Facebook, My Space, and Twitter

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  • 07-06-2011, 10:02 AM
I will say it...

Because of all you have to lose!

I don't know Marshall. You said it, I didn't. Why don't you tell us? Originally Posted by John Bull

I said it? What are you taking about? You're the one who said it was the biggest mistake a hobbyist can make. What did you mean? What is the threat?
John Bull's Avatar
That you'll lose your happy home. A little common sense is all it takes.
I don't tell these girls my full name when I first meet them, but I do come to trust some of them over time. Originally Posted by woodyboyd
So, according to JB, this is the worst mistake a hobbyist can make because it causes the hobbyist to lose his happy home.......

attempting to use common sense to figure this out, does this mean providers tell wives and SO about meetings? Is blackmail involved? Doesn't that make longer engagements a bigger mistake? Why even have a forum if this is true? Is this what JB means? What am I missing here?
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  • WTF
  • 07-07-2011, 12:40 PM
? What am I missing here? Originally Posted by Marshall
Nobody has that much free time to honestly answer that correctly
John Bull's Avatar
Marshall, I don't believe you are that obtuse. Please cease your attempt at provocation immediately.
Nobody has that much free time to honestly answer that correctly Originally Posted by WTF
Hey, I thought this was the kinder, more gentle D&T....
Great chapter in the book Freakenomoics about this very thing.


turns out that the typical street prostitute in Chicago works 13 hours a week, performing 10 sex acts during that period, and earns an hourly wage of approximately $27. So her weekly take-home pay is roughly $350. This includes an average of $20 that a prostitute steals from her customers and drugs accepted in lieu of cash.
Their income of roughly $18,000 a year is next to nothing compared with what even low-rent prostitutes in Chicago earned 100 years ago. A woman working in a “dollar house” took home the equivalent of about $76,000 today annually, while prostitutes at the Everleigh Club, the city’s top brothel, could earn the equivalent of about $430,000.
Why has the prostitute’s wage fallen so far? Because demand has fallen dramatically. Not the demand for sex. That is still robust. But prostitution, like any industry, is vulnerable to competition.
Who poses the greatest competition to a prostitute? Simple: any woman who is willing to have sex with a man for free. Originally Posted by WTF
Nice link, WTF. I like the Freakonomics guys. They seem to be striving for truth and fact in an age where politics and feelings rule.

And JB, your post about trust was somewhat paternal and to be honest, I felt it somewhat patronizing. I am confused as to what your point is. Is it this suckup phrase where you can trust the HDHs but not sugar babies? If so, that is a pretty broad generalization, and a lot of HDHs have become sugar babies and vice versa which would mean your statement is hardly accurate. When it comes to the SO, the escort/HDH not the SBs have burned me.

On the other hand, the SB route has been much more wide open especially initially. You have little clue what you are getting with a SB and are apt to be burned time wise and looks wise. Financially, there are several long threads here about men being burned by SBs, and I have heard from SBs being burned by men.

There have also been threads about HDHs burning or underperforming for clients and vice versa and often on repeat encounters. There are always trust issues. The question is how small or big they are. There is not a screening system that cannot be beat.

And with trust in general, I don't know of anyone that I trust completely. I have people I trust with personal facts but not feelings, medically but not legally, with money but not with friendship ETC.

If you think of your personal information as the layers of an onion, I have let some of my SBs see more of my deeper layers over time as I trust them, and they have let me see theirs as well. But there are still things that are private or things that I or the SB don't want to know.

The phrase "Trust no one" is one of those hackneyed phrases that everyone nods at but in real life ignores. You have to trust some people, or you will live a life filled with paranoia and despair.
I have tested the adult meet websites, and haven't been on for long, 1 month membership and that is it for me, letting it expire.
Just thought I give it whirl, and don't expect anything to happen, too much games for me. Upgrade that, and this etc, can't give out ph# or personal data? etc. Just seems like a sham to me. The SB idea isn't for me.

Facebook is too personal, too many people that want to know your business that have no business/life in knowing your business is able to access your profile. I like privacy.

Twitter is pretty good, and especially pornstars.

My Space has seem to fallen of the planet.
jframe2's Avatar
This particular situation arises from lack of knowledge of technology; smartphones bad - burn phones good!

In evaluating my "new friends" I take notice if they use a smartphone. If they do, I gently query them on different things about the smartphone. If they show that they do not know the way to handle their safety and security, they are off the list.

The newer/younger generation does not seem to have that sense that anything bad can come from their use of technology. Boy are they in for a surprise!!!!

One more time- smartphone bad - burn phone good in this thing of ours!

Well, you can use a fake name on Facebook. I also know that a lot of female escorts got their list of names seized when arrested, and one sent out a mass email my s.o. saw. Another sent out a mass email, and I could see all of her customers.

I don't tell these girls my full name when I first meet them, but I do come to trust some of them over time. As for the potential for psychosis among these women, I don't want to say it does not exist, but for the most part, the hottest women have so many options it is ridiculous. I still am stunned at how many men shower money on these women and get nothing sexual in return.

By the way, no one has pointed to a HDH under 30 yet. Anybody come up with anyone? Originally Posted by woodyboyd
jframe2's Avatar
"Originally Posted by woodyboyd
Well, you can use a fake name on Facebook."

To address this specifically, it is not the fake name on Facebook or the other social sites. It is when you use the frickin' smartphone to access the Facebook/social media account.
People, people..... the damn sites access your contact list on the smartphone! And then it goes out on your site! And all of your civilian friends get the infamous Facebook email/post.

Yes you can turn it off and turn it off again every time you get an OS update or the App updates. But will you remember that every time? Can you trust that your "new friend" knows what she is doing regarding your contact information? I take control of my exposure and go Low-Tech in this hobby world of ours.

Smartphones Bad - Burn Phone Good!
John Bull's Avatar
FWIW I stay off FB altogether although I tried it once with a fake name. Never went there with any kind of phone though I do use a basic burner. Twitter is an unknown thing to me as is MySpace.
If I can't get laid here or a couple of other places, I don't need to get laid. JMHO
Eccie Addict's Avatar
IMHO the worst mistake a hobbyist can make. Especially a married one or one with a SO. It will come up to bite you one day! Originally Posted by John Bull

Even if the provider is trustworthy (and I'm sure some are) they can't tell what they don't know. If a provider was busted and they were using leverage to get information then it is likely she will fold. If she has no real life info then she can't give any no matter how hard she tries.

That would be one reason I can see...
Sydneyb's Avatar

Apparently you can SO get laid by a girl who wants to pay off her college loans....and then you're still fucking a 20 yr old...Since I have no skin in the game, I'll just say it... for a 50+ yr old, not many of these "sugar babies" are particularly interesting - or age appropriate when taking to public venues.

But this isn't new: When I put a keyword it into Salon.com (a daily rss feed that I highly recommend), they've been talking about women willing to sell bodies for education since 2007. Its not a result of the down economy - its a fantasy thing. So social sites for fucking? So 2008, and you're so 2000 and late! You can always get someone to fuck you. The question is, is that enough? And for those that it is - good. keep on keeping on.

The people I find more interesting (and this is pretty impartial - I'm not fucking for a fee) are the people that feel that a body - any body - ISN"T enough - so what does that man do? Do you search and long and act like you're looking for a fuck and a hottie and then get lost and treated like one of many? As a former provider I've closed my mind and heart to people that came with that worldview. It happens - you get treated and fucked the way you say you want to be treated and say you want to fuck. But the ones who lack satisfaction in that - those that don't get their needs met be saying those things might just realize that your not getting what you need because you're not being clear about what exactly, you need. What you truly want. I believe in my heart we all want to be seen for who we are and accepted in a naked kind of way for who we truly are. I've known too many to think otherwise. Its both been my greatest life experience and my trip on the way to be jaded.

Lets face it: most of you are significantly older than even the oldest women available to you on these kinds of boards. I'm a 43 yr old woman (and not in internet years!). That's old by self reported women in - and out - but particularly in - the business. I had a 29 yr old boyfriend recently and he just didn't have the life experience required for all of it. Well, at least for all of me. But I admit, I'm a handful ;-).

I believe that interesting people require interesting fucks. And that might require an adult. There are some women that are amazing providers that are in their 20s that meet that - I know some - but c'mon. I can't fuck someone my own childs age and most men don't want to either.

Daily P90X makes for a hot body - but what then? I prefer a man that requires a daily mountain bike ride or yoga class. And since being out of the business and the boss of my own desires, I definitively love a hot ass, but I'd prefer a kind one for any kind of on going affair.... And someone who can discuss politics and love and a man who is a man of the world and has his facts straight...but I digress...I can't be alone in this desire? Some men must want these things too?

When I was in the business, I was never (ever) the hottest girl, but I also didn't take all appointments that came my way. I'd work my schedule, but often as not, I just wouldn't be available. Because I tried to make my life one that filled me up (inside and out ;-). That required that I (usually) liked the people I spent time in bed with (sometimes financial obligation overtook this desire and that made me a TERRIBLE lay). And yes, sometimes I was human and had my head in other places - a desire to have love in my life or the aforementioned financial obligation - and in the best of worlds, I'd be sorry for that. In my world, its what made me a human with all kinds of faults...but you always had a full person in front of you - for good and bad.

Now that I'm not chasing money, I am more like my former patrons than ever -- including having bought ridiculous things in the name of love or desire for someone beautiful - a $400 30 year old scotch, a custom made suit jacket....and I don't regret going overboard with those silly gestures - I like making other people happy. And there are a fair amount of men who want to do the same. And even out of the business, I find them everywhere..yay!

I guess when I see posts like the original, I respect the man who can get the best value for his dollar - and a 20 yr old on a social networking site might be just that. But I also want acknowledge the man who is still searching....you're not alone and you're not a fool for wanting an equal or better. There are amazing women who happen to work in the business - just be patient and open about your true needs...understand that there are basic Darwinian movers at hand - yes, you need to take care of women in the business - money is a lubricant for a simpler life and that's probably what she wants, but maybe by being vulnerable you'll get the very thing you need too. If only for visit. Good luck.