Rick Perry - Monster or Savior?

Lust4xxxLife's Avatar
One of my favorite Rick Perry quotes thus far: "The EPA is a cemetery for jobs!"
BirdDawg's Avatar
He's an AssHat! Dumber than a box of rocks, pisses away taxpayer money on himself and is dumber than Shrub. All that and the continued outsourcing of jobs and revenue to foreign concerns makes me puck. So in other words, he's a "rock star" in the GOP.
The GOP has gone so far down shit creek with the religious conservatives, tea baggers, out of the closer racists and other assorted parasites that I feel I may live long enough to see Republicans fail as an alternative to Liberals. Can't happen to soon...
I can't state this statistically, but he seems to be the most elusive Governor in Texas' recent past. Few if any interviews, dodges facing up to the real issues. Obviously he's talking a good game right now, but I see where that got us in 2008 with the Whitehouse. Think I'll sit back and watch the fireworks for a while longer. Unfortunately, we may be again voting for the lesser of two evils in 2012. Getting out of the jamb this country is in is going to hurt a while - not sure if everyone is ready for the pain. Too much entitlement mentality locked in, and I'm not sure Perry will bring much more than the same. So sad.
TexTushHog's Avatar
Bottom line, Government run health care is not sustainable without significant sacrifices in the quality of services and sacrifices in innovation of new products/cures.

What made this country great is rugged individualism and self interest. It is why our middle class owns homes, new cars, computers, cable and internet...etc while other countries do not.
Originally Posted by timothe
Why is it sustainable in every other industrialized country in the world? Are they smarter than us? Or just better at medicine?

And what countries have you visited where middle class folks don't have cable or computers? Most countries where I travel have better computer and data infrastructure than the U.S.
How amusing was Perry's performance in that last debate? Fucking inarticulate moron. He couldn't even hit the easily memorized talking points, much less a policy question that required some nuance. Amazing what a difference a few weeks can make.

Republicans in total disarray, they don't know whether to shit or go blind. They all hate the obvious front-runner, Romney, because he passed what they call Obama-Care in Massachusetts. They hate Perry because he gave the children of illegals in-state college tuition rates in Texas. They can't get behind Bachman because she is a certifiable lunatic and even they (surprisingly) know it. Ron Paul? Uh huh, he was crazy last time and still is.

What's next? Sarah Palin? Big fat boy Chris Christie? When was the last time we had a morbidly obese POTUS? Sure.

How much fun is this?
Lust4xxxLife's Avatar
After tonight's debate performance, Rick Perry's campaign must surely be dead.

Not only did Romney make him look like a fool, Perry said that we should 'end the UN'. How (un)inspiring. Perry needs to get back on his Texas porch. He's not ready to run with the big dogs.

Bachmann and Santorum were worse (IMHO), but Newt and Romney were head and shoulders above the crowd.

Btw... Latest Bachmann gaffe "Obama took us into Libya, and now he's taking us into Africa." Dumb as a rock.
Boltfan's Avatar
Btw... Latest Bachmann gaffe "Obama took us into Libya, and now he's taking us into Africa." Dumb as a rock. Originally Posted by Lust4xxxLife
But but but...

Libya is arab, ya know, middle east...

Now that is funny. I wish I could have heard it live.
jafun's Avatar
  • jafun
  • 10-19-2011, 02:57 PM
The mandatory HPV vaccination is a "gift" to Merck. Perry has also gifted Cintra Texas toll roads. He uses religion to mobilize the religious right Texans.
Chainsaw Anthropologist's Avatar
Btw... Latest Bachmann gaffe "Obama took us into Libya, and now he's taking us into Africa." Dumb as a rock. Originally Posted by Lust4xxxLife
This Bachmann statement indicates an interesting understanding of geography/anthropology that many seem to maintain.

They seem to believe that unless you are black you're not African, totally ignoring the northern part of Africa that abuts the Mediterranean Sea.

Conversely, most Arab countries are in Southwest Asia, so their residents, properly defined, are actually Asian.

My favorite African............of course, South African, Charlize Theron.

Boltfan's Avatar
So is the sexy Ms. Theron an african american?
JohnBoyjrh's Avatar
The way Perry stands , makes him look like he has a stick poked up his ass. How could anyone consider someone for presidency that has a stick up his ass ?
I remember when he declared I thought to myself, "Great, now everyone is going to have their Texas stereotype reinforced by watching this guy, a less that insightful blowhard. I'm glad he was a flash in the pan and is off the front page.

Now if we can just avoid the national news finding some guy who rode out the tornado in this trailer and putting that on the national news for three or four nights straight.

P.S. With the sort of money Perry can raise I guess he's never really out of it.