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Whispers's Avatar
Whats the difference WK'ing for providers vs wk'ing for strippers? Originally Posted by VictoriaLyn

Honey.... I don't WK for strippers.....

I review strippers..... introduce them to guys.... help guys see the value that is there at times...

But you won't find a thread where a stripper is bashed where I defend her or any hint or suggestion of my sharing information with a stripper about what is on the board, in the Locker Room or in the ROS of reviews.....

There is a huge difference in my actions and the actions of someone that a lady knows she can call on a phone and ask for information and have ROS or Locker Room basically read to her..... or someone that will defend every negative word posted about a provider......
Rand Al'Thor's Avatar
come on now..... I don't have White Knights..... I have an "Attack Pack" as some have fondly referred to them as! Originally Posted by Whispers
a not so subtle difference that seems to escape many. Hard to call me a WK when I haven't come to your defense, but attack pack might fit... If someone posts something stupid, I like to comment.
Kit-4-Kat's Avatar
I'm not even going to read pages 3 & 4 of comments. I am not really THAT interested in all the BS going back & forth. What I REALLY would like to see is NICE threads. All the personal baiting & airing of dirty laundry sickens me. The only time I'm for it is when people are being HONEST about exposing someone who's a potential threat to our community such as an alert.

The shift in behavior by girls who enjoy OTC time w/ hobbyists is their choice but it blurs the lines for many who choose not to do so. I'm professional w/out being business-like but it's a fine line and difficult to walk sometimes.

The pleasure taken in slamming other community members is just spiteful & childish. Grow the fuck up and stay out of other people's personal lives.

The "look at me threads" have always pissed me off be it "look at my new pics" which I never have posted or boasted about other than sigline blurbs. When men do it, it's really annoying because I don't directly solicit biz, so if they're turning me on, I'm SOL unless they find me appealing. Otherwise, they're just arrogant SOB's usually. Can't stand that in a person.

So, your next thread topic? How about something nice & simple... and REAL.

I think I'll play some backgammon & watch a movie w/ my daughter... Or maybe I'll put myself down for a nap so I can kick this damned bronchitis. I"m definitely NOT hurting my back again moving boxes around & unpacking! lol


...AND... BTW, WTF does your continuous talk about strippers have to do w/ a HOBBY board anyway? Wrong fucking forum.
Whispers's Avatar
...AND... BTW, WTF does your continuous talk about strippers have to do w/ a HOBBY board anyway? Wrong fucking forum. Originally Posted by Kit-4-Kat
I know you can't read the reviews but all the strippers we talk about provide the same services any of the Indy Providers do. Just like the SWs as well....

Like you said.... It's a HOBBY board.... not an INDY board and certainly no longer an ADORABLE board.....

The shift in behavior by girls who enjoy OTC time w/ hobbyists is their choice but it blurs the lines for many who choose not to do so. I'm professional w/out being business-like but it's a fine line and difficult to walk sometimes. Originally Posted by Kit-4-Kat
No real shift in behavior..... Just that people having fin together are feeling more free to talk about it with the more controlling and manipulative personalities shut up.....

The pleasure taken in slamming other community members is just spiteful & childish. Grow the fuck up and stay out of other people's personal lives. Originally Posted by Kit-4-Kat
I agree..... Personal Lives have no business on the board.... Yet a certain female member keeps bringing her petty squabbles to CoEd and people are fed up with it and respond....

When she keeps her mouth shut and the personal out of it things move on without a mention of her don't they?

So, your next thread topic? How about something nice & simple... and REAL. Originally Posted by Kit-4-Kat
I tend to be very real in all my posts darlin....

...AND... BTW, WTF does your continuous talk about strippers have to do w/ a HOBBY board anyway? Wrong fucking forum. Originally Posted by Kit-4-Kat

I know you can't read the reviews but all the strippers we talk about provide the same services any of the Indy Providers do. Just like the SWs as well....

Like you said.... It's a HOBBY board.... not an INDY board and certainly no longer an ADORABLE board.....

Sorry.. I felt the need for it to be said again....
nuglet's Avatar
Up in where? Spit it out.

Up Where? Up someone's ass, either yours or Whispers, or both!
I'm surprised you needed that spelled out!

Says the guy with 2 more reviews... Reviews, when written should be truth, and written at the reviewer's discretion, not at the request of the provider.
Says the guy with 4 reviews. I write when I want, and at my discretion. How about you?

I'm not sure who you are referring to when you put "some" in quotes. I have no care for anyone using them to boost creds. Problem here is that you say they serve a purpose, what purpose is that when you write the reviews at the providers' request? Is it to help inform other mongers (but only when the providers ask), is it really to let us know which provider needed the additional publicity "for whatever reason", or are you helping the provider by asking when they would like a review? Do you think the value of the reviews would increase or decrease if everyone adopted your methods? Originally Posted by Rand Al'Thor
Actually what I think is that it's one of your business! I think you just like brown nosing ( do you know what that is or do I need to explain that too!) someone that you think will help you. Spineless comes to mind! No free will comes to mind. Otherwise why would you step in to defend ..uh WHO! I don't ask you who to fuck.. good thing since you don't review either, and I don't need your permission.. So grown up(as you so cleverly put it, Brainiac), try free will thinking for a change instead of being controlled. Really, try it, you'll like it.. It's scary at first, but go ahead, you'll get the hang of it..
Kit-4-Kat's Avatar
Whispers... You caught me on the wrong day to be LITERAL, but since you want it that way...

  • Vyt
  • 02-03-2011, 05:07 PM
Thanks for that, now I know your reviews are ads for providers who need the press, is new, or for whatever reason, need an additional ad. Originally Posted by Rand Al'Thor
Oh come on. I've done the same thing and I've always been open about, in fact the only times I've ever done reviews (1 here, I think maybe 4 or 5 on ASPD) were for new providers who needed the visibility, and I said that straight up *in the review*.

If you don't think a positive review isn't money in the bank for a provider, you're fooling yourself. They live or die based on how often their names appear in the review forum - far more read that then the drama festival here.
sixxbach's Avatar
Okay everyone, let's take a deep breath or drink some hot mexican chocolate and tone down the insults.

sixxbach's Avatar
Okay everyone, let's take a deep breath or drink some hot mexican chocolate and tone down the insults.

nuglet's Avatar
a not so subtle difference that seems to escape many. Hard to call me a WK when I haven't come to your defense, but attack pack might fit... If someone posts something stupid, I like to comment. Originally Posted by Rand Al'Thor
Really!?!?!? Well THAT'S something stupid.. what are you going to post about that? It'll be interesting to see what you have to say about something STUPID you already said!!
nuglet's Avatar
Oh come on. I've done the same thing and I've always been open about, in fact the only times I've ever done reviews (1 here, I think maybe 4 or 5 on ASPD) were for new providers who needed the visibility, and I said that straight up *in the review*.

If you don't think a positive review isn't money in the bank for a provider, you're fooling yourself. They live or die based on how often their names appear in the review forum - far more read that then the drama festival here. Originally Posted by Vyt
nuglet's Avatar
Sorry Sixbach: I kinda think he invited it by opening a poll asking us what we wanted him to whine about next. But you got it.. that's a good idea.
Whispers's Avatar
Whispers... You caught me on the wrong day to be LITERAL, but since you want it that way...

FUCK OFF Originally Posted by Kit-4-Kat
I guess Houston didn't agree with you?

So you are being "LITERAL" and I am supposed to "FUCK OFF"?

I'm not sure what I am supposed to fuck off of I guess? in the literal sense exactly what does it mean to Fuck "off".... You could have told me to "GET fucked" or suggested I "Fuck Up" I could have literally done either.....

But Off? sorry.... LITERALLY.. I don't get it...

What ever happened to that "Day of Reckoning" by the way? Is that anything like my "Armageddon" theories?
Whispers's Avatar
Really!?!?!? Well THAT'S something stupid.. what are you going to post about that? It'll be interesting to see what you have to say about something STUPID you already said!! Originally Posted by nuglet

LMAO!!!!!!!!! I think ya went and got him all flustered Thor.....
Guest031411-2's Avatar
This is quite a fun read...