A series of Questions for the GOP/TEA Party supporters in this forum...

Yssup Rider's Avatar
Remember the epic words of someone, "you didn't build that" and that includes the stock market. You're watching one of the biggest bubbles in the world growing large each day. Remember your words when that bubble pops.

If you try to remember what Romney really said was that he was not prepared to spend all that money to kill or capture one man. He never said that he would blow off the killing of Bin Laden. Those are your words. Of course by the time of the election Bin Laden was dead (or so Obama said) and the point is moot. Of course, Romney talked about catching Bin Laden so he understood the dynamic of not killing him outright. Too bad Obama doesn't think that strategically. Of course Obama thinks that Russia or China are not rivals. Remember his words to Romney in the debate. "The 80s want their foriegn policy back." Romney was right, Obama was wrong. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
yeah, JDIdiot. Romney screwed the pooch as badly as anyone ever has.

Keep supporting him.

He's chaff.

You're ignorant.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
JD the UE debate is very simple- here are the FACTS that you are no one can deny:

When Obama took office the UE rate was spiraling out of control- many economist had it in the mid to upper teens with worst case scenario it could have hit mid 20's.
So either MCCain or Obama would have had to face that debacle- obviously Obama won so there were 3 outcomes regarding his administration approach to the UE issue.

Outcome 1: Economy would continue to spiral out of control with UE reaching 25 percent.

Outcome 2: Economy would be at a stalemate and stay at anywhere between 10 to 15 percent.

Outcome 3: Economy would hit a plateau and than drop drastically over the years until economy improves.

Now JD tell me which of these 3 outcomes happened???? Again I repeat for the millionth time- your POTUS candidate Mitt Romney- Billionaire Mitt Romney who supposedly has a great sense of how to run a business and an economy said in his words that if he were POTUS his policies would have the UE rate at 6 percent by the end of 2016. Here is his quote: http://thehill.com/blogs/blog-briefi...-in-first-term

It is July 2014 with a year and 5 months remaining and Obama has the UE rate at 6.3 which in all likelihood even the most pessimistic economist believe that the economy is improving and will be below 6 percent by end of 2016 at it's current pace.
You can throw all the Bullshit about the numbers don't tell the truth - it doesn't account for those who stopped looking for work(the line Whirlaway uses every time their are good job growth numbers) blah blah- if the UE rate was 4 percent you could have a pessimistic economist say well it's much higher than 4 percent because it doesn't attribute those who stop looking- you can always use that outlier.
Fact of the matter is Obama avoided us from going into a Deep recession or a Depression that's something you can't deny- and oh it does help that under the Obama adminstration there's been record breaking dow averages. Originally Posted by wellendowed1911
Actually the candidate was John McCain and not Mitt Romney, that was four years later. Here is what you missed; If the president, no matter who he or she was did nothing then unemployment would....
1) go down
2) go up
3) statistically remain the same

What this means is that you can't tell us anything that Obama did that was note worthy. Even he admitted that "shovel ready" jobs were anything but. Many times in history a president has done nothing and the economy improved and unemployment dropped. There are many now that think if Obama had NOT spent $5 trillion dollars, corraled the EPA, and just got out of the way unemployment would be much lower. (it is in the low 10s by the way. Bloomberg, the WSJ, Kudlow have more credibility that any executive branch government office right now)
Yssup Rider's Avatar
ignorant cracker...
JohnnyCap's Avatar
No (respect nor accept), qualified yes (land & history yes, government and current patriot vitriol, no), no, no.

I am neither GOP nor Tea Party. But I'm ready to throw shit into the harbor.
boardman's Avatar
Only a fucking moron questions someones patriotism simply because they disagree with the political agenda of the sitting president.
If hoping he fails means that he wouldn't get his Universal Healthcare, Gun Control, Wealth redistribution etc. passed then yes I had hoped he would fail at those agendas. He seemed to want to appease our enemies and apologize for American Exceptionalism, I had hoped he wouldn't do that as I feared it would make us look weak. I want a smaller, less intrusive government with more personal liberty AND personal responsibility. I want everyone who benefits from our system of government to have a vested interest in it. He doesn't see things that way. Obama seems to want a Utopian World(Not that the idea is a bad thing) but unfortunately it isn't realistic when we have people wanting to destroy the West.

I vote, I complain, I have the right to do both. I pay taxes as I expect to. I want everyone to pay something, EVERYONE. I expect the Executive branch to obey the law, not write it, and investigate those who seemingly don't obey it. I want the Legislature to pass only those laws that are necessary and can be justified directly through the Constitution and Bill of Rights. I respect the fact that if Judicial appointments come up during his tenure, the President has the right to endorse those judges that he feels represent his ideology but they have to pass muster with the Senate. I expect the Supreme Court to call balls and strikes not legislate from the bench. In short I believe in the checks and balances set up in the Constitution.

If my ideology causes you to put a label on me then that's your intolerance and stupidity.
boardman's Avatar
Remember the epic words of someone, "you didn't build that" and that includes the stock market. You're watching one of the biggest bubbles in the world growing large each day. Remember your words when that bubble pops.
Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
The Stock Market is way over valued. Companies like IBM, Boeing and Apple are buying back record shares which is inflating the price of their respective stocks. There are many reasons they would do this to benefit existing shareholders including themselves as well as deter activist investors but what is disturbing is the fact that they are largely doing it with cheap borrowed money.

A recent estimate said that as much as 3 trillion dollars has been borrowed in the last few years by these large companies to buy back their own stock. That money is cheap because the Fed has been printing money 24/7 to keep the economy propped up. This is the kind of thing that happens when the government tries to artificially stimulate a sluggish economy with infusions of cash rather than less restrictive policies against the system of free enterprise.

These same companies are sitting on loads of cash, mostly offshore that they are using to prop up Income statements rather than increasing their balance sheets. They are not investing back into PP&E because they are tired of over regulation and scared of the next bubble to burst, which they are creating.
to the conservatives who have mentioned a dislike of the electoral college:

while nothing is perfect, the electoral college is perfect as is

in 48 of the 50 states it is a winner take all situation, Maine and Nebraska apportion after a manner

it helps protect the rights of states and protects the interests of smaller states from being run roughshod and helps protect from the tyranny of the majority.. the left detests the electoral college for they savor tyranny and control

it lessens sectional rivalries and dislikes

it buttresses our republican form of government

if you think that today candidates only campaign in select important states, wait until the electoral college is eliminated.

I know that many of you are supporters of offshoot candidates and niche parties and therefore may not like the electoral college
for that reason, as the electoral college does tend to support a two party system, but you see that keeps the country from splintering even further and at the same time makes the two largest national parties more open to change and minority influence

as far as the ops questions, the first 3 are posed as if the world was turned on its head, the last is an open question for perhaps there are some, but never his overall goal for America

quite mystifying is the "do you love America" question, for conservatives do love America, its historical traditions, the intent of the constitution, the separation of powers, the fact that overall America is and has been a force for good in the world, the idea of free enterprise and capitalism and the protection of private property, and the idealism of America that one can rise to become whatever they desire, their pride in the small town values of America, even if their pride is in a mythic America that myth has served us well till now in causing the myth to ever strive to live up to itself. in addition to loving just the actual land of America.

America was or has been, up to now, like davy crockett, full of legend and built as myth, but having great promise as a leader, arriving at the Alamo, now he had to be davy crockett for real, and he had to live up to the myth, for everyone around him was expecting him to be davy crockett. In some ways America is like that, the belief of its people in the goodness of America and the idealism school children once were taught in America was self fulfilling, forcing us to be better and to do good, for we thought America was supposed to do that. Now that directional force is being lost.

perhaps the op equates the love of America with some love for this current president.

Liberals tend to love the land of America but little else save perhaps some governmental action. they wish to remake it into their own view of utopia. Obama for example attributes the cause of the bounty of America to the least of its contributors. he is like a man stumbling onto a great garden, blooming in all aspects, he is blind in his folly as to the garden's true source, but nevertheless he is sure as to how to divide it.

to the conservatives who have mentioned a dislike of the electoral college:

while nothing is perfect, the electoral college is perfect as is

in 48 of the 50 states it is a winner take all situation, Maine and Nebraska apportion after a manner

it helps protect the rights of states and protects the interests of smaller states from being run roughshod and helps protect from the tyranny of the majority.. the left detests the electoral college for they savor tyranny and control

it lessens sectional rivalries and dislikes

it buttresses our republican form of government

if you think that today candidates only campaign in select important states, wait until the electoral college is eliminated.

I know that many of you are supporters of offshoot candidates and niche parties and therefore may not like the electoral college
for that reason, as the electoral does tend to support a two party system, but you see that keeps the country from splintering even further and at the same time makes the two largest national parties more open to change and minority influence

as far as the ops questions, they are posed as if the world was turn on its head Originally Posted by nevergaveitathought
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
I failed to mention but I would reform, but not eliminate, the electoral college. I would allow (not force) states to subdivide by congressional district. So a state like Kansas would have four votes in play and if you want them then you had better go to Dodge City and not just rely on the metropolitan area of Kansas City, KS and Johnson County to get you over the top. Ditto for California. The democrats own LA, San Fran, and San Diego but they would have to fight for Barstow, Mariposa, and Shasta. It would be fair as well. Democrats could get some votes from Texas and Republicans can get votes from Illinois and California.
WTF's Avatar
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  • 07-07-2014, 01:31 PM
You twinkle toe'd Tea Lights (in the britches) all all click your heels together and say in unison..."I wanna go home. I wanna go home!"

Good Lord listen to yourself!

boardman's Avatar
Please elaborate...
WTF's Avatar
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  • 07-07-2014, 03:22 PM
Were you crying about the Patriot Act?

Huge military spending?

Nation building?

Tea folks selective outrage when one political party is in power and turning the other cheek when the party in power says GOP is beyond suspect. You have latched on to the GOP for your own power grab. Tea turkeys will no more give us individual freedom than either the GOP or Dems will.
Please elaborate... Originally Posted by boardman
that's a quagmire and an abyss of morassy gargantuan proportions, asking him to elaborate

for try as you might to logically address the buffoonery, he will change and alter and adopt some new line, bouncing around like a pin ball in a machine, never revisiting any blurt of indistinction
boardman's Avatar
that's a quagmire and an abyss of morassy gargantuan proportions, asking him to elaborate

for try as you might to logically address the buffoonery, he will change and alter and adopt some new line, bouncing around like a pin ball in a machine, never revisiting any blurt of indistinction Originally Posted by nevergaveitathought
I'm afraid you are right
WTF's Avatar
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  • 07-07-2014, 04:09 PM
that's a quagmire and an abyss of morassy gargantuan proportions, asking him to elaborate

for try as you might to logically address the buffoonery, he will change and alter and adopt some new line, bouncing around like a pin ball in a machine, never revisiting any blurt of indistinction Originally Posted by nevergaveitathought
I have no trouble elaborating....

But it falls on deaf ears.

Or worse a hypocritical mind.

One that has no problem taking from others when you twist the Constitution to your needs , yet cries like a stuck pig when others do the same.

So why bother