Trump walked in to the Obama/Biden economy

pleasurem's Avatar
Bush was horrible, Obama was horrible... no one wants to credit Trump? He’s gone through 3 1/2 years of BS from Dems and Rino(s)

I don’t like him but he’s a better president than the last two!
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Bush was horrible, Obama was horrible... no one wants to credit Trump? He’s gone through 3 1/2 years of BS from Dems and Rino(s)

I don’t like him but he’s a better president than the last two! combined Originally Posted by pleasurem

dilbert firestorm's Avatar
Bush was horrible, Obama was horrible... no one wants to credit Trump? He’s gone through 3 1/2 years of BS from Dems and Rino(s)

I don’t like him but he’s a better president than the last two combined! Originally Posted by pleasurem
ftfy Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid

And fucked it up after Bush left Obama/Biden the greatest recession since the depression. The putin/trump huggers will give putin/trump credit for the Obama/Biden economy of 2014 through early 2020. Now we are in the recession of putin/trump. Putin won the stupid Americans votes Originally Posted by Tsmokies
Not really. It really depends on how you look at it. In the following video this panel of four all have different opinions. But when it comes right down to it they all agree Obama was no cavalier at economic growth.
pleasurem's Avatar
Obama did not contribute to anything in the economy, NOTHING!!! He was ( and is ) a LOSER!!!
  • Tiny
  • 09-13-2020, 09:43 AM
Not really. It really depends on how you look at it. In the following video this panel of four all have different opinions. But when it comes right down to it they all agree Obama was no cavalier at economic growth. Originally Posted by Levianon17
That's an interesting discussion. You have two people who advised Obama, one who advised Bush (Glenn Hubbard), and one from the left. Hubbard and the person on the left were constantly agreeing, that Obama didn't do that great of a job.

The leftist brought up that black unemployment was 8% when Obama left office and Obama had done nothing to improve wealth or income equality.

Trump's tax cuts for businesses and deregulation alleviated this. They improved business conditions and motivated businesses to expand. This created new jobs for all races. Businesses had to compete and pay more for workers. The labor market tightened and wages increased. The results -- Black unemployment was down to 5% and still trending downward when Covid hit. And if what I've been reading is correct, for the first time in many years, under Trump middle class wages have increased more then higher income earners'. This is a big deal because adjusted for inflation middle class earnings have been stagnant for many years.

Hubbard and the leftist also agreed that Obama didn't take advantage of stimulus spending to improve infrastructure. And not much was done to improve skills of American workers.

One other interesting point the moderator made that nobody commented on, from 2008 to 2016, Hispanics added 5 million jobs, blacks added 2 million, and Asians 2 million. But there was a slight decrease in the number of jobs held by whites. Part of that was demographics, more Hispanics and blacks entering the potential labor force, but I think this was also one of the things that Trump was able to tap into, why he got so much support from white, male blue collar workers in 2016.
Jacuzzme's Avatar
Hubbard and the leftist also agreed that Obama didn't take advantage of stimulus spending to improve infrastructure.
He gave the money to unions who turned around and donated it to democratic campaigns, aka money laundering.
  • Tiny
  • 09-13-2020, 10:37 AM
He gave the money to unions who turned around and donated it to democratic campaigns, aka money laundering. Originally Posted by Jacuzzme
You also had boondoggles like Solyndra, where the federal government just flushed the money down the drain. It would be interesting to know what exactly happened to the $800 billion we spent on "shovel ready" infrastructure projects. If you believe some of the press reports, only a small fraction was put to productive uses.
You also had boondoggles like Solyndra, where the federal government just flushed the money down the drain. It would be interesting to know what exactly happened to the $800 billion we spent on "shovel ready" infrastructure projects. If you believe some of the press reports, only a small fraction was put to productive uses. Originally Posted by Tiny
Yeah think about it.
  • oeb11
  • 09-13-2020, 11:12 AM
You also had boondoggles like Solyndra, where the federal government just flushed the money down the drain. It would be interesting to know what exactly happened to the $800 billion we spent on "shovel ready" infrastructure projects. If you believe some of the press reports, only a small fraction was put to productive uses. Originally Posted by Tiny

Into the deep pockets of the West coast DPST party; newsome, Brown, inslee, and Pelosi!

You also had boondoggles like Solyndra, where the federal government just flushed the money down the drain. It would be interesting to know what exactly happened to the $800 billion we spent on "shovel ready" infrastructure projects. If you believe some of the press reports, only a small fraction was put to productive uses. Originally Posted by Tiny

Do you remember when Obama and Jeff Immelt were at some televised event discussing the "stimulus package," and both laughed when it was mentioned that there were be very few "shovel-ready" projects available?

As it turned out, there actually were some shovel-ready projects into which quite a bit of money was poured.

The only problem is that they were the bank accounts of "green energy" entrepreneurs and executives, and other politically connected crony capitalists of various stripes.

It likely was the case that working-class Americans didn't find this quite as funny as Obama and Immelt did, and that an accumulation of little episodes such as this greatly contributed to their disaffection with Hillary in 2016.

Even though it didn't affect me I do remember when Bush left the greatest recession since the depression. Obama/Biden turned it around and putin/trump wants all the credit. Idiots give them the credit lol
Grace Preston's Avatar

Obama/Biden turned it around-- but I will absolutely give Trump credit for hitting the accelerator. We would not have continued to grow at the rapid clip had Clinton won in 2016.
eccieuser9500's Avatar
. . . unless we kept moving the interest rates as close to zero as possible. Even negative interest rates.
pleasurem's Avatar
Obama and Biden did nothing, nothing
They ignored the economy
Get your facts straight
I had no opinion on Obama until he first addressed the nation, he wasn’t ready to be president and he never improved, never!!! Bush and Obama were horrid, horrid!!!!!!