Why Unions need to be destroyed

COG. Let me ask you one thing, does make it any less true? Originally Posted by BigLouie
Less true? It was never true. It was simply propaganda, probably written for union bosses to keep fucking over their members.
Less true? It was never true. It was simply propaganda, probably written for union bosses to keep fucking over their members. Originally Posted by nwarounder
Would you define "union bosses?"
Would you define "union bosses?" Originally Posted by bigtex
"The typical image of a union boss is a fat, slovenly slug who claims to work for the little guy but gets fat and sassy off the backs of the working man."

“He eats lunch when he arrives at work at 2 p.m. Then, like clockwork, he goes to sleep with a cup of soda on the table and the straw in it,” said Marvin Robbins, a union vice president.
“Then he wakes up, looks at his watch and says, ‘I have to get out before the traffic gets bad.’ He’s usually out by 4 p.m. after being at the office two hours.”

This is but one, Mark Rosethal, president of local 983 of district council 37. Two hours a day, not a bad job.

CuteOldGuy's Avatar
It makes you a liar, BigLouise, and an insecure little man who has to pretend other people's words are his own in order to gain some respect from his peers. This is a SHMB for Pete's sake!

Credit where you get your crap. You'll actually sound smarter.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Give whiny a small opening and he rushes right in, like a well lubed dildo!
This is but one, Mark Rosethal, president of local 983 of district council 37. Originally Posted by nwarounder
For the record it says his title is "president of local 983 of district council 37," not "union boss." Please show me a picture of someone who actually holds the title of "union boss."

I have never personally met Mark Rosenthal but I have met more than a few union presidents in my time. The one thing all of the "union presidents" I have met had in common would be that they all were elected by a majority of their membership. I suspect that if Mark is not representing his membership properly, they will vote against him in the next election.

With all of that said, I have never met anyone who actually holds the title of "union boss." Unlike a corporate CEO, a pharmacist, doctor, attorney, nurse, etc., is a "union boss" actually a figment of an over active and highly prejudiced imagination?
For the record it says his title is "president of local 983 of district council 37," not "union boss." I have met more than a few union officers in my time but I have never met anyone who held the title of "union boss."

Unlike a corporate CEO, a pharmacist, doctor, attorney, nurse, etc., is a "union boss" actually a figment of a prejudiced imagination? Originally Posted by bigtex
Define "union officer"? Is that some paramilitary code unions use now for management? Pretty sill argument, isn't it?
Define "union officer"? Originally Posted by nwarounder
The ball was in your court, not mine.

I will be more than happy to define "union officer" after you define "union boss."
The ball was in your court, not mine.

I will be more than happy to define "union officer" after you define "union boss." Originally Posted by bigtex
They are the same, if you can define "union officer", you already have the answer.
Its apparent that you are not reading! Corporations are reducing working hours to 29 to avoid Dumbamacare otherwise known as libtardcare!

Please provide a link proving President Obama personally reduced the work week to 29 hours, you lying sack of shit!

anybody else want some of this asshole's lies tonight? Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
They are the same, if you can define "union officer", you already have the answer. Originally Posted by nwarounder
They may or may not be the same. You have yet to tell us what a "union boss" actually is.

You're the one who brought the "union boss" issue up. Quit deflecting!

Otherwise I am left to assume that you are doing nothing more than running off at the mouth about something that you obviously have no knowledge about!
They may or may not be the same. You have yet to tell us what a "union boss" actually is.

You're the one who brought the "union boss" issue up. Quit deflecting!

Otherwise quit running off at the mouth about something that you obviously have no knowledge about! Originally Posted by bigtex
There you go....
somebody in charge of a union: somebody who is in charge of others, especially in a work environment within a union
somebody dominant: the dominant partner in a relationship or the dominant member of a group, who tends to make decisions and give instructions within a union
powerful politician: a politician who exerts a controlling influence, e.g. by applying pressure on others to vote in a particular way within a union
There you go....
somebody in charge of a union: somebody who is in charge of others, especially in a work environment within a union
somebody dominant: the dominant partner in a relationship or the dominant member of a group, who tends to make decisions and give instructions within a union
powerful politician: a politician who exerts a controlling influence, e.g. by applying pressure on others to vote in a particular way within a union Originally Posted by nwarounder
Is this the product of the over active and highly prejudiced imagination that I previously referenced? If not, please provide a reputable link to the actual definition of "union boss."

Key word, reputable, not prejudiced!
"Sweet Ass" IIFFY's understanding of a reputable link about America's Unions is UnionFacts.com.


"Sweet Ass", where did you find those links? Breitbart?

How do you spell IDIOT? "Sweet Ass" IIFFY, of course!