SA/Online Only?? WTF

So telling on people is the way of the future in this biz?

*Providers take note, all of the above tattletales will sell you out to save their own ass!* Personally, I would NEVER see someone who so openly promotes tattling, like a schoolgirl.

Now you can all go tell your Momma a whore encouraged other whores NOT to suck your pee-pee because you ARE a liability to the business. Maybe she'll suck it for you instead. Originally Posted by Gabrielle
I don't think you know what you're talking about. Much like this and TOS rules are put in place to protect the community. Based on the changes made here and on the TOS the rule breakers have forced them to turn off features that where a benefit to all. I don't want to be solicited on SA by Escorts, I'm on this site and the TOS for that, o buy photos, send more to some unknown who is a bot or some thief halfway across the world.

As a paying customer on the sites and the lifestyle supported by both forums, I as do, and the operator expects the members to follow the rules for the benefit of all. If you don't want to follow the rules then find a site/lifestyle that supports your beliefs instead of acting like a juvenile.
Gabrielle's Avatar
I don't think you know what you're talking about. Originally Posted by drbob_101
A tattletale is a tattletale is a tattletale.

A Snitch is still a SNITCH!
A rat is still a RAT!

I do NOT trust anyone who condones
telling like a little schoolgirl.

SNITCH defined, click here

RAT defined, click here

and the operator expects the members to follow the rules for the benefit of all. If you don't want to follow the rules then find a site/lifestyle that supports your beliefs instead of acting like a juvenile. Originally Posted by drbob_101
The term "prostitution" generally means the commission by a person of any natural or unnatural sexual act, deviate sexual intercourse, or sexual contact for monetary consideration or other thing of value. You can continue to read all about what prostitution legally is here...

So let's chat about rules, shall we Mr. Law Breaking Rats?

The below screenshot is at the BEGINNING of the "rules" there
Mr. Law Breaking Snitches!
Honestly's usually the extremely bitchy, know it all girls like how you come across I report. The others, No thanks and move on. You have an attitude problem. You argue EVERYTHING.
That is because she doesn't understand what she is reading. SA has a lot of escort, pimps and other scammers.

I personally have never paid a girl for sex from that site. In fact I have had many refuse any kind of monetary help I offered them.

Woman don't like other woman who "give it away for free" or don't expect something in return for having sex with a man.

As a female friend of mine told when I was having sex with a 19yo who wanted an experience that I was willing to help her with "girls like her ruin it for the rest of us".
Gabrielle's Avatar
You argue EVERYTHING. Originally Posted by spazzer

I have never argued that in 1492, when Columbus sailed the ocean blue, spazzer wasn't a dick.

Never, not once, have I made that arguement there spazzer.

Aren't absolutes fun?

*Note* I only argue with misogynistic pigs who treat my co-workers like they are less than. If you don't like whores, why would you want to fuck whores? SA is waiting for you! Buh-bye!

I personally have never paid a girl for sex from that site. In fact I have had many refuse any kind of monetary help I offered them. Originally Posted by drbob_101
Then why are you here? Go there and get your free pussy.

Just curious, what shade of brown are your eyes?
I've done well just meeting and taking them on a great date. She thinks there's a proposition and negotiation. I simply ask them out to meet. She can't reason that though
Gabs, Im here just to piss you off. When's happy hour?
Gabrielle....stop the defending whores crusade. I'm positive nobody wants you speaking for them. Stop ruining every thread. You're an idiot who should be banned at this point.

Arguing everything doesn't make you a martyr for your side.
Just gonna drop this right here.

From eccies terms of use.
Section 9:

You represent, warrant, and covenant that: (a) you shall not upload, post, or transmit to or distribute or otherwise publish through the Web Site any materials which)... (ii)are unlawful, threatening, abusive, libelous, or defamatory, (iii) constitute or encourage conduct that would constitute a criminal offense, give rise to civil liability or otherwise violate law,

So tell me again about how we all follow the rules.
Why are providers even on here? Why are listening to her horseshit? SA has quality that far surpasses any of the trash on TOS,EB or any other site, for a fraction of the cost and hassles. Block providers from this site.
Why are providers even on here? Why are listening to her horseshit? SA has quality that far surpasses any of the trash on TOS,EB or any other site, for a fraction of the cost and hassles. Block providers from this site. Originally Posted by ifly155
Brilliant move!
Why are providers even on here? Why are listening to her horseshit? SA has quality that far surpasses any of the trash on TOS,EB or any other site, for a fraction of the cost and hassles. Block providers from this site. Originally Posted by ifly155
Start a petition. You seem like a wise and capable voice of reason we can all learn from and follow

After you get rid of the providers you can work on ridding the board of the white knights. Then the pimps. And one day maybe everyone on the internet with opinions you don't like.
bambino's Avatar
Why are providers even on here? Why are listening to her horseshit? SA has quality that far surpasses any of the trash on TOS,EB or any other site, for a fraction of the cost and hassles. Block providers from this site. Originally Posted by ifly155
Actually, it’s a hooker board, not a SA board. So I welcolme hookers. But a case can be made for barring GabZini. In the words of the immortal Carl Spankler:

If we kill all the golfers......