Reviews? Believable or bogus?

Rossboss's Avatar
I find that ALL reviews are true and accurate (except the ones written by pimps...and managers....and white knights....and the hookers themselves).

Besides, I read somewhere that you can't put anything on the Internet unless it's true.....
Originally Posted by Ed Highlight

Cpalmson's Avatar
I think you are stereotyping the clients. I'm in my 40s. I consider myself to be in quite good shape. I have ZERO problem popping and able to reload for multiple shots. Hell, I'd give almost anything to be able to keep from popping after a minute or so. Also, what is wrong with guys who like DATY. Practice makes perfect and most girls love it. There's nothing like the feel of a woman pushing your head deeper between her legs.

I don't mind if reviews have a lil bit too much sugar sprinkled on them. It's good to hear guys having a good time with a girl. Makes her more seeable. That said, I do find it perplexing to read about how a bunch of out of shape old guys that can manage to not only stay up for an hour (or more), but to blow multiple times. I can understand younger guys doing it, because when I was younger I could fucking do it. Hell, I'd see two girls in a day sometimes, and 3 or 4 over a 2 day period (what the hell happened to all of my disposable income?). That and everyone's dicks are so big these days. Makes me feel like I have a lil ol' wee wee sometimes. Lots of guys are good at DATY'ing, too, according to this board, which is cool. I don't really do it, maybe once a year. They got gals squirming all over the place. It'd seem like combinations of all the above would make one prime candidates for porn movies. Maybe they should audition.

Then again, maybe every old guy on here isn't out of shape and actually CAN do the above. Good for them if true. All the above said, good reviews are a hell of a lot better to read than a boring 3-liner that basically said you showed up, copped a couple feels, possibly popped one and left. Ho hum. Good job not only lulling me to sleep, but also making me waste 20 seconds by clicking on your lousy ass review. Short stories are good when you're giving a presentation or reading one of Aesop's Fables. But some like that shit. I don't. I prefer the ones that at least make me THINK about jacking off, so pour on the sugar, I say. Originally Posted by Rambro Creed
joesmo888's Avatar
the reviews on eccie have never let me down except for 1 instance. I also use TER and P411 to see menu's. if you do your homework and have common sense then its easy to diagnose reviews.
I think the biggest question that would help fellow hobbyists most is the question:

Would you repeat?

Then having options: Yes, Maybe, No. (and not defining them, letting them speak for their self)

Providers seem to have rates that change from one day or week to the next day or week, so I'm not sure specifying an exact dollar amount paid is really necessary. I would be inclined to recommend replacing "Rate paid" to "Rate provider charges" because it would seem less incriminating to the client. It wouldn't admit the amount a client paid, but would still include the provider's rate.

Rate provider charges?

With options: Low, Medium, High, Expensive.

Where Low is under $150, Medium is up to $250, High is up to $350, and Steep is over $350. With having a personal website or ad link required, is it important to have the exact rate paid, down to the dollar? I think giving others a general rate range is enough, if interested they can visit the provider's website for details. Not to mention the bullshit oddball rates where any provider who understands ATM's disperse $20's is basically getting a built in tip by having a rate that ends in $5. I think the cut offs would also encourage providers to have a max of $150 or $250 or $350 just to be in a lower... price bracket... potentially increasing her business. The provider charging $265 might reconsider dropping her rate to $250 to be in a the lower price bracket.

I think it would then be really neat to have a way for the hobbyist to search by price range, by selecting a radio button for: Low, Medium, High, Expensive, he could quickly filter out the providers he views as too cheap or too expensive.
Thank you all for your responses thus far.
I truly do appreciate it.

I do agree that reviews are good if used as just one part of the research on someone you may want to spend time with.