Unite the Right 2 a big ZERO burger.

Yssup Rider's Avatar
Trump has sown chaos? How? Who has he killed? What wars has he started? All of this because he said "pussy" or mentioned that we need to secure our borders? Originally Posted by Bill Duwall
Are you really asking that question?

Your view is sophomoric at best. Never before has a president declared war on the US Constitution or classified his critics as enemies of the people. Presidents don’t shit on their own professionals and suck off hostile foreign dictators in public.

You really sum up the Trump regime with “saying pussy” or “mentioned that we need to secure our borders?” Mentioned?

You should stick to race baiting and hate speech, Hump. They’re what you do best. Or threads about defecating in fast food restaurants.

Or calling posters the N-word.
Bill Duwall's Avatar
Deflecting again?

Actually I wish Trump would fund eugenics programs in mexico the middle East and Africa. That would be better than sowing chaos, am I right?
In one year, the alt-right has continually been proven to be all-wrong.

Is it possible that the GOP is hiding these fine Americans until after the midterms? Hmmm?

They need to loudly disavow these people or their downfall will be sooner than anybody imagined.

It’s happened in the past year. It’s happening now.


Counter-protests overshadow white supremacy rally in D.C.

White supremacists gathered in Washington, D.C., on Sunday for a rally to mark the one-year anniversary of the deadly “Unite The Right” event in Charlottesville, Virginia, during which 32-year-old Heather Heyer was killed. They were outnumbered by a coalition of hundreds of counterprotesters. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Did you note the non-criminal behavior of the rightwingers, and the utterly deplorable behavior of the left wing fascist bigoted thugs?
Did you note the non-criminal behavior of the rightwingers, and the utterly deplorable behavior of the left wing fascist bigoted thugs? Originally Posted by kehaar

Libtards like Yssup, won't see ANYTHING wrong with what the left wing fascist thugs were doing..
Wakeup's Avatar
Be careful...this isn’t the same forum you’re used to...
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Did you note the non-criminal behavior of the rightwingers, and the utterly deplorable behavior of the left wing fascist bigoted thugs? Originally Posted by kehaar
Any particular reason you posted this three times?
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
Any particular reason you posted this three times? Originally Posted by Yssup Rider

standard boilerplate template.

he's making a point 3 times.
Originally Posted by Yssup Rider View Post
In one year, the alt-right has continually been proven to be all-wrong.

Is it possible that the GOP is hiding these fine Americans until after the midterms? Hmmm?

They need to loudly disavow these people or their downfall will be sooner than anybody imagined.

It’s happened in the past year. It’s happening now.


Counter-protests overshadow white supremacy rally in D.C.

White supremacists gathered in Washington, D.C., on Sunday for a rally to mark the one-year anniversary of the deadly “Unite The Right” event in Charlottesville, Virginia, during which 32-year-old Heather Heyer was killed. They were outnumbered by a coalition of hundreds of counterprotesters.

Did you note the non-criminal behavior of the rightwingers, and the utterly deplorable behavior of the left wing fascist bigoted thugs?

Any particular reason you posted this three times? Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Because you did not answer the question. It is a simple question, easily answered, and very relevant to the topic.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
I saw what you saw, but I'm willing to bet the voice describing it was different, to put it mildly.

What's your point? That the white supremacists didn't kill anybody this time?

Is that a win for the white supremacists?

Pretty low bar, wouldn't you say?

Please answer these questions so I don't have to post them thrice.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
I think the rally was a setup to flush out antifa predilection for violence.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
And where was the violence?
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
And where was the violence? Originally Posted by Yssup Rider


since there wasn't enough alt-right protestors to beat up, antifa was beating up reporters who tried to follow them.
I saw what you saw, but I'm willing to bet the voice describing it was different, to put it mildly.

What's your point? That the white supremacists didn't kill anybody this time?

Is that a win for the white supremacists?

Pretty low bar, wouldn't you say?

Please answer these questions so I don't have to post them thrice. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider

You conflate "Trump Supporter" with "White Supremacist". Far more "Hillary Supporters" have committed mayhem(including killing people), than Trump supporters.

I abhor people who use thuggish tactics to impose their hate filled agenda's on others. Do you?

I abhor people who hide their identies while intimidating others in order to fulfill their need for hatred. Do you?

I abhor people who characterize someone's history, personality, values, capabilities, and opportunities by the racial, sex, or geographical groupings. Do you?

It wasn't a win for white supremacist because nobody I know is concerned what a non-violent fringe group thinks. They showed themselves to be stupid and irrelevant. The bigotted, racebaiting fascist thug leftist, and their media supporters, showed themselves to be stupid, relevant, and violent(again), therefore, it is a win for those who aren't fascist.

I'll repeat my question a couple of times if you choose not to answer.
Most white supremacist groups consist of undercover agents egging on some poor, dumb white kid who only knows everyone hates him for being white, and is highly influenced by the older, undercover officers.

I think the left props up these groups in order to show their minions how bad white people are so the next generation will also hate whitey.
You conflate "Trump Supporter" with "White Supremacist". Far more "Hillary Supporters" have committed mayhem(including killing people), than Trump supporters.
. Originally Posted by kehaar

Plus the dems were the party that set up, funded and organized the KKK for DECADES.. So how is it, that suddenly changed to where the KKK / nazis are now the 'far right'??