Hooray For Freedom!!! Freedom Wins!!!

NordicJag's Avatar
It finally dawned on me that your comment was just a typical liberal/progressive diversionary tactics for when you really don't have a legitimate reply and have overdosed on cnn and msnbc. That may explain why you misquoted me with intent, just like cnn and msnbc do when it comes to conservatives. Originally Posted by DEAR_JOHN
Yeah, I usually don't like to use generalities, but that one just jumped off my fingertips before I could stop it. BTW, speaking of generalities, I don't watch TV news channels. You seem to have a hard time distinguishing between being MISquoted and being quoted out of context. They are completely different. I have addressed this several times and my reasons for it. As upset as you are about me leaving off part of your remark, makes me think that you believe that it is ok to be a bigot under some instances. You are wrong, if that is what you think. It is never ok to be a bigot.