Are you going to watch the State of the Union address

You got three years to field a better candidate. Spend a tad more effort in that and less crying! Originally Posted by WTF
Shhh, don't wake 'em. They are in a deep slumber!
Its just going to be another campaign speech just like his other SOTUAs.

He's going to tout:
Climate Change
Clean energy
Getting America back to work and why the Rs haven't passed "his" jobs bill
More money for infrastructure
more money for teachers and more teachers
More money to find out whats in Obamacare
More money for free birth control and abortions for women
Getting Illegal Immigrants legal
"Fair Share"
Raise taxes on the wealthy
More Class warfare
Blaming the sequester on the Republicans although he signed it and Reid won't pick up the House passed sequester bills
Gun Control
Whatever crisis he can exploit to pass his agenda


I hope Ted Nugent yells out "Liar."
Seedy's Avatar
  • Seedy
  • 02-11-2013, 07:03 PM
I hope he drones you bootlegs, right after he gets a judge to declare you enemy combatants. That shit would be worth watching! Have you titty babies ever thought what sore losets you sound like? You got three years to field a better candidate. Spend a tad more effort in that and less crying! Originally Posted by WTF
I know your full of shit WTF, you admitted you like Savage, he fucking hates oscumbo. You just like to argue. Lmao
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
I will absolutely watch the State of the Union speech!

The man has style and a grand vision and we can all learn something from him.

But the nerve of the Pope trying to upstage President Obama.

. . .
The old buzzard could have waited until Wednesday to say he was stepping down.

Originally Posted by Fast Gunn
Gawd, you are full of shit. And as gullible as they come. He lies, and he doesn't give a damn about you, FastGoon. Not a single rat's ass. Zip, zilch, nada.

cptjohnstone's Avatar
Yep, I'm gonna watch! Next question? Originally Posted by bigtex
cannot fix stupid
cannot fix stupid Originally Posted by cptjohnstone

That dude is a Okie I saw him on a ball game broadcast.
Guest123018-4's Avatar
Not going to watch it, have no reason to watch it, I do not enjoy listening to lies and propaganda.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 02-12-2013, 08:50 AM
Not going to watch it, have no reason to watch it, I do not enjoy listening to lies and propaganda. Originally Posted by The2Dogs
You need to put JD , COG and Whirly on ignore then!
Not on a bet...he's been spouting the same lies for 5 years now. 50% of the country believes him, despite the overwhelming evidence of his lies and failures, which only emboldens his narcissistic rants. Tonight, and it's aftermath, will be no different.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Oscumbo can't shine the pope's shoes you ignorant fuck. Originally Posted by seedman55
He'd be a fool to bend down low enough to touch those ruby slippers ... No telling what Ratzinger might try and make him do.
Seedy's Avatar
  • Seedy
  • 02-12-2013, 09:58 AM
He'd be a fool to bend down low enough to touch those ruby slippers ... No telling what Ratzinger might try and make him do. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Yea your right sup, oscumbo would rather be on his knees sucking his dick.. lol
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Not on a bet...he's been spouting the same lies for 5 years now. 50% of the country believes him, despite the overwhelming evidence of his lies and failures, which only emboldens his narcissistic rants. Tonight, and it's aftermath, will be no different. Originally Posted by EXTXOILMAN
More than 50% of the people, math major. A lot more.
i believe in capitalism and free enterprise and the constitution, (fingers crossed behind back)


we need investment and we have to grow the middle class and we need to restore jobs

and oh yeah gun violence and treyvon could have been my son and the two guys we caught in chicago for gunning down the girl? well they are victims as well of the ready source of guns and lack of we are dealing appropriately with them, they are getting job training

so my plan:

we have to invest some money and we need everything to be fair

and oh yeah something about the infrastructure, we will get back to you on that

we will be addressing the inequities in life very soon

we need to level all playing fields

we are cutting government ( shusssh! the military), we have started a government office and are hiring as we speak to study the cutting of government and where appropriate cost savings may come from

and republicans could work with me if it wasnt for fox news

and oh yeah i have brought here sitting next to michelle, beyonce cuz i dunno what got into me, i just got carried away, and even i got tired of displaying union members and people working for the government that if we dont do something soon they will only make 200 % of the average americans income and also i have here a mexican-american family too who's kids had to endure walking to school but they are now attending harvard for free, we cant continue to discriminate against our next generation like that any more and the republicans hate them

God bless them and God bless America (fingers crossed behind back)
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 02-12-2013, 01:19 PM
nevergivesitathought...don't give up your day job.
nevergivesitathought...don't give up your day job. Originally Posted by WTF

comedy ? what comedy

its an american tragedy