Lol @ the person sending me bible quotes anonymously

Serenity, I used to live among these types. I have one for you, if you haven't used it already. So when they continued asking him, he lifted up himself, and said to them, He that is without sin among you, let him first cast a stone at her. Originally Posted by Risn2TheOccasion
That's a good one, probably would have shut him up real quick lol.

BTW......we need to meet someday. Originally Posted by Risn2TheOccasion
You just tell me when! I come to Austin sometimes, and even then, I'm not located far from Austin. :]
Mike Vronsky's Avatar
Tell him that God loves me as much as he loves you.
GneissGuy's Avatar
Serenity, I used to live among these types. I have one for you, if you haven't used it already. So when they continued asking him, he lifted up himself, and said to them, He that is without sin among you, let him first cast a stone at her.

BTW......we need to meet someday. Originally Posted by Risn2TheOccasion
I've known these types, too. Let me assure you, nothing you say will put a dent in their invincible ignorance or discourage them.

Remember GAWD! (with two syllables) is on their side. This kind of response will only encourage them to continue what they're doing. If you do manage to penetrate their shield of ignorance at all, you'll only enrage them. Some small percent of these people may go up to the next stage and get into violence or other serious harassment.

Think of it as being like making fun of the kind of gun toting southern rednecks who fought the freedom riders.

We have had a number of these kinds of people over the years going back to the ASPD days and before. In general anything other than refusing to respond only makes them worse, and a few have gotten to the point of being real problems.
Luvdatpuddy's Avatar
I'm starting to think that the ladies just don't like this thread, Bible quotes appear to be a bit off-putting. Hey, can't argue...I don't care for them either.

But maybe that means I should re-think the Dante Alighieri quote above my bedroom door - "Abandon hope, all ye who enter here". For some reason, ladies seem a bit sketched out when they see that...but I'm just trying to set the night's expectations correctly.
happybanana's Avatar
If we ever got to this point, I'd make sure I had some bible quotes handy! Haha. Originally Posted by Serenitysthename
Serenity, I am sure he would supply a few and would be crying out to his version of God (GAWD-thank you GG) if your lips were wrapped around him!!!!

I got those emails when I first came back. You've been initiated by the crazstians!! Welcome to hell along with the rest of us!!

When I was a stripper, I got off really late as strippers do. I woke up to some Jehova ' s Witness people on a weekend at like 7am. Needless to say I was not a happy camper.

I answered the door in a towel on purpose. I told them I was a stripper and I didn't appreciate them interrupting my sleep.

The look was priceless!!!
Repeat After Me!

People say you're stupid and fat
And your face resembles the ass of a rat
In the schoolyard no one would play
You'd say "Hi" and they'd run away
Your teachers all say you're dumb as shit
Your guidance councilor says you should drop out and quit
But OZZY ain't got nothin' on me


So now I warn you
You'd better think twice
From here on in don't play nice
Voodoo dolls for you with pins
The world's gonna pay for their sins
For a while I was down on my luck
But now it's me you'd better not fuck
Cause me and LU' are working a spell
Laugh now, cause we'll see you in hell!

HAIL SATAN!!! (c'mon, everyone, sing along!)

Even strangers point and stare
You've had it--you'd better beware
Hide in church and sing your psalm
See my pentagrams on my palms
Better stay and pray with the nuns
We've got you in the sight of our guns
So Sundays, its wafers and wine
Or sign here on the dotted line!

Works Every Time!
Miss Valentina's Avatar
Send him these photos and tell him "saving"' hookers is just Christianspeak for wanting to fuck them.
Tell him Jesus watches him masturbate.

Ugghh. The hypocrisy. Trolling ads and such to "save" hookers.
Precious_b's Avatar
RR, that is a bit much to remember.

"Are you ready to accept Satan as your Lord and Master" usually gets the same results toute suite.
Wanna make some REAL cash? Start your own religion.
redbeard42's Avatar
Wanna make some REAL cash? Start your own religion. Originally Posted by Windinhishair
It worked for Scientology!
It worked for Scientology! Originally Posted by redbeard42
Which reminds me if you want to make a bunch of cash AND get lots of free pussy start a cult.

This morning while eating breakfast I saw an image of "Saint Looking" in my wheat toast telling me to go forth and gather up all thy hoogers and bring them unto me.
My fall back career is a lady evangelical pastor.