Happy Birthday Sir Monk!

Happy Birthday Sir. I hope it was a fun one!
Sorry to chime in late just wanted to wish you an awesome birthday! Kisses!
Monk Rasputin's Avatar
Friends and neighbors, especially my fellow geezers , and my lovely Adorables. Thanks for the wishes and poetry and kind words. (By the way, I tried taking the blue vitamin with prune juice. Not a good idea. It just made me fart more.)

Your the best'est f*ck buddy a girl could have and one of the greatest gentlemen around! … It's your birthday and you gave ME your last cherry! … What a guy!!!! Originally Posted by Topshelf Tess
Tess was my very special birthday gift to myself, and she planned a really nice party. On her way into town, she stopped at the toy store for supplies and then stopped at the Iron Works, where she picked up a couple brisket sandwiches, cole slaw, and peach cobbler for lunch.

Tess mentions my “last cherry.” After weeks of talking about it, and after at least one earlier unsuccessful attempt (I almost said “stab.” heh-heh), this time she did it. You’ll understand that I have to be a little coy, but when I tell you what she bought at the toy store, I think you’ll get the idea. Tess bought two vibrating butt plugs, one small, one larger, and she also bought a smaller-sized hammer for her strap-on. One of the toys was for her, two were for me.

Thanks, Tess. It was great. Thanks also for not getting any jalapenos at the Iron Works. I don’t think I could have handled those the next day.

Monk is getting his present this Sunday. Originally Posted by chairspud
Once again I have to be a little coy for now. Spud is talking about a bucket list adventure that has been in the planning for a while.

The Driller and the Driver construction crew have been awarded a really desirable contract, and next week we are going to do some erection work. It’s an MMFF + fluffer/photographer. Two fuddy-duddies, three Adorables. Can’t say right now who the Adorables are, but it’s a hot cast. We’re all old friends, and everybody has seen everybody else naked.

Film at 11, Ron. Thanks, Judi. Troy? How about a recap of tomorrow’s forecast before we sign off? Troy? Troy! Stop looking at her! Stop it!

I guess the only thing to say is Happy Birthweek Monk.

It's Sunday now.

Where's that review....I waiting....
Guest092815's Avatar
Happy birthday, bad boy (grin)! I wish you all the BEST this year in life and love.

your kitten,
squiretuck's Avatar
Holy Smokes! Could you have picked a better b-day present than the lovely TopShelf!?!?!
EllaInAustin's Avatar
awl4knot's Avatar

I am so sorry that I missed your birthday, but today as I was wandering through the supermarket I found the perfect present for you. This stuff is wonderfully filling and will provide hours of stimulating dinner conversation, especially if you have any teenagers at home.

Yep, I had my first taste of Spotted Dick today, and boy was I surprised at how much I liked it. The texture was a bit different, but then I closed my eyes, concentrated on the pleasure, and it all went down so easy. Not a bit of gagging or choking. Amazing stuff, and I now know why the Brits are so addicted to it. I'm surprised that the French don't claim that they invented it.

Well, you enjoy the fine spring weather and I'll check back in when I find another culinary gem like this one.

Monk Rasputin's Avatar
Where's that review....I waiting.... Originally Posted by NormalBob
Finally, finally, finally, I’ll be posting my second birthday "party" report tomorrow. Maxeen was there, and she brought me a couple bottles of champagne. You won’t believe what we did with that champagne. You'll have to read the review.

There were five of us there – Maxeen, Wicked Heather, Chairspud, Monk, and Devynn von Tease, who was our fluffer-photographer.

Finally, finally, finally, I’ll be posting my second birthday "party" report tomorrow.

Originally Posted by Monk Rasputin
Two things:

1. It's about time....

2. I'll drink to that!
Tarlon125's Avatar
Yea Sir Monk was the reason i got into the hobby in first place. I think we all try to imitate his legacy but will always fall short, Happy Birthday Monk!!
ElisabethWhispers's Avatar
Finally, finally, finally, I’ll be posting my second birthday "party" report tomorrow. Maxeen was there, and she brought me a couple bottles of champagne. You won’t believe what we did with that champagne. You'll have to read the review. Originally Posted by Monk Rasputin
Oh, I have a feeling that I'll believe it!

If I were just the proverbial fly on the wall. Just once.

Happy Birthday!