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Mojojo's Avatar

Since the two people involved both had their say, it is then up to third parties to draw their own conclusion.

IMO it's not a suppression of discussion but is a suppression of people posting about something they can only speculate about, unless they were hiding in the closet when the session took place. Originally Posted by SP Hunter
Jad I dont disagree with you at all that he would've done the right thing however SP hit this one right on. There was really no need to go on with an issue where both parties stated their positions and their reasons. You have his side and her side, now its the potential client's choice to decide on what to do.
Eccie Addict's Avatar
I also agree that if the person she wrote the rebuttal to has let it go then so should we. It isn't our cross to bear in the first place.....
Jusanotherdude's Avatar
Jad I dont disagree with you at all that he would've done the right thing however SP hit this one right on. There was really no need to go on with an issue where both parties stated their positions and their reasons. You have his side and her side, now its the potential client's choice to decide on what to do. Originally Posted by mojojo213
I also agree that if the person she wrote the rebuttal to has let it go then so should we. It isn't our cross to bear in the first place..... Originally Posted by Eccie Addict
While I agree in theory with both of these.... the fact is that she took it much further than he did, and she got her chance to rebut his accounts, but he was not given the same to hers..... granted, there is usually not a good stoppping point for these things.... but I just didn't like the fact that he wrote an honest account of what happend, and in no way attacked her personally or anything like that, she jumped on, and said some less than nice things about him and also threw in some of 'her side' of things, and then had it immediately closed without giving HIM a chance to defend what she said about him..... things swing both ways..... ladies will read her side of it only (presumably) and think that J#s is just an asshole........... But like I said.... thanks to this thread it all worked out in the end......

Eccie Addict's Avatar
Considering she couldn't read ROS and had no idea of how far he took it or didn't take it then I think she probably responded... typically.

Just when does the rebuttal process stop? Who draws the line?
Wayward's Avatar
As in all things it should fall to the benevolent judgment of Father Wayward, didn't you get the memo EA?
Eccie Addict's Avatar
Memo!! What memo?? WTH were you afraid I was gonna start a thread about it or something. Next time don't leave me out. First I'm left out of you guys get together now the memos.... What's ECCIE coming to lol.
Jusanotherdude's Avatar
Considering she shouldn't be able to read ROS and (presumbably) had no idea of how far he took it or didn't take it then I think she probably responded... typically.

Just when does the rebuttal process stop? Who draws the line? Originally Posted by Eccie Addict

Fixed that for you........

Very valid point...... who does draw the line....... The Mods and Admins job..... which is what they did here....... its our job to bitch about the means and matter in which they do their jobs!!

so.... here I sit.... bitching!


Eccie Addict's Avatar
Fixed that for you........

Very valid point...... who does draw the line....... The Mods and Admins job..... which is what they did here....... its our job to bitch about the means and matter in which they do their jobs!!

so.... here I sit.... bitching!


JaD Originally Posted by Jusanotherdude
I had a feeling that would be your response

I kind of figured since she accused him of saying something he clearly did not that it was reasonable to assume she didn't read the ROS.... Not that she can't or didn't cause we all know how easy it is, but just an assumption based on how she responded....
Mr Clever's Avatar
Both parties have spoken....Seems like a thread for more drama.
boardman's Avatar
Memo!! What memo?? WTH were you afraid I was gonna start a thread about it or something. Next time don't leave me out. First I'm left out of you guys get together now the memos.... What's ECCIE coming to lol. Originally Posted by Eccie Addict
Then who the fuck is that guy that keeps showing up claiming to be you?
Eccie Addict's Avatar
Y'all better point him out next time I'm there cause there won't be none of that. I can't believe you guys that know me let somebody get away withh that.....
Jusanotherdude's Avatar
His bunny suit is pretty damn convincing........

Eccie Addict's Avatar
PHUCKER!!! Just wait...... That's it, it's time for another thread!!!!
I was in the closet I saw the whole thing...the bunny guy was there too.
I was in the closet. I saw the whole thing. The bunny guy was there too.