CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 04-18-2013, 02:11 PM
Right. it failed.

Registration was first step to a nation wide gun grab; and if you can't pass a gun down to a family member (heir) because it is now illegal to own, then that is gun confiscation. Originally Posted by Whirlaway
I have over 40 guns that were passed down to me ... nobody can grab what they don't know about .. registration ... the first step to gun grab eh?

riddle me this ... who in the hell is going to keep up with guns being passed down after someone dies?

if you weren't so pathetic you'd be funny
They make it a law that if you own a banned assault-style weapon it must be registered; after you register the can legally keep it for as long as you live...but you are prohibited from transferring ownership to anyone else (that means even leaving it in your estate to an heir).....

It is what the new New York state law did. They won't confiscate the guns all at once..but will take them once you die.

It is simple...what do you not comprehend when gun owners say the federal government will make criminal out of you if you are a legal gun owner.

Of course you could risk being a felon if you decide to NOT register.....your choice. I don't know what the fine and jail time would be for failure to register, but I am sure it is stiff (think years of prison time).

And you can bet that if a banned gun is registered to an owner; the state will have a way of tracking the owners's death certificate thru SS numbers or something..

I am surprised you are not aware of this issue....but then you really aren't that smart....are you?

New York gun owners now must register 'assault weapons'
Any weapon that was legal before will be grandfathered in. However, assault weapons purchased before Jan. 15, 2013 -- the day the new law was signed -- must be registered with the New York State Police within 12 months. Unknowingly failing to register an assault weapon would result in a warning and you would be given 30 days to register. Those who knowingly possess an unregistered assault gun could face a felony charge.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 04-18-2013, 04:25 PM
Iam aware of the issue. Im also aware of all the far fetched bs you come up with.

what do you not comprehend when gun owners say the federal government will make criminal out of you if you are a legal gun owner

what do you not comprehend about it doesn't make a shit what gun owners "SAY"
You boasted that the government can't possibly find out who you leave your 40 guns to....

I just pointed out that they can and they will..........

decide for yourself stupid.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 04-18-2013, 04:36 PM
You boasted that the government can't possibly find out who you leave your 40 guns to....

I just pointed out that they can and they will..........

decide for yourself stupid. Originally Posted by Whirlaway

my guns cant because theyre not registered ... durrrrr

you only pointed out what the parrot trainer tells you to ... gun grab gun grab wwwwooooookkkk !
For now.................

So you saying you won't register guns if required by federal laws ?

But you favor laws that you intend to not follow ? But presumably you want others to obey?
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 04-18-2013, 04:46 PM
federal law doesn't require me to register the 40 some odd guns that have been handed down to me for over 4 generations ..

if and when I decide to go buy a gun that the government requires me to register, then yes, I'll register the gun. When I die and my daughter takes all of my guns, registered or not, out of my closets and puts them in hers, no government official will come knock on her door and demand she turn the guns over or go to jail.
They will if something like what Feinstein wants becomes law................why would the state legislate the power to confiscate if they had no intention to take your guns?

It seems to me you are just whistling thru life in hopes that you are right; you really don't care about your rights, you just hope the state ignores you....
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 04-18-2013, 04:58 PM
They will if something like what Feinstein wants becomes law................why would the state legislate the power to confiscate if they had no intention to take your guns?

It seems to me you are just whistling thru life in hopes that you are right; you really don't care about your rights, you just hope the state ignores you.... Originally Posted by Whirlaway

opposed to you whistling through life on conjecture?
Here is hoping the next mass shooting is in your home town. Originally Posted by i'va biggen

What a sorry piece of shit to say such a thing.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
When I come to kick your ass, it will be thoroughly kicked before you've made up your mind which of your WMDs to use against me!


Fucking morons!
They make it a law that if you own a banned assault-style weapon it must be registered; after you register the can legally keep it for as long as you live...but you are prohibited from transferring ownership to anyone else (that means even leaving it in your estate to an heir).....

It is what the new New York state law did. They won't confiscate the guns all at once..but will take them once you die.

It is simple...what do you not comprehend when gun owners say the federal government will make criminal out of you if you are a legal gun owner.

Of course you could risk being a felon if you decide to NOT register.....your choice. I don't know what the fine and jail time would be for failure to register, but I am sure it is stiff (think years of prison time).

And you can bet that if a banned gun is registered to an owner; the state will have a way of tracking the owners's death certificate thru SS numbers or something..

I am surprised you are not aware of this issue....but then you really aren't that smart....are you?

New York gun owners now must register 'assault weapons'
Any weapon that was legal before will be grandfathered in. However, assault weapons purchased before Jan. 15, 2013 -- the day the new law was signed -- must be registered with the New York State Police within 12 months. Unknowingly failing to register an assault weapon would result in a warning and you would be given 30 days to register. Those who knowingly possess an unregistered assault gun could face a felony charge.
Originally Posted by Whirlaway

greatest thing about gun discussion it just worries the fuck out of the wing nuts...
Yssup Rider's Avatar
What a sorry piece of shit to say such a thing. Originally Posted by satexasguy
You have absolutely NO ROOM to criticize anybody for that kind of statement. You're one of the stupidest fuckers on this board. That's the only thing that will save you when the REVOLUTION comes!


Randy4Candy's Avatar
Ah, the issues, the sound bites - the mind reels. The 100 page super, duper autopsy of Republican't 2012 should have included chess lessons, not a used checkerboard.
Gun Background Checks Supported By More Than 90 Percent: Poll]

But Obama gets fucked up the ass by his own Democrats who wouldn't support his gun grab !

What's up with that ???????????????????????

Originally Posted by Whirlaway
They don't want to have nightmares of the Founding Fathers shaking their fingers at them, lol.