Biden WantsTo Ban 9mm Handguns

the_real_Barleycorn's Avatar
The reason crime is out of control is because Fascists like you don't like the direction the country is headed.

And, no, I don't think that will happen. There are too many psychos like you and Barley (sorry to lump you in with the Fascist here, you're just a gun nut) to elect enough for a 2/3 majority with the sense and balls.

You should know by now I'm just trying to get under your skin. Didn't work. Just trollin'. Not my main issue. Originally Posted by eccieuser9500
You don't know what the word fascist means. Look to Biden to see a close approximation. If government can't do it (we have a constitution) then business will do it for them. Remember how the Jews couldn't work for a college, hospital, or bank under the Nazis from the early days. It just got worse after that.
the_real_Barleycorn's Avatar
Unvalde is a perfect example of how the almighty system failed. The backcheck didn't work because other liberal laws got in the way. The cops didn't work because they were scared. The school didn't work because (in my opinion) they had become jaded with all the lockdowns brought about by illegal aliens wandering through town. Massive, systematic failure by government on many levels and we're supposed to trust them to get it right from now on?
Jacuzzme's Avatar
The reason crime is out of control is because Fascists like you don't like the direction the country is headed.
Have you been asleep the last few years. Leftists encourage crime and discourage punishment, of course that’s why crime is through the roof.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Oh, absolutely it’s a powerful round. My point is if you want an uber-powerful round for self defense, the 10mm gives you that x15 instead of x5. They’ll both take down a bear, but even though an automatic will never have the cool factor of a nice wheel gun, I’m going with the higher capacity every time. I believe the 10mm auto has become the firearm of choice (after their rifle of course) for woodsmen. Originally Posted by Jacuzzme

agree completely more power is preferable however in a conceal carry situation a lot of powerful hand guns are impractical. hard to conceal and in some cases too difficult to draw easily. this is why i came to favor a mid range size with enough power to get the job done.

in a combat situation you don't have these concerns. so strap that big cannon on your hip in an open holster and don't worry about it.
The reason crime is out of control is because Fascists like you don't like the direction the country is headed.

And, no, I don't think that will happen. There are too many psychos like you and Barley (sorry to lump you in with the Fascist here, you're just a gun nut) to elect enough for a 2/3 majority with the sense and balls.

You should know by now I'm just trying to get under your skin. Didn't work. Just trollin'. Not my main issue. Originally Posted by eccieuser9500
Biden is going to send people into every house in the USA and take all the guns...including BB fucking morons.

Lol n omg n maybe get more stupid if possible you fucking clueless morons that still believe Mexico will pay for the wall
Biden is going to send people into every house in the USA and take all the guns...including BB fucking morons.

Lol n omg n maybe get more stupid if possible you fucking clueless morons that still believe Mexico will pay for the wall
Originally Posted by Tsmokies
So what you're saying is the Government is going to use Gun Violence on Law Abiding Americans to stop Gun Violence? That sounds like a moronic plan only a dumb liberal would rally around.
HedonistForever's Avatar
Levianon17 quoted 9500

Originally Posted by eccieuser9500

You should know by now I'm just trying to get under your skin. Didn't work. Just trollin'. Not my main issue.

And another reason I put him on ignore
eccieuser9500's Avatar
You don't know what the word fascist means. Look to Biden to see a close approximation. If government can't do it (we have a constitution) then business will do it for them. Remember how the Jews couldn't work for a college, hospital, or bank under the Nazis from the early days. It just got worse after that. Originally Posted by the_real_Barleycorn

So is Biden a Fascist or a Socialist? Why the fear mongering about a Socialist takeover of the country? You don't even know what the hell you're talking about. And you're supposed to be a history teacher? C'mon!

I feel sorry for your students who will only get dumber under your tutelage. I know now that you can take the tough talk, unlike others.

Have you been asleep the last few years. Leftists encourage crime and discourage punishment, of course that’s why crime is through the roof. Originally Posted by Jacuzzme
I guess we're just supposed to think January 6th never happened. Fascist extreme right wingers is the reason why crime is out of control. Who's the one asleep at the wheel. Sounds like you are. That was building up for decades.

Levianon17 quoted 9500

Originally Posted by eccieuser9500

You should know by now I'm just trying to get under your skin. Didn't work. Just trollin'. Not my main issue.

And another reason I put him on "ignore"
Originally Posted by HedonistForever

Right. He knows his sensitive little soul can't take it. Credit to Whacko! He can. And it still works. I do get on your nerves. All you sorry mofos!
eccieuser9500's Avatar
So what you're saying is the Government is going to use Gun Violence on Law Abiding Americans to stop Gun Violence? That sounds like a moronic plan only a dumb liberal would rally around. Originally Posted by Levianon17

So what you're showing is you can't read. Is that what he stated? Or is that what you heard? Moron!
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Hahahaha............... Originally Posted by Levianon17

i think he actually believes that .. just like he believes he'd be better off in that fairly tale utopian society he wants. the great socialist world order.

he'll be standing in line for his two loafs of bread and a pound of bologna and some greens while the ruling elite drive by in their limo's headed to their vacation dachas. then it'll begin to dawn on him he got hoodwinked by the big socialist lie.
... Look at Canada - Justin Trudeau.

... No More perchase of handguns in Canada. ...

... There's a trite saying: "Elections have Consequences!" ...

### Salty
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
... Look at Canada - Justin Trudeau.

... No More perchase of handguns in Canada. ...

... There's a trite saying: "Elections have Consequences!" ...

### Salty Originally Posted by Salty Again

speaking of Canada ...
So what you're showing is you can't read. Is that what he stated? Or is that what you heard? Moron! Originally Posted by eccieuser9500
That's what the end game essentially is. All Governments are corrupt America is no different. They aren't concerned about someone else killing you. They plan to do that themselves but at present they have a bit of a gun problem they need to resolve first.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar

I guess we're just supposed to think January 6th never happened. Fascist extreme right wingers is the reason why crime is out of control. Who's the one asleep at the wheel. Sounds like you are. That was building up for decades.

[snip] Originally Posted by eccieuser9500

lol... out of control crime is in blue cities. whos running those cities?