Trans Activist Violently Assaults Riley Gaines at SFSU Speech

bambino's Avatar
No pretending. There is a trend of you and your fellow leftists both actively defending and not condemning any of this leftist trans insanity. Anyone looking back at the various threads can see it. You can post your fake denials all you want. Doesn't change the facts Originally Posted by berryberry

Jacuzzme's Avatar
I'm literally asking for more details. For the proof. And if you give me the proof I need we can go take a trip together to San Francisco and protest togtogether. I've got plenty of vacation available. And you might learn something about me in the process Originally Posted by HDGristle
You’d need that app to avoid the feces and used needless.

That aside, I could hang out with HD, although preferably not in Frisco. Just because opinions don’t 100% line up doesn’t mean people can’t get along well. He comes across as an intelligent, successful, well spoken guy, unlike some of the posters on the left here who just spew idiocy they found on Democratic Underground.
HDGristle's Avatar
No pretending. There is a trend of you and your fellow leftists both actively defending and not condemning any of this leftist trans insanity. Anyone looking back at the various threads can see it. You can post your fake denials all you want. Doesn't change the facts Originally Posted by berryberry

Cute double down. I'm not even a leftist.
bambino's Avatar
You’d need that app to avoid the feces and used needless.

That aside, I could hang out with HD, although preferably not in Frisco. Just because opinions don’t 100% line up doesn’t mean people can’t get along well. He comes across as an intelligent, successful, well spoken guy, unlike some of the posters on the left here who just spew idiocy they found on Democratic Underground. Originally Posted by Jacuzzme
Good luck!!!!!!
HDGristle's Avatar
You’d need that app to avoid the feces and used needless.

That aside, I could hang out with HD, although preferably not in Frisco. Just because opinions don’t 100% line up doesn’t mean people can’t get along well. He comes across as an intelligent, successful, well spoken guy, unlike some of the posters on the left here who just spew idiocy they found on Democratic Underground. Originally Posted by Jacuzzme
I'd be up for a meet for cigars and whiskey as long as you agree to buy a round everytime you call me or infer that I'm a leftist, Nazi sympathizer or a Tranny lover.

And to keep it on topic, bring the videos.
bambino's Avatar
I'd be up for a meet for cigars and whiskey as long as you agree to buy a round everytime you call me or infer that I'm a leftist, Nazi sympathizer or a Tranny lover.

And to keep it on topic, bring the videos. Originally Posted by HDGristle
Typical. Only under your conditions. What’s your end of the bargain Mr Gristle? Free drinks!!!!!!
HDGristle's Avatar
Wasn't talking to you, Bam. Quoted J and he can set his own terms.

Maybe we'll end up at Del Frisco's and steaks are on me while we debate what a punch looks like and whether Riley or David Hogg is the bigger attention whore seeking their 15 min

And the IOC rules on transgender participation in Olympic sports and their outsized impact on framing the current state and local rules, which also led to the exact conditions that Riley feels compelled to speak about and shill her position.

We'll agree that violence isn't the answer, though.
Jacuzzme's Avatar
I don’t smoke and you could count how many drinks I have in a year on one hand. Nothing against it or people who do, its just never been my thing.

I do love a good steak tho.
bambino's Avatar
Wasn't talking to you, Bam. Quoted J and he can set his own terms.

Maybe we'll end up at Del Frisco's and steaks are on me while we debate what a punch looks like and whether Riley or David Hogg is the bigger attention whore seeking their 15 min

And the IOC rules on transgender participation in Olympic sports and their outsized impact on framing the current state and local rules. Originally Posted by HDGristle
Del Friscos!!! Haven’t been to the Pittsburgh location yet. Next to Eddie Vs., But Atlanta and Orlando, yes. As good as the other Steak franchises. So mebbe I’ll show up. Only if J does. Those are my rules. I have no interest in spending time with you only. I prefer at least one other rational mind.
HDGristle's Avatar
You're not even invited

I wasn’t there; you weren’t there. So I agree; we don’t know for sure if there were any punches actually thrown. But can we agree that there were threats of violence, even if there was no actual violence? After all, police ushered Ms Gaines into a room where they secured her from the protestors. Surely they did not do so because the protesters wanted to have a debate and sing Kumbaya with her.

Now, legally, there are two separate crimes, and people often confuse and conflate them. Assault and battery are not the same thing. If a protester actually punches Gaines, then that protestor is guilty of battery. If a protestor threatened to punch her, then that protestor is guilty of assault, and this is the case regardless of whether or not a pinch actually was thrown. So can we not condemn these protestors even if there were no actual punches thrown? There was obviously the threat of violence, even if there was no actual violence. Can we not agree that threats of violence should be off limits in political debate?
I agree that threats of violence have no place in political dialog. Everyone on either side should agree with this, but sadly, even some political leaders on a certain side we could mention don't agree with this.
chizzy's Avatar
Liberals are the most tolerant people in the long as you agree with them......

Let's throw out this protest and Jan 6th protest.....

Now make a list of the violent protests done by the left and a list of violent protests by the right

Then u have your answer
The alt-right is now making bomb threats against a certain woke brewery in the news lately. Lol.

I don't think there's really a competition between the violent tendencies of each side. By the way, equating the Riley Gaines speech to January 6th is pretty indicative of the lack of perspective from certain folks.