What is your definition of Energy Independence

You've gotten me confused with Salty wanting to tap your ass. Originally Posted by WTF
.... No, Bambino is NOT confused.
He knows YOU'RE the poofter fellow who keeps
chasing him.

... But the lads here DO keep schooling YOU on every issue
there is here, WTF.

### Salty
bambino's Avatar
.... No, Bambino is NOT confused.
He knows YOU'RE the poofter fellow who keeps
chasing him.

... But the lads here DO keep schooling YOU on every issue
there is here, WTF.

### Salty Originally Posted by Salty Again
Poofter? Yes, WTF is a Poofter!!!!!!!!

lustylad's Avatar

Brit/Aussie slang for a male homosexual, based on the permanant stretching of the anus that results from repeated anal sex, which causes farts to be emitted with a "pooft" sound rather than the usual, stacatto "bra-a-a-p".

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  • Tiny
  • 03-13-2022, 03:50 AM
And yes I understood actions vs words. If you did, you'd know that energy companies have been drilling more wells not less since Trump shut down the economy. Originally Posted by WTF
Trump shut down the economy? PLEASE

Significant is relative....it is over 70% of what I have invested. Probably not much to a rich man like you but the position is heavily loaded towards energy. Originally Posted by WTF
Please explain what your definition is and how that will keep our oil prices under control here in this country.

The last thread exposed a bunch nativity or flat out arrogance and ignorance. Originally Posted by WTF
You're being much too hard on yourself. Certainly the "nativity," arrogance and ignorance in your posts about energy aren't even on the same scale with some of our friends who believe Russia's invading Ukraine to shut down Hunter Biden's biolabs.

We're roughly self sufficient in terms of oil plus refined products. We're a net importer of crude oil and a net exporter of refined products. Put another way, we import crude oil from places like Mexico, Canada and Venezuela, refine it, and export a lot of it. If we modified our refinery capacity to refine more lighter crude and less heavier, higher sulfur crude, and turned away imported oil, we would be self sufficient, but there's no point in doing that. We're more prosperous when we take advantage of comparative advantage.

We have huge reserves of coal. USA coal production has however been declining around 9% a year, because of competition with low cost, clean-burning natural gas and restrictions put in place by the Obama administration. We export coal, and would be exporting a lot more if not for restrictions by Oregon and Washington on Wyoming coal. The Greenies in the Northwest won't allow Wyoming producers to transport and export coal through their states. Would export of Wyoming coal increase worldwide CO2 commissions? No. Instead Asian markets buy lower calorific, dirtier coal from Russia and Indonesia.

Thanks to the ingenuity of our oil and gas industry, and no thanks to deluded Progressives, we produce more natural gas than any country in the world, and are a major exporter. Thanks largely to natural gas, our emissions of carbon dioxide fell from 6 billion metric tons in 2007 to 4.6 billion metric tons in 2020.

We are not "self sufficient" in solar or wind. We import lots of equipment for solar from China and parts for windmills from various countries. Note that without government mandates and tax subsidies for solar and wind, we wouldn't have much solar or wind capacity.

One of your points appears to be that our self sufficiency in oil + refined products doesn't have any effect on the price of gasoline or our general level of prosperity. I beg to disagree. If the Progressives had their way, U.S. oil production would be a fraction of the current level. The price of oil would be higher, and OPEC and Russia would have more power to set prices. Furthermore, you disregard the prosperity that can accrue to the people in a country that produces lots of oil and gas, if the resource is managed well. Gasoline prices are higher in Norway, a big oil exporter, than most places. But per capita GDP is much higher than the rest of the world, largely because of the oil. You can say the same thing about Qatar, Abu Dhabi and other places. Here in the good old USA, you're benefitting from the dividends you receive from oil and gas midstream and upstream companies.

I believe you're a bit like Captain Midnight, who has said he buys shares when prices are low and socks them away for an eternity. Meaning at such time as the Millenial voters outnumber the rest of us and Progressives gain power, you're going to be stuck with your oil and gas pipeline companies and producers, which will be worth a whole lot less.

Remember, Bernie Sanders, who came reasonably close to winning the 2016 and 2020 elections -- he probably would have beaten Trump if he'd been the Democratic nominee. Bernie would ban fracking immediately. So would Elizabeth Warren. Biden during his campaign said on a couple of occasions that he wanted to ultimately ban fracking, and he would stop issuing new drilling permits and leases on federal lands and the federal offshore. And he wanted to put the USA on a track to "0" net carbon emissions by 2050. Thankfully though the man's not bat shit crazy, so he's abandoned some those positions when faced with reality. He did shut down the Keystone XL pipeline project though.

But the rest of the lot haven't changed. Warren, Sanders et al have just proposed a Windfall Profits Tax. That worked really well the last time, didn't it?
  • Tiny
  • 03-13-2022, 04:31 AM
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Normally, it would be humorous when some of these self-anointed anti-O&G experts residing in the Houston metro area (or even anywhere in Texas) start trashing the petro-chemical business and activity.

Texas at the moment is one of the more secure states in the country as far as the economy is concerned. That's for a couple of reasons and one of them is O&G for decades. Hopefully, the political cycle will continue to embrace conservatives from ANY political group, so long as their principles do not conflict with developing employment opportunities and freedom from government oversight and restrictions while keeping criminal activity under control and marginalized.

Unfortunately, there are some areas that need political attention in the State with a correction in the upcoming election cycles. Those areas ARE the Houston metro, DFW area, and Austin area. The SocialisticLiberal experiments in those areas have failed and will continue to do so.

Just a fragment of the economic engine driving the Texas economy:

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  • 03-13-2022, 06:21 AM

well professor it's really quite simple even you should know that if you are a net exporter you have a surplus and because you have plenty it's not a "in demand" resource so the price is cheap.

thank you valued poster Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
Now we are getting to the root cause of this "energy independence" myth.

Does anyone else agree with this definition of how supply and demand actually works in the energy sector?

Come on Trump lovers....I know many of you do. Let's see who we need to help the most before moving along.
bambino's Avatar
Now we are getting to the root cause of this "energy independence" myth.

Does anyone else agree with this definition of how supply and demand actually works in the energy sector?

Come on Trump lovers....I know many of you do. Let's see who we need to help the most before moving along. Originally Posted by WTF
Good morning Poofter!!!!!!

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  • WTF
  • 03-13-2022, 06:30 AM
Trump shut down the economy? PLEASE Originally Posted by Tiny
President Donald Trump is extending the voluntary national shutdown for a month as sickness and death from the coronavirus pandemic rise in the U.S.

The initial 15-day period of social distancing urged by the federal government expires Monday and Trump had expressed interest in relaxing the national guidelines at least in parts of the country less afflicted by the pandemic. But instead he decided to extend them through April 30, a tacit acknowledgment he'd been too optimistic. Many states and local governments have stiffer controls in place on mobility and gatherings.
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  • WTF
  • 03-13-2022, 07:19 AM
One of your points appears to be that our self sufficiency in oil + refined products doesn't have any effect on the price of gasoline or our general level of prosperity Originally Posted by Tiny
You know what they say about assumptions. You have gotten both wrong in this case.

First I'll say the price of oil/gasoline has a huge effect on my level of prosperity and it appears others too. In my case it is a huge net positive. Which will be the basis of our lesson today.

Let me explain my actual point to dispel your assumptions. First the erroneous assumption that energy independence = low oil prices in this country. This is akin to believing that lowering tax rates always increases tax revenue.

We are basically energy independent now....yet oil prices are through the roof. Why some of you might ask? Because oil is a world wide commodity. A war say in Ukraine can decrease the world wide supply much more so than this country could make up for. Economics 101.

So while our production levels matter in the overall scheme, they are not the driving force. Like tax cuts , many of you Reagan/Trump worshipers are mistaken.

Oil Prosperity. Do you believe this country's oil prosperity is net beneficial to all? It does not appear so when prices are high! And it is not so when the prices are extremely low. High prices may benefit fewer of us but it does benefit those invested. The high price at the pump is more than offset.

So what you and others should have learned is that "energy independence" (God I hate that misleading term) has nothing to do with the price of gasoline in this country. The price of gasoline in determined by WORLD WIDE SUPPLY AND DEMAND.

That world wide supply and demand can effect folks differently in this country depending on their investment positions.

There, I've explained my actual position which was not in line with your assumption. Hopefully that clears up your confusion.

I'm leery as it has been years and you have not grasped the erroneous tax cut assumptions!

I'm not even going to go in detail about rig counts and oil prices here but one should invest on those things and not wtf Bernie Sanders has to say. Had you, you too may not be negatively impacted by these high gasoline prices.
Originally Posted by Tiny View Post
One of your points appears to be that our self sufficiency in oil + refined products doesn't have any effect on the price of gasoline or our general level of prosperity

You know what they say about assumptions. You have gotten both wrong in this case
Originally Posted by WTF
wtf is nothing if not flexible

he's unpindownable

he can hop from any point to land on any other point, very perfidious he is toward any point

he's quite nimble in that regard
LexusLover's Avatar
I'm hesitating to see who exactly "they" is in this quote:

Originally Posted by WTF:
You know what they say about assumptions.
Some folks like to be in a crowd or mob for protection and validity, so they make up broad and encompassing terms and words to appear as though there is a lot of people approving of what they are saying.

The also frequently make stupid remarks like:

"The judges agree with me!" Like he/she said it and the judge's approved it!

Some might call it "fraud," and others may call it "slander"!

When Bitten did it in law school it was called "plagiarism"!

And he's still LYING and FALSELY taking credit for what others have done if it looks good for him and blaming others when he doesn't! That's why those stupid people described above voted for him!

"Birds of a feather.....!" But in this case a flock if ignorant parrots!

Example: The last time the OP started one of these threads it didn't end up well for him so .... he started a fresh beating!
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  • WTF
  • 03-13-2022, 08:44 AM
Originally Posted by Tiny View Post
One of your points appears to be that our self sufficiency in oil + refined products doesn't have any effect on the price of gasoline or our general level of prosperity

wtf is nothing if not flexible

he's unpindownable

he can hop from any point to land on any other point, very perfidious he is toward any point

he's quite nimble in that regard Originally Posted by nevergaveitathought
My general level of prosperity has multiplied since oil prices and output has increased.

Anything more specific you want to know?

Just ask.

Are you one of these Trump loving worshippers who think energy independence mean low prices all the time? Evidently that is wtf Wacko believes. I'm shocked Tiny is in that camp, hopefully I've read something wrong.

Is the Rooster responsible for Sunrise in your world? Since we are currently energy independent....why are prices so high.

Why did oil prices continue to drop even as we shut down rigs in this country? Hint ...because the Russians and Saudis kept pumping to bankrupt out PRIVATE oil companies. To teach us a lesson about the energy independence myth. Evidently it did not work with some. Some of you numbnuts still believe in this myth....this myth that we in this country determine the price of oil. Wr alone. Nothing could be further from the truth.