Ways to keep $$ local that don't involve lowering pricing or griping.

Sensual Sophia's Avatar
I love socials. I think it would be awesome if business or business casual attire was required for entry to public happy hours -- And I say that despite the fact that I normally prefer to dress sexy or casually. I think downtown would be FANTASTIC. So sick of always having them in BFE North Austin. But I would not feel comfortable attending a social if I knew that a bunch of skanky looking (or acting) women were going to be showing up. It's just hard to explain...

Now at Nuglet's place I imagine the dress code could be far more relaxed!
knotty man's Avatar
i have always wanted to go to the socials. but never seemed to figure out how to get an invite. seeing you ladies in a non bcd atmosphere would be great, putting faces and personalities to handles i think would make for better communication. i think it would also make it easier to be civil to one another once you know someone as a person rather than just a screen name or a piece of meat. but if any of you ladies wanna see me as "a piece of meat" im good with that! weekends work best for me. and alcohol isnt important ,as i would be coming from killeen and its a long drive back. plus i rarely drink
Sensual Sophia's Avatar

You can get invited to CK's socials by emailing him or PMing him with a couple of provider vouches. Contact a couple of providers and ask them to vouch for you.
knotty man's Avatar
thanks sophia, i hope to meet you once again in a social scene. woohoo! look at me! i'm above and below you girl. i just made a naughty knotty sophia sammich! wish i could clone myself then i could do a doubles session with you. technically, are you gay if your sucking your own dick....lol
Sensual Sophia's Avatar
hahaha! alright, simmer down Knotty man.
LadiesFan's Avatar
are you gay if your sucking your own dick....lol Originally Posted by knotty man
I sure hope not... I have played "yanky my wanky" more times than I can count.

ztonk's Avatar
  • ztonk
  • 09-28-2010, 04:25 PM
You can get invited to CK's socials by emailing him or PMing him with a couple of provider vouches. Contact a couple of providers and ask them to vouch for you. Originally Posted by Sensual Sophia
Just to cover all the bases, you can also get invited to the GC Luncheons/Dinners by sending Whispers an email. Check his signature for the address.
Who is ck? And what's his email?
Rand Al'Thor's Avatar
A bit off current topic, but not so for the thread.

Since we're to ignore the elephant (not you, Elephant) in the room, I'll sum it up. Learn customer service. There were many suggestions in the other thread about TCB, menu offering, NCNS. All these add up to one thing, you are in a service industry, if you don't understand good customer service, then what are you doing?

We may see your ad (marketing) that raises our interest, but we tend to do research. Reviews establish your level of service and others' opinion of how you deliver that service. Don't get me wrong, I don't expect every provider to have my favorite whiskey on hand, toothbrush for me when I get there (I'll take care of my hygiene), and a Cuban to light up. Sometimes, I want to fuck and be fucked. That is okay too. This isn't what I mean by customer service.

Trust me, when that flavor of the week visiting provider NCNS or blows one of us off, we may go looking for a reliable local.
rrrabbit's Avatar
For me, the $$/hr or $$$/hr makes little difference. If I want to see a provider (for whatever reason), I probably will.

I shall also share that the factors that weigh in on whether or not I see her again, depends mostly on me. Certainly what she does gretly influences my decision, but there is no way she will know what buttons to press from 20 mins of conversation. Therefore, my reasoning. To me, it mostly depends on if I thought we had chemistry together or not.

Let's face it ... ladies are going to charge what they feel they can get from the market, and to a very small degree, the market "suggests" to the lady if her pricing structure is incorrect.

Let's also face that there are those who, for whatever reason, will continue to engage the BP gals. Maybe it's for the thrill of the unknown, or maybe they have an extra chromosome that I was not born with.

That said, I like the OP's suggestion of socials. Although, I have to admit, I'm not certain that I'd attend one. I've never been to an ASDP social because I can easily see myself feeling like I'm in a meat market, looking at every lady as an object, and they me as a walking ATM. I'd be fidgeting or staring at the floor most of the time. I'm not sure I'd be comfortable in that environment.

I'd need more than a couple bottles of liquid courage to let my hair down. So for me, alcohol is a must. LOL.
ck1942's Avatar

You can get invited to CK's socials by emailing him or PMing him with a couple of provider vouches. Contact a couple of providers and ask them to vouch for you. Originally Posted by Sensual Sophia

Sophia, thanks. And in case anyone has an interest in "the rules" at any event I organize:

Necessary reminder:
NO talk about P4P or the Hobby or the "Boards"

All events are only a "meet & greet" -- and all who attend are expected to follow the rules below:

If you attend, it is presumed you have read the rules and have agreed to follow them. Those who don't will not be invited to future events. Only those who receive an invitation may attend.

No illegal activities. That means no play for pay, no drugs, absolutely nothing that can compromise the security of our members, guests and our host venue.

Please respect all attending by no inappropriate touching. If you don't understand the rules, please ask ck1942 to explain.

For the security of all involved - no cameras; no uninvited nor unsponsored guests not previously cleared by ck1942; no haggling over services, etc.

No recruiting for anything and no promoting of any web sites.

Please do not disclose any one's presence to others on or off any board.

= = = =

-- vouching of gents is from established providers for sessions from the past 90 days. The providers are telling me only that they believe, based on that recent experience, that whoever they are vouching will follow the rules.

-- providers get the same vouching process; e.g. established hobbyists say they believe the providers will follow the rules.

There is also "revouching" on a periodic basis of both ladies and gents.

All that said, no screening process can ever be perfect and anyone who feels overly secure at any event (or on any board, for that matter) no matter where it is or who hosts it, should think twice about attending.

It's my belief that no board should host or sponsor any gathering of providers and hobbyists for the obvious reasons.

As for where and when in Austin or San Antonio, my signature has a little more data. And, fwiw, the Austin event last night was well attended, as was at least one of the after parties in a public, but restricted space.

I'm sure there were other gatherings even later ~ evil grin ~ which may surface hereabouts sooner or later. ~ evil grin x 2 ~
Back to the OP's topic:
I'd like to add that attitude goes a long way. It's a great way to enhance the value.

As for socials, nice suggestions, Nat. I'm familiar with couple of the bar owners mentioned. Just be mindful about shows that may happen at these places so it may be louder than usual. Good thing about those places is the cover (entrance, not hat) is free.
blenderhead's Avatar
Back to the OP's topic:
I'd like to add that attitude goes a long way. It's a great way to enhance the value. Originally Posted by motorboating
I'd also like to add consistency to that. Nothing sucks more than to have an awesome first visit, then the next visits you get the feeling that they're thinking they've got you hooked and they don't have to try very hard to keep you coming back.
Scratch the Itch2's Avatar
Disclaimer: Based on recent "sense of humor" deficits exhibited on ECCIE please note this is posted solely as a (perhaps feeble) attempt at humor.

If the Obama administration can seriously float a proposal for a "tax holiday" and the State of TX can have a "tax free holiday" for back to school; both intended to boost the economy and aid the "middle class"; the maybe for similar reasons the many lovelies on ECCIE should have a "Free sex" holidy to promote business.

Lets see (hmmmmmm) each provider could make it an invitation only event, a reward to there most cherished clients OR a chance to invite new clients from the board they might want to add to their client list.

Unfortunately, I doubt my phone will ribng or my e-mail account would fill up from such a proposal. But that's OK all you lucky guys can thank me later.

Also - Carl I'm really soory but the only call you'll be getting will be from Big Jake.