How many of you are actually worried about being deported?

cabletex7's Avatar
If your friend is married to a US citizen, he/she may be eligible for permanent residency (a Green Card) through that marriage. This is easier in certain states than others. Originally Posted by Sarunga
You may still have time to delete this stupidity.
Sistine Chapel's Avatar
people here illegally should just go back on their own Originally Posted by GlobeSpotter
At this point I'm OK with Mexican and African illegals imagine how the Native Americans felt. in my mind all of you are illegal except blacks because we were kidnapped and brought here against our will...In fact illegal Mexicans provide invalubale services to this country..we couldnt survive without illegal Mexicans
^^^^ my family registered at a port *almost* 200 years ago

Signatures still on file at the county seat historical office
Are you the gtoman that's all the talk in the "alerts" section? If not, your handle is being used to give a real bad rep man.

A'Man Originally Posted by anandaman
I am the GTOman that someone is trying to impersonate. Ladies need to do a good job of screening. I rarely use ECCIE to meet girls unless they don't have P411.
“But in a longer struggle the North’s advantages were substantial. With a population of 20 million, the Northern states obviously possessed a much larger military manpower base, but their industrial capacity was far greater as well. In 1860 the North had over 110,000 manufacturing establishments, the South just 18,000. The North produced 94 percent of the country’s iron, 97 percent of is coal and – not incidentally – 97 percent of its firearms. It contained 22,000 miles of railroad to the South’s 8,500. The North outperformed the South agriculturally as well. Northerners held 75 percent of the country’s farm acreage, produced 60 percent of its livestock, 67 percent of its corn, and 81 percent of its wheat. All in all, they held 75 percent of the nation’s total wealth.”

The truth is, America was primarily built on the industry of free people. Slavery was a terrible thing that went against the founding ideals of the country. Nonetheless, we do not need to create false narratives to know it was wrong and to have sympathy for both those who lived through it and for those who carried the scars forward.

Pure facts, no opinion. Originally Posted by sneakywabbit
How does slavery come into play here?
I have non-native friends who feel this way, so I would say that yes, it is a legitimate concerns for a lot of people.

I have my own fears just simply being a woman, as he's happily proven he is a misogynist through and through. Originally Posted by Victoria of Houston

Are you worried he will grab you by the pussy without paying you? What about a tax deduction, would be ok?
This needs to be moved to the political forum......

btw....FUCK OBAMA....piece of fucking shit muzlim brotherhood rat bastard who won by promising "hope and change" bullshit to blacks and mexicans....and fucked them over royally....

wouldn't piss on him if he were on fire....and Michelle is a tranny...fuck him/her too...

carry on... Originally Posted by SNL9933
Holy hell
If your friend is married to a US citizen, he/she may be eligible for permanent residency (a Green Card) through that marriage. This is easier in certain states than others. Originally Posted by Sarunga
I read what you said, but isn't this a federal thing and not a state thing???....
Are you worried he will grab you by the pussy without paying you? What about a tax deduction, would be ok? Originally Posted by gtoman

I wouldn't let that fucker anywhere near my pussy, so no worries of that.

And as far as a tax deduction, I already get a few being self-employed, so feel pretty happy about the current state of things.
Sistine Chapel's Avatar
^^^^ my family registered at a port *almost* 200 years ago

Signatures still on file at the county seat historical office Originally Posted by GlobeSpotter

Y'all are here illegally no way around that. you came saw and conquered.....instituted bullshit ass laws and claimed prime real estate for yourselves that's been passed down for centuries and generation upon generation.
Fancyinheels's Avatar
Ireland doesn't want me and Hell is afraid I'll take over, and nobody will deport my chihuahuas unless it's over my cold, dead body after I've run out of ammo.
(Not like my pups don't have papers; they pee on the Houston Chronicle frequently.)

Guest123018-4's Avatar
No habla nada. Sabo nada. Chinga pinche chinga
Carmelita DeLeón's Avatar
Did you say "FREE FLIGHT"

Cuba here I cum

Besitos mi Amor pack your bags we leaving !

As crazy as this place has become. Being deported sounds better everyday! I mean it is one hell of a way to get a "free" flight, but can I still get the mileage??? Originally Posted by Pedro Nesta
Did you say "FREE FLIGHT"

Cuba here I cum

Besitos mi Amor pack your bags we leaving ! Originally Posted by Carmelita DeLeón
Vamos! Pero, voy a centro. Nos encontramos en medio en la isla de San Andrés!!!
Pretty sure Trump was referring to Mexican population for the most part..... I guess you didn't watch the campaign speeches much. Originally Posted by gtoman
It was all for marketing purposes DUH

Y'all take shit way to serious smh