Managed Provider vs. Independent Provider

DNinja69's Avatar
I find it crazy that a provider can't manage herself. The thought of some bum taking from me because I'm a dumb ass isn't a good look on me. NOW some women need the encouragement or whatever, just makes me wonder are you here by choice? FOR ME I ENJOY the art of passion so I dont need a cheerleader or managment I am my own boss DONT NEED A SHADOW. PLUS you cant tell on yourself. Originally Posted by Issabella Monroe
Issabella sounds like you are a fun time, and good to know you have a handle on the business end. I wanted to comment here because it frustrates me whenever any guy is mentioned at all the girl must be 'managed' and that tag can cost her $$ when most of the time nobody knows the real situation.

In the true sense of 'managed' I also don't want to be a part of that. But guys need to realize all kinds of realities exist in this business. Plenty of girls are 'managed' by other girls as well. Many of them just have a dude and of course he is going to be around, if my girl was in this business no way I would not want to look out for her and be available if she needed me.

As long as she treats me right, and makes our time the priority, I really don't care. It is her business, and if my experience is better because of someone behind the scenes efforts, cool.

There are some strong women in this business, and plenty of them are doing this because it provides a very good living. They take plenty of risk, and put up with plenty of shit.
  • Zebco
  • 04-25-2019, 12:02 PM
Less no shows with managed also girls younger and hotter. IDC if managed
Less no shows with managed also girls younger and hotter. IDC if managed Originally Posted by Zebco
Congratulations! 3 days as a member and you know the difference. Sounds like someone I know who had a cousin who liked fishing. He liked managed girls too.
Personally, I have no interest in seeing managed ladies. One, that’s money out of her purse; 2) some managers tend more toward the “younger” ladies, or equally bad ( or worse) trafficked ladies; 3) if they are willing to steal from their “employees”, they would have no issue with letting themselves into the room once the action has started and robbing you too. In short, I see no advantage or attraction to seeing managed ladies.

Of course, how can we really know? If everything goes off well, we might not ever know
I care not to see the Lady’s that have been reeled in by as one would call it Management.
tuckahoe's Avatar
Pimps are abusive to women. Many beat them and/or get them on things they should not be using.
Some even listen in on dates.
I don't get this "I don't care" attitude of some guys. Actually I do, but I can't have sex with a woman without caring something about her well being. Just seeing a woman as something to get your balls of in is selfish, or worse. Just use her and throw her away . . . . kind of sub-human!

As far as a female owned escort service, that is different. Sure, they take a chunk of the money, but they don't think they own the woman. The escort can quit any time she wants.
I used to use Diamond International a lot. Had a lot of good dates, and even met the owner. Never got to use the service in NWA, but there have been a bunch of ladies I would love to date. Wish I had the chance to date the owner, also.
austin88998833's Avatar
If only all “managers” could be like Chuck and Bill. If you fast forward to the 45 second mark you will see the defining moment in Chuck and Bill’s careers.
I agree that people can lie and will. Doesn't make everyone bad just human nature. If the men and women would worry about just having fun and being safe and stop worrying about the next broad and how much she makes things would be smooth. It's this dumb thread and even the fucked up puns written that show peoples truth. It's a fucking hobby for crying out loud not a miss America contest.
Hands down a independent. I have NO use for anyone that manipulates another person for personal gain in any form. In my experience the independents make it a more personal experience they are much safer in how they see you which makes me safer. Had a recent run in with one of the slugs as I was leaving the room just west of Atlanta. The idiot made the mistake of trying to enter the room as I left needless to say it didn't work out well for him. But I was lucky none of the tell tale signs were evident and I asked all the right questions I knew 5 minutes into the date she was managed so I was on edge the whole time. I have said it before and I'll say it again you guy's are lucky back home to have a active board to go to here it's dead. I cannot wait to be done here and get back home.
I don't like the idea of some slum lingering around like a slim ball!!!
Just the thought makes me uncomfortable. This is also an issue if your trying to do doubles. Yeahh I'm good.
As far as a female owned escort service, that is different. Sure, they take a chunk of the money, but they don't think they own the woman. The escort can quit any time she wants. Originally Posted by tuckahoe

Think you are a bit naive if you believe this.
Most of my hobby time has been in Dallas where majority of providers were managed. I moved to Arkansas about a year ago and was suprised a small state like Arkansas has just as many managed. I walk with my donation if I notice provider is being managed. I'm not supporting a manager. Manager can get off his sorry ass and get a real job and quit mooching off a woman.
DNinja69's Avatar
Most of my hobby time has been in Dallas where majority of providers were managed. I moved to Arkansas about a year ago and was surprised a small state like Arkansas has just as many managed. I walk with my donation if I notice provider is being managed. I'm not supporting a manager. Manager can get off his sorry ass and get a real job and quit mooching off a woman. Originally Posted by John Knox
Ok so I don't like the 'managed' reality that many girls deal with, but does it make sense to cross ladies off our list just because someone on here thinks they are managed?

We see something posted and go another direction, which could just as easily be a 'managed' girl for all we know. If they treat guys right, give a great session, does it really matter?

I mean that 'independent' girl who has to hustle extra to afford her daily casino visits or always has to ask 'can you help me get a room' is worth out time but not a good provider who is 'managed' is not???
No management doesn't mean not to see them. Its more of a cautionary. I believe there are some gems that are manage for whatever reason. I would hope people do see them. In any sense the whole biz is a cautionary cause. So what difference does it make. See who you fancy and makes you feel good regardless of them being under management.
Pay close attention to the ones who are screaming about another girl being managed. Typically it's a hit job to take out the competition.

A Smack Madam can be just as mean as any man can be. Women are cruel to other women in a lot of ways. One of the biggest and most feared slave owners was a woman in Louisiana. Elizabeth was a very cruel Queen and killed her own cousin by beheading because she was afraid of her ascension to the throne. Hell in today's world, women march in the streets by the thousands to protest for the right to murder their own unborn children. So yes, women can be cruel to other women.

As BBW put it in this thread, you only know what the girl wants you to know.