Ze Injured, Out of Work for a While, and Could Use Some Help

Grace has a "help the wild Ze" special going on...that is a great way to help in my opinion...with the awesome bonus of visiting with Grace plus helping out Ze. A win, win , win, win for sure!

How do we help.......???? Originally Posted by 8701
Grace has a "help the wild Ze" special going on...that is a great way to help in my opinion...with the awesome bonus of visiting with Grace plus helping out Ze. A win, win , win, win for sure! Originally Posted by goofy11
Yes she does, and Grace is fing awesome just got home from a visit!!! Great lady and well contributed to both her and Ze
~Ze~'s Avatar
  • ~Ze~
  • 11-13-2014, 10:59 AM
trying to respond with one hand here...

as a bike rider, we know the dangers... we all learn them pretty quickly. constantly thinking about and preventing them is most of what we do on the road. still, shit happens.

a truck came over on us too quickly to avoid it. no where to go. my friend and i were thrown off at 50mph onto the road and into a curb. the truck ran.

thankfully we were both wearing pretty good gear. we should have died any number of ways in the seconds from impact to stopping on the pavement.

my friend walked away with broken bones and will recover.

the first week, i had no use of one side of my body. arm and leg were in splints and muscles useless and body covered with spots of road rash..

now, a few weeks later, i can walk for the most part with slight pains... still no use of arm, but that is being worked on. IF i get use of it back, it wont be for many months. therapy and surgeries and even then unknown...

i need to thank properstranger, jules, and grace for all their help and support. HUGS.

also, to the many who sent emails and gifts, and well wishes...


i hope to continue to recover and invite each of you out for coffee to tell you in person how thankful i am and to share a really wicked story from first person...

to eccie- ive cleared my full pm box... and will try to reply to everyone as quickly as i can.
Best of Wishes to You Ze!!

I hope you have a full and speedy recovery
  • !VI!
  • 11-13-2014, 11:21 AM
trying to respond with one hand here...

as a bike rider, we know the dangers... we all learn them pretty quickly. constantly thinking about and preventing them is most of what we do on the road. still, shit happens.

a truck came over on us too quickly to avoid it. no where to go. my friend and i were thrown off at 50mph onto the road and into a curb. the truck ran.

thankfully we were both wearing pretty good gear. we should have died any number of ways in the seconds from impact to stopping on the pavement.

my friend walked away with broken bones and will recover.

the first week, i had no use of one side of my body. arm and leg were in splints and muscles useless and body covered with spots of road rash..

now, a few weeks later, i can walk for the most part with slight pains... still no use of arm, but that is being worked on. IF i get use of it back, it wont be for many months. therapy and surgeries and even then unknown...

i need to thank properstranger, jules, and grace for all their help and support. HUGS.

also, to the many who sent emails and gifts, and well wishes...


i hope to continue to recover and invite each of you out for coffee to tell you in person how thankful i am and to share a really wicked story from first person...

to eccie- ive cleared my full pm box... and will try to reply to everyone as quickly as i can. Originally Posted by ~Ze~

i hope yo recover well, good thing you were not killed...

it sucks they ran away from you instead of owning up to problem, was bike totaled as well?

hope for a proper recovery, good luck
Wanted to get clearance with Ze before posting.. and just got it--

If you are able to donate via Green Dot or via cash.. I will be seeing Ze either Wednesday or Thursday in person and can give her the funds. Just let me know. I'm available at my incall most days until 4, sometimes later for cash donations.. and of course, Green Dot is an anytime thing. Originally Posted by GracePreston

How do I donate through Green Dot? I hope its not too complicated. If I can't do it through there, I'll be in DFW November 26-30 and I can donate some cash. Please explain how to donate through Green Dot.

Ze if you're reading this, I hope you're ok. Praying for a speedy recovery.
Majesty you just buy a green dot reload pack at Walmart.
Majesty you just buy a green dot reload pack at Walmart. Originally Posted by Bridgette Ann

A reload pack and it has a code on it right? Do I PM Ze with that code number on it? Or how are yall doing this for her? I would seriously like to help.
Grace Preston's Avatar
PM the codes to me... Ze doesn't have a green dot, so I'm collecting her green dots and giving them to her when I see her (I generally see her every week). Or.. you can send them to her, but she's just gonna forward them on to me
Hercules's Avatar
trying to respond with one hand here... Originally Posted by ~Ze~
Soooooo how about a hand-job? I keyd! I keyd!

Glad you're improving.
Great to hear you are getting better Ze. I so enjoyed helping you out through Grace ;-) stay focused on your recovery and you shall achieve it quickly.
jimmylbob's Avatar
trying to respond with one hand here... Originally Posted by ~Ze~
It's OK, you get better with practice...

Seriously, sending healing vibes... never met you but never want to see you hurt!
< Insert sexually inappropriate comment here! >

Ze, you got my number, I would love to hear from you and roll by and keep you company.
TexasCowboy's Avatar
I wish you the very best, will send and IM to Grace to see the process to help and this can be forwarded to you......Hang in there and do not ever give up.....

Randall Creed's Avatar
Sorry to hear about that, ~Ze~ (btw, you people aren't pronouncing ~Ze's~ name right. It's ~Ze~, not Ze...you have to include the squiggly things).

Glad you're feeling better and wish you a full, enthusiastic recovery. I've always wanted to see you, but you're a little too old for me, and that deep blue tan you have there has me concerned.