Anyone else having issues with oh2?

Champagne Brown's Avatar
So I just found this out yesterday that when I was out running some errands. When my phone is on a cellular network it is able to access OH2. But when my phone is on my home Wi-Fi network. It cannot access OH2. Same for my laptop on my Wi-Fi network will not access OH2. But when I turn off Wi-Fi on my phone and go back to cellular mode it is able to access the OH2. I have Spectrum home internet and Wi-Fi. And my cell phone provider is Google Fi. Originally Posted by TexFlex
does it mean OH2 is blocked by Spectrum ? Originally Posted by th0r_63

I was able to get on to see the front page not long ago. It even went through when I clicked city. Thats about how far I got on the site . I did turn off my wifi and pretty much got the same thing.

Its only 2 ads posted today, and 1 posted for yesterday I did get to see that.
TinMan's Avatar
Same here, Champagne. I shut off my WiFi and didn’t get any closer than the security warning.
Champagne Brown's Avatar
Same here, Champagne. I shut off my WiFi and didn’t get any closer than the security warning. Originally Posted by TinMan

Lord! I hate my talk to text on my new phone.. Im sure you had fun reading what I initially posted. Facepalm..

It's a good thing I don't celebrate holidays or I would be really hurt with the site not working..
I had it loading if I refreshed enough, but now even refreshing multiple times won't get me past the login page.
Iron Butterfly's Avatar

does it mean OH2 is blocked by Spectrum ? Originally Posted by th0r_63

99.99% of all internet traffic in the DisUnited States runs (is "hosted") on one or more of the following platforms:

1. Amazon Web Services;

2. Microsoft Exchange;

3. Cisco Systems, not to be confused with Sysco Systems, who delivered the contents of your BLAT.

Built into the firmware of every server farm is automated software that scans and automatically rejects any packet (remember that the internet busts up all data and sends it at high speed in smaller packets) that does not have a valid security certificate attached. Trillions (with a T) are scanned every second; there is no human decision making involved.


So who is hosting OH2? Probably the same dark web servers in countries that have no law that also host organized state sponsored hacking groups and material that will get you plenty of attention if it is detected coming to a US based IPA (Internet Protocol Address), everything connected to the internet has a unique IP Address. (Y'all were thinking about something that smells like mare's urine and tastes worse at your local metrosexual brewpub, weren't cha?)

Just remember, boyz, girlz, and everything in between, every time you try to log onto OH2 without a vetted, no-log-files VPN connection, your unique IPA is logged by whatever internet carrier you're riding at the moment. It became codified in the US of A in the Patriot Act (remember 9/11 anyone?); all logfiles and other "meta" data are forwarded to the NSA as fast as you can type our h o m i e s t o o. You can doubt me; it's all in the Patriot Act until it is repealed, like, never?

Feel better now?

Anon 01 out -