
sue_nami's Avatar
Kid sorry, peanut gallery was not meant as a slam to you. and yes it did, thanks. I just wish everyone here could be nice and be real and genuine, treat others with kindness and respect and it would be a better place for all. pollyanna has spoken.
I am newish here. I don't normally follow posts or comment. I am giggling so hard at the trolling as I desperately relax and enjoy my morning coffee. I will desperately wait for my sweetheart fellows to call as I create art and play games and watch movies. I might even do some desperate yoga. I really enjoy what I do, I love men and I love giving pleasure. I don't stress about it. If they call I am very happy and give them my best. If they don't call I have a life to live. I especially like older gentlemen. They don't get enough love. I think that it doesn't matter what the lady is trying to say, some of the men here will troll them. It's a fact of internet life and I have gotten really good at scrolling on by. I don't think that talking about what turns you on and why in a co-ed thread is advertising. That's my measly two cents.
Whispers's Avatar
I just wish everyone here could be nice and be real and genuine, treat others with kindness and respect and it would be a better place for all. Originally Posted by sue_nami
Not everyone here are desperate whores....

Without the desperate whores it would be a better place for all.
Whispers's Avatar
I am newish here. I don't normally follow posts or comment. I am giggling so hard at the trolling as I desperately relax and enjoy my morning coffee. I will desperately wait for my sweetheart fellows to call as I create art and play games and watch movies. I might even do some desperate yoga. I really enjoy what I do, I love men and I love giving pleasure. I don't stress about it. If they call I am very happy and give them my best. If they don't call I have a life to live. I especially like older gentlemen. They don't get enough love. I think that it doesn't matter what the lady is trying to say, some of the men here will troll them. It's a fact of internet life and I have gotten really good at scrolling on by. I don't think that talking about what turns you on and why in a co-ed thread is advertising. That's my measly two cents. Originally Posted by Josie Ann Pussycat
Half a century old and having to turn to the life of a whore? You should save your 2 cents.
Half a century old and having to turn to the life of a whore? You should save your 2 cents. Originally Posted by Whispers
And you at over half a century old and and pushin' 400lbs. should save your 2 cents...
Half a century old and having to turn to the life of a whore? You should save your 2 cents. Originally Posted by Whispers
Baby, you are so salty. You need to call up your favorite girl and get some release. It's not good for you to be so tense. I do this because I love men and sex and having fun. I have the luxury of having this hobby because I enjoy it. I am half a century old which means I have enough life experience to find you amusing as you try to insult me. Meanwhile, I adore my guys and you have zero control over that. This fat old lady loves the D and loves blowing minds. I own it, baby.
FirePhoenix's Avatar
Pussycat I must say that I do love your style. Own it with your head held high and an extra sass in your step!
Still Looking's Avatar
Pussycat I must say that I do love your style. Own it with your head held high and an extra sass in your step! Originally Posted by FirePhoenix
What does having extra ass effecting your step have to do with this threAD? No thoughts of your own? Or you just trying to steel some sunshine away from Sue Nami?

This is a ThreAD already posted before by the OP. Like most everything she posts is a "self promoting" ADVERTISMENT! I understand why her side kick jumped in butt why "you"? You bitch and complain about everything. You want rules / guidelines to help you and you alone. You were given COED and what did you do? Jack Shit! If you had it your way you'd turn it into a geriatric hooker blog involving you and who ever else is in there with you (the voices) and the rest of the desperate social security drawing has beens. It would be so bad it you guys owned it but you talk all this craziness about the countless clients you have along with those wonderful business lives.
sue_nami's Avatar
Fire Phoenix pay no attention to the troll behind the keyboard, We all know strong women support each other. thanks for being you, being kind and being sweet.
Fire Phoenix, isn't it funny when men who have no impact on our lives get on the internet with weak attempts at trolling? You rock, girl, keep being awesome. What fragile little egos they have. It's hilarious. I just want to give a shout out to all the older men reading this thread. We got you covered, babes. Pay no attention to the future geriatrics giving you shit. We love you.
sue_nami's Avatar
FUTURE? you haven't met these trolls in person yet. LMAO
FirePhoenix's Avatar
SL, you have made some very interesting comments. Good to know that you JUST verified a theory I had. You a real sicko! That is some MAJOR FUCK UP SHIT YOUR PULLING!!! And for what? For talking and standing up For myself on a coed sex board?! Damn dude your that shallow?
Still Looking's Avatar
Pussycat I must say that I do love your style. Own it with your head held high and an extra sass in your step! Originally Posted by FirePhoenix
Fire Phoenix pay no attention to the troll behind the keyboard, We all know strong women support each other. thanks for being you, being kind and being sweet. Originally Posted by sue_nami
Fire Phoenix, isn't it funny when men who have no impact on our lives get on the internet with weak attempts at trolling? You rock, girl, keep being awesome. What fragile little egos they have. It's hilarious. I just want to give a shout out to all the older men reading this thread. We got you covered, babes. Pay no attention to the future geriatrics giving you shit. We love you. Originally Posted by Josie Ann Pussycat
Okay you three... I'll be addressing YOU but really this is for the rest of the board members to read. That way perhaps EVERYONE will get a better working understanding of whats happening here!

First off I'm a gentleman. A hell of a nice guy. There might be a chance that all three of you are "ladies" nice people. The kind of people that the average person would enjoy their company and even call friend.(Lets table that for now!)

All of use have fake names and are hiding behind a key board. Allowing each to take on what ever persona each wants. (Lets table that for now!)

Each of us have are needs and wants. Perhaps "all" different but none the same were human. Likes dislikes doesn't matter there is room in this world for all of us. (Lets table that for now!)

I like fucking hot young chicks I have no business fucking. Hell on age alone! How am I able to get hot young chicks to suck & fuck me? Wait for it.... (Cue drum roll) I pay cash! What ever they want. I don't negotiate. Don't need to. I'm a happy camper. On the board not much bothers me. Hate hearing about men that hurt ladies, don't pay them and have never been a fan of agencies or pimps. You might thinck the "Usual Suspects" get to me? Not a chance. They are nothing more than jealous bitches hiding behind mandles and dudes with no budget. Two tears in a bucket if you know what I mean. The one thing that perturbs me is hookers that feel the guidelines for advertising don't apply to them. It's a slap in the face of the hundreds of providers here in Austin alone that follow those guidelines. And since I like "all" chicks I'm defending them. I know ThreADS are NOT against the guidelines! Your right but pointing out how desperate you are in posting them isn't either! So you guys post your dip shit look at me, look at me hey let me shove this up your ass ThreADS. Oh and where should I stay while in Austin? Then you run in and tell her flashing your big ASS SIG LINES like your being helpful. I would love nothing better than for you three to post hobby related thought provoking threads and posts that serve the better of the community. But if you continue to post ThreADS I will come after you. You say your 39 and are drawing social security? I'll point it out! You jump on a scale and it says "hey one at a time". I'll point it out! You hiding shit when posting your geriatric show case pictures. I'll point it out. And we all know how much time I have on my hands... don't we? You might get lucky and I'll fuck myself to death or worse get banned. Rest assured I'll be back and we'll pick up where we left off! I know all advertising is good advertising..... right? Bet me!

Okay now you guys are hookers. You structure your business as you wish. You have your reasons for being hookers. But at the end of the day you do it for money. That's right... you fuck and suck dick for money. Who are your clients? Guys that look like they just walked out of a GQ photo shoot? No old, fat, bald, goofy looking, smelly, little dicked, social inept dip shits like "ME". How proud you three must be. Right? You three attack on a personal level any one who calls you on your BULLSHIT! and you ignore the fact that "you're" at the bottom of the hooker food chain. You take an old or ugly chick to a club no one wants her. Get her a show case and suddenly guys are willing to pay her for her services. That's one I haven't figured out yet. But that's for me and these guys to address.

So now lets summarize...

1) We're all nice people.
2) We're all hiding behind a computer screen with fake names
3) There is a place for all of us
4) You get paid to suck dick & fuck and what ever else you want to sell
5) We pay you for your services
6) The guidelines are for all of us to go by
7) STOP ADVERTISING your raggedy old geriatric asses in coed or expect to have some one share their thoughts on the matter.
8) Attacking me does NOT change what you are!

Oh and have a blessed day! Enjoy the ADVERTISMENT!
FirePhoenix's Avatar
I have 1 question, how much money have you spent? What a sad pathetic joke you truly are.
Still Looking's Avatar
Yes I am! Personal attack? Proving my point? LOL
So your clients are pathetic? Holly shit this is better than I expected!

Over $500,000.00 and you got none of it? Guess why?