Sorry To Stray From The Usual "Fluff" Thread.. But This Has GOT To Be Said!.

I am...speechless.

Disturbing that stevesanderson claims BBFS was "her choice"
( I personally believe it was both their faults )

For arguments sake, lets say that is true....WHAT WAS STOPING HIM FROM PUTTING A CONDOM ON?!?!?! Or checking her ID if he truly felt she was underage?

I don't think really need to say anything about his character, as I believe he has said enough for everyone to make their own conclusions on what type of client/person he is.

Stevesanderson, I appreciate you posting your activities with honesty. I'd love to be able to say that you're probably on most well respected provider's DO NOT SEE list but then I noticed your sig ironic

"Providers: if anyone you see claims to be stevesanderson, rest assured that it is not me. After seeing the alerts and outtings with members phone numbers and personal info being posted, I will never use my handle when seeing a provider. Please PM me and post an alert thread if someone calls you claiming to be stevesanderson."

Stay Safe Ladies....
Bianca, PLEASE get tested asap!!

Originally Posted by JamieYoung
Bianca, Please let all the ladies know if he is using a different name when schuedling an appointment. Most of The Ladies on this Board help each other & Info is very helpfull. I am willing to bet if you extend the ladies an Olive Branch, it will come back to you 10x

Be Safe out there pretty Lady,
Lust4xxxLife's Avatar
... And Bianca, just because you test negative this week does not mean you will not test positive in 6 months! Originally Posted by bigdog0311
I would just like to point out that the same is true for each and every one of us in this hobby. It isn't a failsafe, but regular testing is a critical part of minimizing risks... for ALL of us.
trynagetlaid's Avatar
She's a foreign exchange student from Italy? I thought they all had well-to-do host families and never wanted for anything.

Why is she escorting instead of hanging out at the mall or movies with other kids her age?

And what does she tell the host family when she disappears for a few hours? That she's at the library working on a paper or studying for an exam?

I'd like to spend time with a hot Italian teenage chick but this is beyond weird.
copierguy I never said I was a mod.I said I felt it should be closed. My opinion and I stick by it.
By you saying the opposite I could just as easily ask you when you became a mod?
In light that Bianca now states that this all happened on a second session and that sanderson had already met her I call bullshit on his entire review.
If she was so inexperienced why did he return for a second visit? If she was such a horrible visit why return?
As others have asked why did you continue with the bbfs? You are the experienced hobbiest and knows better. It sounds more to me that on the first visit he saw something , possibly the stripper slide that would get him into a position to do exactly that.
So scream white knight all you like .When I smell a rat I will say so.
You don't like , it post away.
So Steve does a bad review on the session done wednesday and no review for the one on tuesday? did you do BBFS in that session and kept it "hush, hush"? Lazurus, I agree with you about posting honest reviews and about the WKs that are on here, eg: Not if, but WHEN a new Tara Evans bad review, in the opinion of the reviewer, is posted, watch all the WKs respond on that thread that he is full of sh*t and if anyone agrees with that said reviewer, then they get the same treatment as well. And Bianca, just because you test negative this week does not mean you will not test positive in 6 months! Originally Posted by bigdog0311
This is the last time that I tell you to keep my name out of your mouth! I believe the mods have as well. You are a complete schyo when it comes to me and my name and anything that has to do with me. You have never seen me. But yet you constantly say my name and trash me!
Oh c'mon folks. There are more asshats than we would like to think on this board who do BBFS than just Bianca and Steve. Stop the public lashing already. Yes, it's dumb. But enough is a enough. For as many reasons as there are for the women who won't see stevesanderson, I bet there are double the amount of guys who are now blowing up Bianca's phone for BBFS. It's dangerous. They know it. They think it's worth the risk.

I had a guy intentionally take the condom off once during doggie. After he picked himself up off the floor, I never had to worry about him again.

So it's in the public. We know these two engaged in a higher risk than what is already there. Tsk tsk. They aren't the first, they won't be the last. That's why all that you can do is protect yourself and worry about you. Every time you visit with somebody, you have to know they are fucking somebody without a condom. If you think otherwise you are stupid.

Personally, I like when these threads come out. That way I know who not to fuck. I know accidents happen from time to time. They slip, they break, some moron engages in unsafe practices. We are not the fuck police here. We cannot dictate what grown folks do.

I treat every guy who comes my way like he has some shit that can be left behind. I do more inspections than he could possibly imagine. But he has no idea that is what I'm doing-that's why I'm so good. He thinks it's foreplay. But I am the pecker inspector. That thing is not coming near me if anything is out of line.

More can be bought with a benjamin than just a blowjob-that's all a good fake ID costs. Hell, I can get one tomorrow if I wanted. But eh, I don't take too kindly to being charged with federal shit.

But us doing 5 pages of finger pointing saying "bad children" is not going to change what has already happened. And it's not going to stop other folks from doing it.

I don't agree with doing BBFS. But if you want to engage in BBFS, then hey-that's on you. Just don't ever call me 'cuz I'm not fucking ya. As long as you do you and protect yourself, that's all you can do.


Chainsaw Anthropologist's Avatar
There is a very good reason he doesn't use his handle to set appointments, and it ISN'T because someone would want to use his good name. It's the same reason he can't get an appointment with anyone who is even remotely familiar with who he is. Originally Posted by Dannie
I can only hope that you and others are using every resource you have available to reveal to all in your sorority who this sorry edifice to the dregs of humanity "Steve Sanderson" really is.
LazurusLong's Avatar
So now we've gone further into trying to get providers to band together and blacklist him?

Look how well that happened with FWOG and HE is banned on this board.

Or the douchebag who pulled screening scams to get part Holly's inept screener on ASPD and then bragged about it! He's on here posting away with a new handle and seeing Welcome Wagon girls all the time.

Big whoop to him that no one can tell the new girls fast enough not to se him and as Meg also noted, there are plenty of escorts who don't bother to even check any ladies area, all they do is log on, post ads and don't live on here looking for any mention of there name to whine about it or post in threads like this decrying BBFS when they know damn well they have also done it with more than one client.

As Meg posted, whine all you want about what happened during the session but to try and make claims that what Steve posted in his review when looked at how Bianca has confirmed the BBFS postion herself not once but multiple times she has confirmed it, should give 100% credibility to the entire damn review. Consensual BBFS is just that. he isn't a condom cutter, or a guy who tries to slip it off in doggy like some and one in fact scared off this super hot blonde ATF girl a couple years ago because of a session at Exec Spa and is known for BBFS but he too sees who he wants when he wants.

Bianca has not refuted a single damn thing so why are the asshats claiming it is bullshit other than to try and suck up to a young 18 year old newbie escort?
Boltfan's Avatar

Expensive but worth it for the accuracy and quick results. Complete Panel is $460.
Personally, I like when these threads come out. That way I know who not to fuck. Originally Posted by hotlips_houlihan

Bianca has not refuted a single damn thing so why are the asshats claiming it is bullshit other than to try and suck up to a young 18 year old newbie escort? Originally Posted by LazurusLong
Scrolling-up to see who is claiming the review was BS thus being an Asshat but, i think i already know who you speak about. lol

Hint: 666


so lazarus did you miss the post about the second visit?
Yes she said it happened but on a second visit , his review is so full of bs its leaking and you defending it doesn't make it hold up any better. Anyone who defends a guy like the reviewer belongs in the same category as him in my book.
Yea call me an asshat. Do I really fucking care?
I will say what I feel just as you "asshats" do,or is the privilege of speach only reserved for the dickheads on this site?
DFK Hunter's Avatar
1. Anyone who believes that the person SteveAnderson saw as Bianca Rose actually replies to emails or is posting on here on eccie, then you should be interested in buying bridge I own.

2. I won't reveal ROS specific information, but does the phrase "in the heat of passion" ring a bell? IMHO, it is not an acceptable excuse for murder of a cheating SO or BBFS with an escort; however, it is an explanation why an otherwise rational individual does something stupid. I applaud SteveAnderson for his confession, and note that the person posing as Bianca does not dispute the major points of the review, first versus second visit not withstanding. In fact 2 other clients have related similar sessions sans the BBFS.

3. Lastly, Folks, drop the psudo-moralizing & shock. Yes, this is a safety/risk issue, but it's not a religious one, and the shock & surprise expressed sounds like y'all are channeling Captain Renault. Outrage over something you feel is unacceptable is one thing, but really. Like Democrats that cheat on Taxes or Republicans with mistresses, don't act surprised, you know it's happening, just hold them accountable. Give a big +1 to Meg for her post on that.
As an Eccie VERIFIED PROVIDER I assume the provider has been "verified" to be 18 or more". What good is "verification" if they don't verify that it is legal to post sexually provocative pictures of her here. That should end this issue.

As a matter of fact, I can forward an email from her afterward that states "Glad you had a good time, I did too.. " and she wanted to see me again. That hardly puts me on her "do not see" list now, does it?

Believe what you will. Go and see the girl yourself and let us know if you have a different experience. The ones that do have the same experience will be afraid to post here as we will be labeled a "posse". Originally Posted by stevesanderson

Let's see where this is going...
LazurusLong's Avatar
so lazarus did you miss the post about the second visit?
Yes she said it happened but on a second visit , his review is so full of bs its leaking and you defending it doesn't make it hold up any better. Anyone who defends a guy like the reviewer belongs in the same category as him in my book.
Yea call me an asshat. Do I really fucking care?
I will say what I feel just as you "asshats" do,or is the privilege of speach only reserved for the dickheads on this site? Originally Posted by looiecypher
Show me where I'm defending Steve.

I'm defending the fucking review as being factual according to his account of things. YOU were not there now were you. That's a major problem on this board, guys who think they can read minds and determine whether a review is honest or not because they have a fucking agenda. Are we supposed to bow down and kiss your ass because you have a high review count? Sorry, I'm too busy getting laid to spend that much time posting every time I get laid.

Please enumerate all the items you feel to be BS because that is my point. As noted, that sort of attack is why others who have not been drinking the bullshit tonic that guys like you use to coerce men from posting honest reviews are the very reason MORE reliable and not wk reviews are on here and why certain other sites where WK reviews are moved to another forum.

You're attacking the validity of the review as well as the reviewer, as you now seem to want to attack my reviews. So go find a single one of MY reviews that are not 100% factual.

he says he thought it happened first fuck session, she admits it happens and says it was the second. She's 18 years old and somehow I bet she may have trouble keeping up with these issues.

The lady has two earlier reviews that were much more positive - and more "normal".

As far as the age issue, Yahoo! stuck the number "92" onto her e-mail address, which is usually taken from the birth date. Also, I have known several adult women - mostly Asian "spinners" - with a similar bra size.

What bothered me most about the fellow's review is that he seemed to claim that he was almost first to perform BBFS. If this were an issue, he should have zipped it up, walked out, and then posted the slam review.