Smelly pussy

kerwil62's Avatar
Swamp ass balls and piss dick??? LMMFAO!!!!!!!!
boardman's Avatar
Don't Do doggy when she has a stank pussy, the worst.
  • gc161
  • 04-15-2019, 03:53 AM
Eccie is not the only game in town, hookers were gettin dicked centuries before the existence of Eccie.
Hard concept I know.
I know this with 0 reviews.
“Most have smelly ********”, most take 3-7 dicks a day
Ever seen the inside is a pussy, no way you getting that clean in between, that’s why half the time you walk into a room it’s smelling like someone killed a fish with burning tires. LOL

That stank is coming from bacteria, hopefully vaginosis, and not chlamydia or gonorrhea. Originally Posted by Spoogebob Cumpants
There is a hobby outside of this website. Check. Hobby goes back a long way. I don't doubt it. I doubt Mod's career with professional women.
  • gc161
  • 04-15-2019, 04:14 AM
[/QUOTE]I imagine there are lots of guys that take a Civie date to a dance club, dance with her for several hours, go home and dive right in, without a second thought.[/QUOTE]

I'm that guy. I'll ask her to K9 so I can smell her asshole. I love that and I crave it. I feel like there is a huge difference between what the mongers are whinging about versus workout sweat.
Spoogebob Cumpants's Avatar
There is a hobby outside of this website. Check. Hobby goes back a long way. I don't doubt it. I doubt Mod's career with professional women. Originally Posted by gc161
Concept does not apply to OP
Concept was for the poster immediately above.
But thanks for paying attention and trying to act like you know something.
Chronology... it’s the way a thread works, ebbs and flows in the conversation.
It’s repetitive and idiotic to quote the post directly above yours.
Aweshucks's Avatar
And we wonder why more providers don't post? SMDH..... Originally Posted by Oldrogue
How hard is it to get a wash cloth and a bar of lava soap and scrub that snatch? At least carry some damn febreeze and freshen it up. Originally Posted by Modmanix
FYI: any female who uses LAVA soap on her womanly area, isn’t knowledgeable on how to properly care for it. Women have specific soaps JUST for that, as well as feminine deodorant spray. It’s never a good idea to spray anything DIRECTLY on “her”.. Certain prophylactics, perfumes & regular soap can throw off a ladies ph balance.
FYI: any female who uses LAVA soap on her womanly area, isn’t knowledgeable on how to properly care for it. Women have specific soaps JUST for that, as well as feminine deodorant spray. It’s never a good idea to spray anything DIRECTLY on “her”.. Certain prophylactics, perfumes & regular soap can throw off a ladies ph balance. Originally Posted by Cameron Houston

Maybe thats true about a regular woman that may catch one dick a day, but the ones that catch multiple should step up their pussy game.
Russ38's Avatar
^^^^ Can’t lie....I LOL’d on that one.....
A former GF was a stickler for good hygiene and would always add an ounce or two of Clorox to her bath water, and would carry some diluted Clorox Spray & Clean with her for whenever the "mood" caught us.

She was the cleanest woman I've ever known and her feminine areas always had a clean & fresh fragrance.

She got me started on the Spray & Clean, and I now spray some on my washcloth when I shower and make sure my manly areas are well scrubbed and manscaped prior to an encounter.
Russ38's Avatar
In regards to the topic,...I don’t recall many of those type of issues with the ladies on this site. However, I’ve had a few TOFTT experiences in the past UITB where I wished I used better judgement.....ijs
Maybe thats true about a regular woman that may catch one dick a day, but the ones that catch multiple should step up their pussy game. Originally Posted by Kickrocks
You sir are wrong. Any female that’s educated on how to take care of her womanly parts knows that she can’t use just any kind of soap. It throws off your pH balance. Also, anytime a lady has intercourse, it’s always wise to use the restroom & clean herself as well, because latex itself has a rather weird scent. Some women aren’t properly educated on how to tend to it, or preventative measures to keep themselves healthy.
^^^ & when your PH balance goes off it causes yeast infections & all sorts of uncomfortable situations. Preach girl

Y’all are wild. The ones that complain about smelly pussy are seeing the wrong girls. Simple, either tell them to wash again, or leave. No one is forcing you to smell that! Haha, this is a funny thread btw, imo