Hobbying Moments in Time...The GOOD, The BAD, and The UGLY

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Okay, yes, my dick does consider itself UPPER Echelon...so needless, does NOT allow me any room for FAIL! Now, he does allow me to play a bit, but nothing STUPID. From Day 1, I "called" this one (meaning I saw 'NO') and said, NEVER, no matter how nice her pics looks (I call it DickSenses a.k.a. 6th sense, et cetera)...and, it appears I was right...

Yes, the OP did pay her still...The BAD...just WHY???? I must ask?
Title: "Not such a great time with Carmen..." (comment: a bit of an understatement...maybe )
Now, this is what the hobby is all about...
This is "Not A Review..." (comment: it's fuckin' awesome!!!)
Now, this is from an ECCIE Legend, and it's not just GOOD...It's GRRREAT!
Title: "kaykay, kink and kama sutra (Thai-style)" (comment: Dayum!)

Add your story here (if you didn't write a review, and, I don't blame you for your shame). You don't need to list dates, location, or even who the provider is...but here, you can let off some steam, calm your nerves or be reassured, you'll be 'aight! Share...(see my shame below)...

Ok, it's been a while, a long, long time ago, back before I've refined my skills for the "HUNT"...BP experience...great pics (but something told me - just wasn't right), great TCB up to the moment (couldn't tell by the voice over the phone). I knock, she opens the door, in I walk. I turn around, and that feeling of, "Oh no, she did it to me, NO, NO, NO, NO, NO...damn it!" B&S, not her, not even close!!!!

Okay, still in shock, I'm now in Fight or Flight mode...not sure if I'm going to have to fight someone on my way out (as I haven't yet checked the restroom, etc). As she walks past me leaving free access to jet out the door, I reach into my pocket as if I forgot something. All the while backing up as she reaches for me...backing up slowly, look left, look right to be sure I'm backing up correctly towards the door...Her facial expression goes from smile to OMG..."no he is not bolting on me, not another one again"!!! I can see her facial expression changes.

So then, now I know it's about to be on...as she reaches for her phone, I'm thinking who is she calling and who am I going to have to fight to get out of this hellhole. All of this in a matter of seconds. Evidently I wasn't the first to jet on her as she seemed to recognize my panic right away. Or, maybe my facial expression gave me up right away...

She starts yelling at me as I open the door and haul ass. Luckily she didn't throw anything at me or hit me...All I hear is "he's gonna get you"...Now, I do not have the time for this nor do I need any problems in my life (I'm thinking as I'm hauling ass). So I'm wide open, ready to Fight anyone I need to in order to get to my car...I'm out, whew!!!! Put my car in reverse, quickly, and speed the hell outta there.

Doesn't stop...text mesages, "He's seen you. Got info on you. You fucked with the wrong one...". All kinds of crazy threats. Damn, now that was UGLY!
Had me at home on guard, just in case some crazy followed me...

And, those days are long gone...I thinck!?!
Point is, money still in hand, made it out safely, and learned from that experience as that will never happen to me again. Too skilled in the "HUNT" now. Originally Posted by mijo(BFE)

It just keeps coming...doesn't get any better than this stuff...ECCIE Reviews needs to go on cable television..., see below for another adventure:
Title: "Crazy BP Nina" (comment: wasn't there a hurricane once named Nina? Oh, that was El Nino, LMAO)

Note the Activities:
Activities: Bad CBJ, Mish, doggie. Unneeded humiliation

Did I read that correctly???: BAD CBJ - that alone will make you drive off a cliff for paying for. Dayum!
Mish, doggie: well, once you stuck it in, you owe! pay up!!!
Unneeded humiliation: that could be another person's fetish so I won't comment, LOL
This one I must say was 'classic' BlueBall experience. BP trifling behaviour from a fem. This was so bad, it has everyone laughing. No disrespect to what the OP went through...but, I started laughing half-way through and ALL-the-way 'til the end...Good(UGLY) stuff here:
1. 2 listed phone #s
2. BP ad
3. Activities: massage (we don't write reviews on massages. Thus more was definitely expected. LMAO! Thanks for TOFFT)

Title: "Mia monroe is a scammer" (comment: this was sad for you but funny as hell!)
Here is a perfect review of a great experience and a 'Prime' newbie. Cheers
(if you don't have premium access, get it!)

Title: "Introducing Newcomer NextdoorNatalie. Photos inside."
You decide...just too complicated list of Do's, Don'ts, Oh, that'll be extra...
(comment: just set one damn price that covers it all and be done with it!)
few services listed:
BL (Body Lick) her words "You can lick mine" (comment: WTF?)
Hindu Massage her words "Ask me to do while in session" (comment: shouldn't that come with the $$$ auto, I have to remind you???)
NQBC (comment: hmmmm, is that "No Quit But Covered"???)

I quit, fuck it. Because of her pics even with not so great reviews, fellas will still line up and pay...this is quite a befuddling phenomena...

OP is questionable too, ijs...
1. Joined July 2012
2. 1 review
3. First review it's of her, with no other reviews afterwards, and it was utterly fucked up, posted 3 times, dingbat shit
4. 19 posts and they are hilariously stupid
5. Review dated in July, posted yesterday, day before her ad in town, priceless

Okay, check this out...again, you decide:
The ugly is Mijo pumping his own thread however i am having fun reading it

...if you live in a glass house...I'm throwing 'BOULDERS', LMMFAO!

The ugly is Mijo pumping his own threAD however i am having fun reading it Originally Posted by Thatdude
Corrected that...Don't believe the hype my friend, there's always an ulterior motive
TheAntichrist666's Avatar
This is awesome.
Thanks TA666...some great stuff out there in all of it!
I do have to admit, I'm a hypocrite, because even with the comments, the CBJ, "business-like", "mechanical"...I'd make a date!
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EAZurnvD4bY (link posted in comment: http://www.eccie.net/showpost.php?p=3002344&postcount=9)

SHE'S FINER THAN BEYONCE! Some got it like dhat!
Still, I've just gotta have that ass in K9. I'm befuddled...by the befuddlement of this befuddling phenomena (Goes against all reason, but still, no matter what, just gotta have 'em, even if...now you see why: http://www.eccie.net/providers.php?do=view&id=102296)

Title: "CourtneyXO" (comment: irony, XO, but doesn't kiss, non-GFE)

Just look at her attributes, OMG :

(her words in profile)
My Stats:
I stand an amazing 5'6"
Weigh in at a solid 129 lbs.
32DD-24-38 - Coke Bottle Figure
Golden Blonde Hair
Alluring Hazel Green Eyes

She's so fine, I'm posting pics on this one...see below...Good Gawd!!!