The Obama-Ryan Trillion Plus Spending Deal

bambino's Avatar

Who does the day after pill harm?

Answer me that JD.

DSK brought up cakes and abortion btw. Originally Posted by WTF
I wish they had those pills when I was growing up.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 12-20-2015, 03:42 PM
I wish they had those pills when I was growing up. Originally Posted by bambino
No shit...woulda saved me some money and the girl trauma. ..

The funny thing is they will not answer truthfully about the morning after pill as it would then require a reasoned discussion on when actual life really begins. I sure as fuck am not for late term abortion but how can an educated person try and argue that the morning after pill is murder.
bambino's Avatar
No shit...woulda saved me some money and the girl trauma. ..

The funny thing is they will not answer truthfully about the morning after pill as it would then require a reasoned discussion on when actual life really begins. I sure as fuck am not for late term abortion but how can an educated person try and argue that the morning after pill is murder. Originally Posted by WTF
  • DSK
  • 12-20-2015, 04:31 PM
But we is not murder. You have the choice not to abort. A woman should have the choice without you meddling in her choice to abort. Maybe not in the third trimester. And then you so called conservatives should be the one forced to pay for the kid you forcefully wanted. Put your money where your heart supposedly is. Same with war.

And from a sheer economic standpoint it is a no brainer. The day after pill should be doled out on the street corner.

Is the day after pill murder in your mind? Originally Posted by WTF
Who the fuck says we don't pay for the kid, even though we shouldn't? The fucking government pays for the goddamn kid to be raised to become a democrat if they irresponsible parents don't fork over the money they should be ashamed not to provide.
  • DSK
  • 12-20-2015, 04:34 PM
No shit...woulda saved me some money and the girl trauma. ..

The funny thing is they will not answer truthfully about the morning after pill as it would then require a reasoned discussion on when actual life really begins. I sure as fuck am not for late term abortion but how can an educated person try and argue that the morning after pill is murder. Originally Posted by WTF
Guilty conscience, I see?

Why does a person have to be educated to go with their emotional attachment to abortion or their belief that a life is being begun, albeit not one they are responsible for?

The morning after pill is a good idea, if life hasn't begun.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 12-20-2015, 06:04 PM
Guilty conscience, I see?

The morning after pill is a good idea, if life hasn't begun. Originally Posted by DSK
No guilty nothing here!

Well according to JD and many others the morning after pill is murder.
flghtr65's Avatar
No shit...woulda saved me some money and the girl trauma. ..

The funny thing is they will not answer truthfully about the morning after pill as it would then require a reasoned discussion on when actual life really begins. Originally Posted by WTF
Good point WTF. The medical community can not say for certain in terms of number of days when does life begin? When can the fetus survive on its own out side the mother's womb?
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
I agree we should stop with our wars in the Middle East.

But, how are we going to be at the will of our creditors? If they tell us to pay the fuck up, we print the US Dollars and give it to the stupid sons of bitches.

If I owe you money and you have a lien on my house, you get the house if I don't pay you in US dollars. If I could legally print them, I could give them to you and keep the house...get it?

Not having a central bank is an astronomically comical idea. Where will we get our free money from? While quite odious and controlled by fag loving liberals, we have to have a government, they aren't our enemy, as far as I can tell. They could try not to be anti-White, they could try not to police the world, but for the moment they are keeping me half ass free in a fucked up world, and as long as I'm well off financially and receiving my earned medical care and SS, they might as well stick around. Originally Posted by DSK
You are too far gone. Our Founders warned against a central bank, and too much debt. What happens if we just print $18 trillion dollars and pay off the debt? What happens to the value of the currency? You are an economic imbecile. Can you cite ONE economist who thinks runaway debt is a good thing? Gawd, you are fucking stupid.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 12-21-2015, 04:33 AM
You are too far gone. Our Founders warned against a central bank, and too much debt. What happens if we just print $18 trillion dollars and pay off the debt? What happens to the value of the currency? You are an economic imbecile. Can you cite ONE economist who thinks runaway debt is a good thing? Gawd, you are fucking stupid. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
You are missing his long as other countries accept our money, we are in fine shape.

Your point is valid too, we must control debt. But our conservatives on this board like JD are two face on the matter, they do not want to cut Defense spending nor any of THEIR benefits.

I remember when Gates talked of raising military medical premium like 5 bucks a month he like to lost his mind. Everybody wants to cut government spending. .. just not government spending that benefits them. Thus this spending bill.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 12-21-2015, 04:40 AM
Good point WTF. The medical community can not say for certain in terms of number of days when does life begin? When can the fetus survive on its own out side the mother's womb? Originally Posted by flghtr65
I'm not for late term abortion but folks like JD will not even discuss the morning after pill because it will expose their infanticide argument for the fraud it is.
  • DSK
  • 12-21-2015, 05:41 AM
You are too far gone. Our Founders warned against a central bank, and too much debt. What happens if we just print $18 trillion dollars and pay off the debt? What happens to the value of the currency? You are an economic imbecile. Can you cite ONE economist who thinks runaway debt is a good thing? Gawd, you are fucking stupid. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
You are referring to the same founders who ignored the fact the Indians were already there and took their land?

They knew things would change, that's why there is an amendment process...though I doubt they ever considered the multicultural, everyone hates the white man system we have now.

I'm not proposing runaway debt. I'm saying we have a certain level of spending, no matter how corrupt some of it seems to be, and we are going to keep spending it to prop up the economy. Taxes have a depressive effect, and so does reduced spending. If we ever get to a better economy, then you pay back debt. However, the rest of the world loves our currency, and a little inflation is preferable to deflation and its destructive effects, so we get what we've got here.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 12-21-2015, 07:00 AM
We can always do like Reagan and raise the SS/Medicare tax. That would give us another thirty years of false economic security.

WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 12-21-2015, 08:22 AM
Who the fuck says we don't pay for the kid, even though we shouldn't? The fucking government pays for the goddamn kid to be raised to become a democrat if they irresponsible parents don't fork over the money they should be ashamed not to provide. Originally Posted by DSK
And we pay more per year to imprison them than we did to educate and cloth and feed them when they were unwanted children. Do you understand we pay more per year to prisoners than our unwanted children's care.

To JD that is a conservative principal. Trillion dollars of spending on unwanted kids when we could spend millions on the morning after pill and save those trillions.
  • DSK
  • 12-21-2015, 02:32 PM
And we pay more per year to imprison them than we did to educate and cloth and feed them when they were unwanted children. Do you understand we pay more per year to prisoners than our unwanted children's care.

To JD that is a conservative principal. Trillion dollars of spending on unwanted kids when we could spend millions on the morning after pill and save those trillions. Originally Posted by WTF
It isn't society's fault that some parents are shit and create criminals - unless you think criminality is inborn?
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 12-21-2015, 02:52 PM
It isn't society's fault that some parents are shit and create criminals - unless you think criminality is inborn? Originally Posted by DSK
I think that women should have access to the morning after pill and abortion in the first trimester.

So if there is a correlation between unwanted children and criminality, then yes from a conservative economic standpoint we should not outlaw both the morning after pill and first term abortion. From a conservative point of not telling another how to run their life....i support a woman to make her own choice.

Whose fucking money do you think houses those criminals? JD's? He keeps tabs on his 401k and shits his pants if the market drops. So basically he does not have a pot to piss in and will depend on his government health insurance from his dick sucking days in the Navy.

That cocksucker wants to force a woman to have an unwanted child and then for me to pay 25k a year for his time in prison.