Screening is it really Necessary?

GinaXXX's Avatar
I suspect lots of providers use p411 more for advertising than for screening. So, they're on p411, but basically they don't bother with screening and anyone who contacts them can get an appointment. I just so happen to contact them through p411 and give them my id.
I can attest that it happens a LOT..... many providers jump up and down publicly about screening, but behind closed doors don't bother.

pmdelites's Avatar
Wait, they screen, but then don't screen? Why would they ask for, but not look at, your P411 profile? Makes no sense. I always check out the P411 profile. And I love when you gents take the time to write something that really tells us what you like. I've even declined appointments because what he had written just didn't sound like my kind of thing. The honesty seems to be appreciated most of the time.

Someone explain the screening but not screening thing to me.... I don't get it. Originally Posted by tracibrooks
wrt why someone does what they do...
early in my life, i wondered as you do why some people do some non-sensical things. then i got amazed that some people still do them.

but after having experienced 55+ yrs living on this planet and reading, watching, and hearing about all the less than sane stuff [judgement call there] that people have been doing for thousands of years, i no longer wonder or am amazed at the stuff [both in the corporate, public, political, sports, arts, entertainment, etc.]. either they havent learned or they dont care or they're pretty stupid. but they're people. and i have done my share of each.

so, unless it affects me in some way, shape, or form, i either ignore them or sit back and watch their crazy actions. if it does affect me or if i feel like they might be open to some info or knowledge or even wisdom to act in a different more productive way, i will let them know if they want to talk or discuss, i'm available.

it's kinda like being outraged at an action - either let it go or offer to do something about it.
Screen, screen, screen even then you never know who is on the other side of that door. Get as many references as you want and it helps if you know the provider. Don't get pissed off guys it is obvious that plenty of girls don't screen at all.
berkleigh's Avatar
I can't believe he asked if it was necessary?

Safety should be the #1 Priority in the Hobby on both ends!

pmdelites's Avatar
well, swardfish,...

hopefully by now you've got your answer.
but, technically it is not necessary.

but if a woman wants to screen, it's her choice.
many women have said that it's one way to be safe.
and i agree.

if you dont want to provide the info, move on to someone w/ less stringent screening policies.
Screening is very important to both parties. The guys screen via reviews and alerts the ladies screen via p411 and other providers and even somewhat by checking guys postings on sites such as these.
To the one guy who says he sees only gals that don't screen I would suspect that his posting habits here probably makes that the only way he can meet ladies.
All or I should say most the ladies I have met do screen and some vigorously. You stated that you have never heard of a lady being busted but then again why would you? She certainly isn't going to advertise that she had been. Then again why do you suppose they haven't been busted. Because they screen. Most guys who are members of P411 have passed Gina's screening and most have more than one ok.
The likelihood of a p411 member being LE is very slim.
As pmdelites stated its your preference who you see,myself I prefer the ladies that play safe and screen.
I would be leery of seeing any provider who DID NOT screen
Saturn's Avatar
Man I wonder why these questions even come up. Screening is a best practice and should always be done.

Next someone will be asking "why bother to use a condom"..........
CuriousDude's Avatar
You bet your life it is necessary. Just ask the ladies in Houston, who have been dealing with Anthony, aka - Jazzy J, aka Number 94. Well, this slime ball, likes to stalk, rape, rob, harrass, threaten, beat-up, you name and he's probably done it.

A very good friend of mine, who happens to be a provider, just finished a tour in Houston. She got a request from this sleezeball, but did her homework, i.e., Screening, because he didn't provide any verifiable references to her. Told her he found her on Backpage there too. Well, she didn't have an ad on Backpage for Houston during her visit, just Eccie and P411.

Thanks to the alerts section and the LCZ, the ladies know it well, she avoided this sleezeball. And believe me, she can handle her own, but up against someone who is 300+ (I understand closer to 400) and he is 6'8" +. She is only 5'3" and 100 lbs wet. She wouldn't have stood a chance.

Yes, screening is very necessary for the ladies and personally, I wouldn't see one, if she didn't screen. IMO!
Combustion's Avatar
Yes, its necessary and I'm concerned for the girls who don't screen at all or fake screen where you call them on the phone they ask for references then 2 seconds later your all set...

Saw a newbie last week who clearly didn't have it together yet- when I'm at the hotel lot, What was your boardname again? When I'm in the room- So when did you see providerx? I didn't list nor had I seen the 2-3 girls she listed. Then does the are you a cop? Time/companionship spiel... nice screening... Vice aint nice and they can lie and do anything to get their arrest.

On the way out I asked if she had p411 yet, she said not yet, I sent her a p411 invite/vouch hopefully she is smart enough to use it before her screening fails her.
Guest091314's Avatar
screening cannot help everything but because of my strict screening i have dodged at least 3 men on the alerts in the past few months. The amount of calls i turn down may lose me money but my life is worth more. SCREEN SCREEN SCREEN stay safe!!!~
I can attest that it happens a LOT..... many providers jump up and down publicly about screening, but behind closed doors don't bother.

Gina Originally Posted by GinaXXX
These threads are always good to get a sense what the current thinking is on matters such as screening. While I enjoy reading the opinions of members on the board, I'll take the assessment of the lady who I am sure has the stats to prove her point.

For the record, I have been "screened" by my area code alone. I don't know what else the lady took into consideration but I was a bit baffled initially.Also, I have been told by another provider I sounded "trustworthy" on the phone . The two ladies were P411 and have stellar reputations. Of course I went ahead and had the sessions and they both were fantastic. While it is my preference that ladies do their screening properly, I am not going to pass up an opportunity to meet a beautiful woman because she decided to see me "her own way". Remember, many of them say P411 is only one of the tools they use for screening.

Screening will never be 100% safe but it is a necessary part before arranging any dates. Just don't tell others what they need to do to make themselves feel comfortable about seeing new clients. Follow their rules and meet their standards or simply find a different playing partner.