JD, running out exceptions does not alter statistics. I am for free readily available abortions. The United States leads the world in the number of single parent households. Fathers have been replaced by Baby Daddies who have no responsibility. Those are facts. The degeneration of our society is accelerating at an amazing clip. A low income woman cannot afford an abortion so they sink further into poverty. We can't totally stop this trend, because culture must also be changed, but we can give them an escape route.
Calling me a liberal is ludicrous because I embrace law and order, self reliance and capitalism. I oppose Obamacare, welfare, and anything else that grants more power to the central government. I also totally support embryonic stem cell research and abortion. Unlike many others I don't have the need to walk in lockstep with what is considered liberal or conservative. I am not a Republican nor a Democrat. Any American who can say Obama or Romney were the most qualified to lead our nation simply have ceased to function as thinking individuals. Those were our choices - frightening to think people actually embraced those two.
While I oppose Socialism, from a strategic standpoint they are one-upping the capitalists by building a huge voter base. America will be a socialist country, I have no doubt. The average American sees the avarice that exists with the upper class, and a natural WTF attitude sets in. Republicans have ignored human nature and banked all their hopes on religion, and it has failed. The tax laws have been twisted to favor the rich, with exemptions that the average person will never be able to use. I have seen many millionaires who pay less taxes than I do. Want and need will trump avarice every time. Redistribution of wealth is a very powerful tool to bring about social change. Once I got away from party politics it was much easier to be objective. I cannot change things but I can sure as hell see what is going on.