ensure healthy eye sight is needed, and getting regualr dental exams helps with preventing serious mouth problems that ultimately lead to other problems such as heart disease etc.

Preventative care / medicine will save money in the long run to prevent serious health issues down the road which will be far more costly. It is not simply a matter of exercising and having a healthy diet. There are far too many poor people or even low middle class folks who cannot afford a gym membership let alone the time to do regular exercise, most work two jobs and extreme hours. Eating healthy means buying food that is very expensive, versus unhealthy food that is low cost. Grapes can easily cost up to 8 dollars for a bunch when a person of little means cannot afford that, and will buy 4-5 boxes of macaroni and cheese that will feed the family for 4-5 nights. See what I am saying?

This whole attitude of "every man for himself" and "tough luck" to the guy who doesn't buy health insurance, or cannot afford to buy health insurance is sickening to me. We all have an obligation to pool our resources and help these people. If that means getting a health care through government (public pay option) or whatever to give everyone health care and include preventative care we need to do it.

I do not agree with the "let him die" attitude.
hi_handsome's Avatar
Liberals are hysterical about a single audience member at CNN's Republican debate whom they believe wanted a hypothetical man without health insurance in a hypothetical coma to die -- hypothetically.

Democrats/Liberals want people in comas to die only when they are not hypothetical but real, like Terri Schiavo.

All you brain dead liberals might want to google the Schiavo controversy to see what side lobbied to have the plug pulled on her life


And before you liberal numbskulls talk about conservatives blood thirst and the death penalty; keep in mind that before being executed, the convicted are mirandized, given a court appointed (taxpayer funded) legal defense team, a jury of his peers, the right to confront the accuser, and the right to multiple appeals!

What rights do liberals grant the unborn before terminating? Zip, nada, nothing ! Originally Posted by Whirlaway
Just like the GOP and tea party supporters: always resort to name calling instead of actual compromise.

If it were up to conservatives, the hypothetical guy in the coma would die, the hypothetical lady that worked for the hypothetical school district for 40 years would never receive the benefits she earned, the hypothetical guy would work the hypothetical factory for only 3 bucks an hour, and we all could be hypothetical indenured servents with no access to hypothetical education. While we are are it lets take away the basic hypothetical services that the hypothetical police and fire department provide because no one pays hypothetical taxes. Deregulate hypothetical everything so one could potential die from the hypothetical meat they ate cause the FDA hypothetically does not exist. And forget about going to the hypothetical hospital because THERE IS NO hypothetical ACCESS TO hypothetical HEALTHCARE BECAUSE YOU ARE UNEDUCATED WORKING AT THE hypothetical FACTORY EARNING hypothetical 3 BUCKS AN HOUR: the ideal hypothetical of course.

Great debate by the way everyone !!
hi_handsome's Avatar
Your assuming that preventive medicine is just about weight control and healthy habits? No, well woman care exams are needed because a woman cannot control (healthy diet/exercise or not) if she gets cervical or uterine cancer, or fibroids or pelvic infections that are not related to STDs. Having regular eye exams to ensure healthy eye sight is needed, and getting regualr dental exams helps with preventing serious mouth problems that ultimately lead to other problems such as heart disease etc.

Preventative care / medicine will save money in the long run to prevent serious health issues down the road which will be far more costly. It is not simply a matter of exercising and having a healthy diet. There are far too many poor people or even low middle class folks who cannot afford a gym membership let alone the time to do regular exercise, most work two jobs and extreme hours. Eating healthy means buying food that is very expensive, versus unhealthy food that is low cost. Grapes can easily cost up to 8 dollars for a bunch when a person of little means cannot afford that, and will buy 4-5 boxes of macaroni and cheese that will feed the family for 4-5 nights. See what I am saying?

This whole attitude of "every man for himself" and "tough luck" to the guy who doesn't buy health insurance, or cannot afford to buy health insurance is sickening to me. We all have an obligation to pool our resources and help these people. If that means getting a health care through government (public pay option) or whatever to give everyone health care and include preventative care we need to do it.

I do not agree with the "let him die" attitude. Originally Posted by Guilty Pleasures

Great point!!!
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 09-16-2011, 12:27 PM
In your haste to degrade someone, you failed to even read or comprehend rather the Constitution guarantees healthcare or if that is an individual consideration in the pursuit of happiness.

. Originally Posted by blue3122
I am not trying to degrade you....but are we talking about the same Constitution that counted slaves as 3/5th human?

We live in the now, not 1776. People on both sides bring up the Constitution to fit their view of the world. That is all the fuc I was pointing out. You are no different. So bug off.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 09-16-2011, 12:33 PM
What rights do liberals grant the unborn before terminating? Zip, nada, nothing ! Originally Posted by Whirlaway
And you people wanna give embryonic cell and corporations the same rights as everyone else. WTF.

Seems like you are hell bent on getting them here and then hell bent on giving them no chance in life so you can lock them up at 25k a year cost to taxpayers!

Makes no fuc'n sense .

At least Terrie Shiavo had the good sense to just lie there and STFU instead of posting the most inane shit on a hooker board!

blue3122's Avatar
Give up whirl. WTF is a well know LWF.
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  • WTF
  • 09-16-2011, 01:43 PM
Give up whirl. WTF is a well know LWF. Originally Posted by blue3122
And you use the Constitution when it suits your fancy.

Both right and left wingers do that....but right about now it seems the Tea Folks are doing it the most.

Were you for pulling the plug on Terrie Shiavo?

Was it legal in your mind?