Who is the keeper of the clock? Hobbiest or Provider

MOCHAakaMOCHA's Avatar
While it's the provider's time being paid for I think the burden to keep track of the time lies more with the client IF the provider is supposed to maintain the illusion of not being a clock-watcher.
KCQuestor's Avatar
I'm not "watching" a clock but I do have a system. I put on music. When most albums are over, I know that we are close to an hour and I better take care of anything unfinished. Originally Posted by SuzyQ
A well-planned playlist is a terrific way to keep track of when the time is nearing the end. Just don't have the 1:00 mark start playing "On the Road Again"
...Just don't have the 1:00 mark start playing "On the Road Again" Originally Posted by KCQuestor
Or this... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q8Tiz6INF7I
Modda's Avatar
  • Modda
  • 11-20-2013, 01:15 AM
I'm not "watching" a clock but I do have a system. I put on music. When most albums are over, I know that we are close to an hour and I better take care of anything unfinished. Originally Posted by SuzyQ
So you r giving a hint saying that one should visit you when there is a power outage in your area
First off Chloe your awesome.
Second she is NOT a clock watcher. Going over a few mins 5 10 15 I would think nothing of it. 2 HOURS OVER!!! Holy shit you knew better man. Some of you use the bartender reference. So you give the bartender your card drink all night and only have 1/3 of the cost that's the bartenders fault? You should have said I something... anything... She is super cool and easy to get along with. You state that she may have lost a regular, I say this You may have lost one of the Premier Providers in KC.
malwoody's Avatar
I think the OP get's it by now..

To his credit he has stayed quiet and I respect that and believe
he is overall a credit to this forum..

Just my dime for what it's worth..
Egg timers....cures everything!!
bbwlover's Avatar
Dime? I thought it was 2 cents. Is that how you claim 10 inches. lol

Seriously: Malwoody is right.
I have an idea! I'll be the timekeeper! I volunteer to watch and let both parties know when it is the two minute warning and how many time outs they have remaining. Simple solution. I could even wear a referee shirt and blow a whistle.
Topgun007's Avatar
For the record, Chloe is an amazing individual with an excellent skill set and for those that have not experienced it yet you are missing out. She is one of our Super Premium Providers or SPP for short. There are not many in that category.
I purposely did not bring her name up do avoid any drama and solicited good constructive criticism as I have done before.

I went to the library to check out "Hobbing for Dummies" but all the copies were checked out.
Prior to the board posting, I did reach out to Chloe to make it right. At the end of the day all we have is our reputation. I show up on time, clean, treat all the woman with respect because they all deserve it, my credit is good, I always bring treats. And we usually have fun. I feel good that between the two of us we shall figure it out because she wants my business and I want her in the future.
Some of you have had good input and others not so good. I did learn some things and will be able to incorporate them in the future.
If I don't know the provider well, I only take a certain amount of cash with me and no CCs. I always take 150% of the rate per the time I want. If we go over 5-15 minutes (based on I hour), I don't ask, I just tip the 25%. If we go more than 15 min over, I tip 50% without asking. That is fair, the girls gotta eat.

Have never had a situation where a provider has asked for an additional hour donation for going less than 30 minutes over. I did have a provider that ignored my request to stop so I don't pop after about 15 min of BBBJ. She wanted another complete donation to continue. I didn't argue, just left with a lesson learned.
If she wanted an extra complete donation as we ran over, I would truthfully tell her I only have 50% cash and be prepared to leave if that was not acceptable.

The lady makes the rules. I can say yes or no. I watch the clock and ask before it runs out. The ladies we all see multiple times know that milking our wallets will not lead to repeat dates.

I have also run less than the hour I paid upfront for and went back out to my car for more than the 50% tip I brought in. : ) thanks AsianLinn
I have an idea! I'll be the timekeeper! Originally Posted by HeyMikeyHeLikesIt

I have a feeling if you see some of the guys on here (some couldnt get a date in a mexican whorehouse) attempting to get a nut with these lovely girls...you might throw up and toss a challenge flag
growler's Avatar
I don't normally comment on these types of threads. Because the truth is that only the two people involved, know what really happened in that room. But for some reason Topgun I feel compelled to share a few thoughts with you. As one man to another.

Topgun.......most guys that go to see escorts. Don't really give a thought to the types of things,such as this, that the women who chose to do this. Deal with ranging from the simply annoying to even the scary. This misunderstanding of yours. And I call it a misunderstanding. Because I believe, that your expectations based on your first meeting with Chloe, were different than her's based on your own post here. To me " at least on hour" implies a desire for possibly a even longer date.

This pass spring I had a indent similar to yours yet different. I thought about what had transpired that evening, and her point of view. Then I sent her a note along with rectifying the situation. I don't know about you. But I didn't want to be perceived as the kind of man, who will take advantage of another person/ situation. And particularity this lady. My point Topgun, is that when you go to see a GFE provider.Such as Chloe. Who is one of a hand full of lady's in this town. That can immerse themselves into you/ the moment, as much as you. That it's easy to lose sight of the nature, of why you are there to begin with.

It's not for me to tell another man what he should do. We each walk our own path, as I like to say lol. But I suggest you might consider getting some type of prepaid card.For the different of what you gave her, and a longer date. Then email her the info. It could go a long way in improving your situation, and how she might view you. As well as the other women who read this board, who you might chose to meet with.

Topgun, I'm sure that you have heard this a few times in your life. But it bears repeating.... The things we say/ the things we do/ how we chose to treat others. Does have a way of coming back to us. Okay I'll get off my soap box now lol. Anyway it's not my intent to criticize you Topgun, just my two cents.
SuzyQ brings up a good point about being labeled not a clock watcher. Its pretty common to see hobbyists make comments about a session running way over time in reviews.
In my opinion this might be the ultimate ymmv item and if you find a provider who is willing to hang out for additional time off the clock that should stay between the two of you. It creates an expectation that she won't be able to meet with every client.