What you really should do is get them to Skype with you before seeing them. That way you can see how they look, have a conversation so you can be comfy with their communication skills and see if they roll their eyes or look to the left when answering.
Toyz's Avatar
  • Toyz
  • 04-24-2012, 11:46 AM
I do a lot of "norming" in he email exchanges...and a ton at our first meeting. Both before and after...if she is still a sweetheart 10 mins after BCD then theres a good chance we are going to connect.

Then there are those two rare ones that we talk for an hour or more after BCD. Names will be not disclosed....
How about before the session, do you do a little sexting or dirty talk.
Toyz's Avatar
  • Toyz
  • 04-24-2012, 11:55 AM
Hmmm nope...looking for more of a flirty nature. For me..and I know its different for everyone...a super smart girl is sexually stimulating...usually if they are ultra smart, they are also ultra passionate...thats my experience at least and there are exceptions
would that be flixing
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  • Toyz
  • 04-24-2012, 12:33 PM
I would call it pre fluxing...
Just keep calling different ones until someone answers. Have a list. I never call any more than once anymore.
First off, it was just written in humor. Many girls would have laughed and played along. It was not written in malice or to poke just to share a laugh & play off of Talons statement.

You had two ways you could have played it.

ONE: Had some fun with it and come off like a cute, humorous muse...

TWO: The way you played it...

I was joking with you 'cause previously I found you interesting, smart, a bit caustic (which I like).

You don't give me "permission", its an open forum I'll say what I want to say...

Last comment on this, I was just teasing you-seems you have no ability to laugh at yourself.

I'm out. Originally Posted by Toyz

hahahahha....now im really laughing.... hon give up the power struggle...obviously its not "cutesy" to me or other ladies... but youre right....moooovvving on....
Comments so unbecoming of a lady

sixx Originally Posted by sixxbach

lmao.... I know.... Total admission to the potty mouth.... any gent who has seen me....knows it... btw missed you at the party... was looking forward to finally meeting...
This is my usual

Good morning Sue, I'm looking to schedule a 1 hr appointment with you on April 12 around 1pm. Please call me at 555-5555 if you have any question.


I think it might be a little lame. Originally Posted by rayb1976

no no....that is a perfect inquiry my friend.
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lmao.... I know.... Total admission to the potty mouth.... any gent who has seen me....knows it... btw missed you at the party... was looking forward to finally meeting... Originally Posted by ExoticEzra
Dang it lol been on this board and asps for almost 10 years and still have never been to a party really have to go one day.
OK Ezra, heres mine off the top of my head, tell me if you'd bite or ignore....

Hi Ezra,

I'm Toyz from eccie. I've enjoyed watching your banter on the boards & think you'd be an interesting person to know...

I've got "X" number of reviews...bla, bla, bla

Here are 2 local references that can vouch for me...hopefully they don't run screaming into the night when you mention my name.

Look forward to hearing from you, hope you have a marvelous night~


Toyz.... Originally Posted by Toyz
despite contradiction, i would bite.... my reply would be, (since full screening is there)... give me a time and date and well go from there.... have had many of these...and even though I firmly request for time and date... I would still email back. I do take into consideration the effort that is a complete fill out of refs, reviews, contact info etc...so its still good enough.
Why thank you me lady, I feel like it's been forever since I last saw you.

They get one from Hometown. One opportunity, one chance. Homie gotta play, so he's moving on down the road. I've done two at the most on certain occasions but mostly only when I did pm first and then realized they used other methods so I tried second method (email, p411 etc..)

No specific date listed, no request for an appointment. Sounds like you are fishing or just looking to chat. You will get some bites but you will also get some ignores.

Some of your better work, good job.

It happens to the best of us. Homie considers himself a funny guy (not sure why the third person stuff, just go with it). I used to send out pms for appointments with jokes or let's just say with some Homie flare. You live, you learn, you can't dwell on past mistakes. Just stick to the facts for now on and for goodness sake don't email and txt these ladies like your bff's.

I like it, straight to the point. I assume you include ref info as well.

There will be a quiz later, closed book all so make sure your taking notes.

ON TO THE NEXT Originally Posted by homer13

lmao!!! to the last statement. and actually it didnt seem like fishing to me... especially compared to those that are very obvious w fishing... but i see what you are saying, there would be both ignoring and exceptions to replying.
In actuality I AM looking for conversation at this point...thats why its not specific as to time. During this period I am ALSO deciding if I want to spend time with her or not. If we find common ground or communicate well, then the "ask" will be forthcoming.

I'm extremely selective and a low numbers guy. Have a couple in the rotation which might quickly dwindle to one. Would rather spend my $ on a few awesome experiences than a pot luck shotgun approach-you know that story) Originally Posted by Toyz
if youve done your research, read reviews, saw pics, checked out showcase, knew rates etc... and you still cant figure out if shes worth it or not before a slim convo via email... then you must really have a difficult time at making choices period...
Yes and remember that is my "introductory" message. I may try 2 more times before labeling her GPS infused & taked her off my to do list...this is not just a test for me, I am gauging a girls ability to talk, if she has a working brain, if I am going to be bored or thrilled with the. On BCD, etc Originally Posted by Toyz

usually her literacy in her ads would give you that... unless they are boring and straight to the point...if so then yup... you do need to email and try very hard to read a personality via messaging. but then of course this displays terrible marketing...

I do try to make it clear in my ads that I DO HAVE A WORKING BRAIN, AND DO HAVE THE ABILITY TO TALK. LMAO