Taatoos, turn on or turn off

Obsidian's Avatar
No one gets tats for them not to be seen in some forum, personally a couple small ones dont bother me. A tat of a guys name is a mood killer for me. Why do ppl insist on gf/bf tats to show you love them? Most relationships rarely hit the forever mark but ppl do it anyway. Way too many and I dont care how hot she is I cant focus on her sexually only visually (if its good work that is). To each their own.
Way too many and I dont care how hot she is I cant focus on her sexually . Originally Posted by Obsidian

I totally agree....

Personally... I HATE THEM! I can live with a small ONE (in certain places). Other than that, ZERO interest at all.
SoleMan's Avatar
Tatoos are a turn-off for me--especially ones on the breasts, hands, or feet.

I do appreciate the artwork of some tatoos, but I have never been turned-on by them.
I have seen ladies with tatoos (really, how can you not?), but a "no tatoos or piercings" tagline sure draws my attention.

jules, I would never judge anyone for their personal choice to get a tatoo. And you have gorgeous eyes, btw.
tara, I agree--Lisa Love is smokin' hot, ink and all.
So I have another question. Is it the marring of the skin then, that's the turn off or does it matter if it's not a permanent tattoo?
cookie man's Avatar
nevermind...to much wine...lol
Be happy in your own skin.
yaddayadda's Avatar
A naked women needs not other adornments. They are perfect........BUT if they think they need a picture of a panther on their ass....UMMM Ok...I guess.
TexTushHog's Avatar
Turn offs, no exceptions. Period. End of conversation. The bigger and more noticeable, the bigger the turn off.
Da Bauce's Avatar
I have several tattoos and they all have a special significance to me. Originally Posted by reese foster
Reese! What you have tattoos! Who knew! First the Commadores then New Edition, now you have tattoos... I have been clearly worried about the wrong things I see! I must pay closer attention next time!
Reese! What you have tattoos! Who knew! First the Commodores then New Edition, now you have tattoos... I have been clearly worried about the wrong things, I see! I must pay closer attention next time! Originally Posted by Da Hammer

Oh Mr. Hammer, have I told you lately....nevermind, I would rather show you..... you sexy Mutha F'r! I am happy with my tattoos and even happier to have you noticing the important things.

By the way, I love your Dark Side....it has cookies!!
Reese my dear, I'm sure that the tattoos only enhance your already stunning presence. One of these days, I hope to take a closer look!

TP Originally Posted by Tony Patella

I have no clue how to MultiQuote so pardon my boo boo.

Thank you, MTABSW, you are too sweet to me.

TP, Thank you and I hope it is sooner than later
NerdKing's Avatar
Most of the time a turn off. Small ones are not a deal breaker, but large ones are.
Lana Warren's Avatar
I have a tatoo in my hip and wish now that I had never gotten one! That was 20yrs ago at a high school reunion when us girls from our softball team decided to get matching tatoos in memory of our coach that had passed away not too long before our reunion! Looking back, I'm sure there were other ways to memorialize him!
I love tattoos on girls, always wanted a girl that was tattooed up like a suicide girl. Been there done that, I would love for my next so to not have a single tattoo but do you know how rare that is these days?
  • chazz
  • 06-30-2010, 09:25 AM
There is no right or wrong answer on this one so with that being said... I would like to thank everyone for the opinions and replies. I think this thread has run it's course and hope everyone enjoys their extended Holiday weekend...

Happy Hunting,

Chazz aka Chazz-o-licious <3
Obsidian's Avatar
Ive noticed in this thread that in reference to the original question almost no one has said that tats are a turn on and some have noted (varying in size and quantity) that they can be a turn off. People have stated that they like them or like so and so's tats but never said they were a turn on.

That said, liking something and being turned on by it are two different things. So far the consensus seems to be that the level of "like" varies, however, whether it enhances anyones horniness or sexual experience is doubtful. There's likely a niche fetish for it though just like hundreds of others.