Tucker - A Great American

It’s going to play out as nothing changing.
You got this information some place but you chose not to share the source. As usual.
Everything carlson aired (except 10 seconds) was available by late September 2021 for the defendants.

"The government argues, compellingly, that the rest of Carlson’s footage is similarly belated. The Fox News segment was cited by attorneys for Dominic Pezzola, a member of the far-right group Proud Boys, as demonstrating that the government withheld exculpatory footage. In response, the government attorneys note that everything Carlson aired, save one 10-second snippet, was made available to defendants by late September 2021."

... G'day Patriots of Truth,

... Tucker Carlson showed America that he just may be
the MOST influential newsm-- news person in the USA.carlson is one of the biggest liars in America

This evening's show was GREAT at pointing out all
the 6th January LIES - and how those lies have
hurt the country.

It has NOW been confirmed that the Shaman's barrister
never had any access to the footage Tucker bullshit.. . See the above linkshowed.
Either did the Judge - who has stated that
he did not view it.

We also learned that the Shaman was not offoured bail
- he was deemed "too dangerous" bullshit. He was a flight risk. See link.to be let out of jail.
He was portrayed to be the MOST DESTRUCTIVE personmore bullshit. Do you have a link?
at the Capitol - and yet, we saw him being led-about
by police like he was a visiting dignitary.

So some Republicans - led by MTG - will be visiting
the 6 January prisoners - to see if their civil rights
have been violated.

And then Tucker surely compared the BLM attack of the
White House and burning of the St. John's Church.
Where MORE police officers were assaulted then
on 6th Jan... Worse police injuries at the Church also.total bullshit. There were 140 police injured at the Capitol. No mention of any injuries at St. John's. 2 of the biggest liars (you and carlson) are already at it again. This is why you don't post links. You can't find any credible links.
"D.C. police said a small fire was deliberately set in the basement. Under police escort, D.C. firefighters quickly extinguished it. Fire department spokesman Vito Maggiolo said the blaze did not appear to cause any significant damage."


Tucker didn't say just how many of those who fought
with police that evening and burned the church
were ever sent to jail - or have been labeled
"domestic Terrorists" - surely would like to know that.

... Hopefully Waco will post this new Tucker episode
in the Tucker thread - so you all can see.

#### Salty Originally Posted by Salty Again
I can't find middle ground with someone who frequently lies, like you.
When caught, you don't have the balls to admit it.

One thing I'll give you credit for. Because nothing you say can be trusted, I learn new things all the time. It's fun pointing out your lack of knowledge on most subjects and observing your willingness to lie through your teeth.
This also proves you are an illegal immigrant. You could never get past the green card application.

Here is a link that debunks most of carlson's lies from his March 6th shit shows for dummies.
The recommended sentence was 51 months. I can't stand liars. It's bad enough they lie in the first place. But when they keep lying about the same thing after being given correct information it shows a complete lack of character.

... He's actually been pretty good with things
and a decent fellow... The two of us had a
royal Bourke Street Barney a week ago -
a running discussion that surely ran thru
4 or 5 threads at the SAME TIME for maybe
a good half-hour and had nary a mean-spirited
insult between us.

And THAT aint easy to do...

#### Salty Originally Posted by Salty Again
... Are YOU just playing a game at being SO MIS-INFORMED??

IF you would have watched Tucker's show last week,
YOU would already KNOW that me comments there
- that YOU call "lies" - ARE THE TRUTH.
Reported on Tucker's show, by him and others, barristers
and other reporters, and people who were THERE.

The Shaman's OWN BARRISTER explained those things
in a direct interview -- and the Judge claimed that HE
also never saw the "inside the Capitol" police escort
of the Shaman.

So instead-of actually watching the Tucker show footage
- which can be found right in THIS very forum -
You surely piss and moan with "fact check" bullshit.
Prolly the same "fact checkers" who claim the
Hunter laptop is fake...

So YOU attack me and call me a liar... WITHOUT having
either the common decency - or the backbone
to look at the evidence? ... How Sad.

WHAT are you afraid-of?? ... That Tucker, me-self and
the other lads here just may be Correct??

#### Salty
... WATCH the three nights of Tucker... THEN we can surely
discuss the comparison and contrast of 6th January
- and the BLM/Antifa attack at the White House and the
burning of the Church - and just how many police
were injured at both events... MORE at the White House
and Church attack.

And ya know who sayes-so? ... The DC Police!
You'll find THAT out when you watch the Wednesday video.

#### Salty
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Zollner, you are probably making TWK cry. You can't insult the love of his life like that.

Anyway, Fucker Carlson is full of shit. I don't blame him for that. For the right price, I'd be more than happy to lie my ass off on TV too and have suckers believe my bullshit. Sounds like a nice cult gig full of retards to me and all he needs are cameras. He doesn't even have to talk to them in person and hide his laughter about his gullible dipshit followers because those dumb fucks will believe anything.

Salty, you made no sense as usual, but whatever. I don't expect a hard-core right wing American acting like an Australian on a whore board to make any damn sense anyway. Originally Posted by Lucas McCain

the only way Zolly makes me cry is laughing at his silly memes

Originally Posted by Zollner

speaking of which .. The Notebook didn't actually say that and the "meme facts" are as usual hyperbolic misstatements of what FOX lawyers actually did say in court.

nice try though.

They didn’t get enough time. And some of them should have been shot in order to prevent the. From ever breaching the capitol. Word on the street, people talking, is that Trump was hoping for a violent response in defense of the capitol so he could declare martial law and remain president. (In order to further defend congress). Originally Posted by 1blackman1

word on the street? i'm sure that's credible, got any sources on that?

So can you explain to me how shaman’s treatment after the insurrection as they were trying to clear the building makes his actions prior to that any better or non-criminal. Why would he deserve less time because he didn’t resist police when they took the capitol back and made shaman leave the building? I’m not following your logic here. Originally Posted by 1blackman1

so you are saying that if you had been the defense lawyer in this case you wouldn't have objected strenuously to 41 months for simple trespass? and you wouldn't have demanded the video which the prosecution refused to make available? isn't intentionally concealing exculpatory evidence a major violation of US Law?

you know it is. gets cases overturned, gets prosecutors fired and possibly even disbarred.

I don't normally watch Tucker Calson but recorded last night's episode because of all the hullabaloo. I just watched it and I agree more with you than before. The Shaman was diagnosed with mental illness 15 years ago, and suffers from transient schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, depression and anxiety. His mental condition has deteriorated because of the stress of being held in solitary confinement.

I looked to see if he had a prior criminal record and found no indication that he did.

The Shaman's lawyer says he tried to get all the relevant video footage, but the prosecution refused to turn it over.

The 41 months is bull shit. I'd say the same thing if Biden had tried to steal the election and the Shaman were a Democrat. Originally Posted by Tiny

exactly. all of these people are being given sentences that are ridiculous given the scope of the crimes. some guy got 5 or 6 years for simple trespass and petty theft. he stole a coat rack. odd thing to steal, i'd have gone for an embossed ashtray myself.

only people who have convinced themselves via the msm's nonsense that it was an insurrection would think trespass and stealing a coat rack is worth 6 years in jail.

even the FBI has long ago stated they found no evidence of any planned insurrection on Jan 6th.

It’s going to play out as nothing changing. Originally Posted by 1blackman1

if it changes nothing why is the media going batshit to condemn Carlson using the usual suspects like "National Security" and that tired old mantra .. "Threat to Democracy"?

if it changes nothing the media should ignore it. they aren't.
Tucker lies all the time. You can’t take anything he says as fact or seriously, per his own lawyers. Find a second and third source for things Tucker says and maybe there can be an actual discussion. But if Tucker’s opinion is the source, why even discuss that.
There’s nothing exculpatory in any video being shown. It’s simple as that. Check the time stamp on Tuckers videos. If you’re charged for your actions from 1pm to 3pm, 5pm videos are irrelevant. That’s essentially what’s going on in the Tucker cut. It’s like watching I Spit on Your Grave and showing on the scene of the guys having a drink and them riding in their truck and saying “see nothing bad happened on that movie”.
Tucker lies all the time. You can’t take anything he says as fact or seriously, per his own lawyers. Find a second and third source for things Tucker says and maybe there can be an actual discussion. But if Tucker’s opinion is the source, why even discuss that. Originally Posted by 1blackman1
... But it's NOT just Tucker's opinion... It's facts
and comments by others... AND the footage.

Ya know something, mate? ... Looking at the footage
Tucker has shown - HAS PROOVED some of the FBI/DOJ
and media actually lied about what happened.

And you saying "Tucker lies all the time"
surely doesn't change that.

### Salty
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Tucker lies all the time. You can’t take anything he says as fact or seriously, per his own lawyers. Find a second and third source for things Tucker says and maybe there can be an actual discussion. But if Tucker’s opinion is the source, why even discuss that. Originally Posted by 1blackman1

nonsense. Carlson has said he sometimes lies in private conversations. find me a quote where Carlson stated he's lied on air? i'll wait.

btw, have you ever lied in a conversation? especially in a heated debate over say .. politics?

before you continue to dismiss anything Carlson states as a lie, have you ever told a lie? in a personal conversation or even to cover yer ass professionally?

my answer is yes. and you?
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
There’s nothing exculpatory in any video being shown. It’s simple as that. Check the time stamp on Tuckers videos. If you’re charged for your actions from 1pm to 3pm, 5pm videos are irrelevant. That’s essentially what’s going on in the Tucker cut. It’s like watching I Spit on Your Grave and showing on the scene of the guys having a drink and them riding in their truck and saying “see nothing bad happened on that movie”. Originally Posted by 1blackman1

nothing exculpatory. okay. so where is the incriminating videos? you know, the ones prosecutors must have showing this shaman dude committing a major felony crime? like breaking and entering? did he even break out a window? must be plenty of video of that, right? by all accounts and the video, this shaman dude just walked in an already open doorway.

certainly an experienced lawyer like yourself knows what criminal intent is? so where's the video in all that 41,000 hours from dozens of cameras showing malicious criminal intent?

there isn't any? how can that be! and without that, criminal intent of a willing insurrectionist, all you have of actual video showing simple trespass. the lawyer in you knows these people are intentionally being politically prosecuted and given outrageous sentences. only your TDS allows you think think this is just under the law. if it were BLM/Antifa rioters being given 5 years you'd call it a travesty of justice.
Both your arguments reach heights of silliness I’m starting to believe you don’t actually believe it and you’re trolling. Ya know. Kinda like what Tucker, Hannity and Ingraham were shown to do.

Like I said Tuckers own lawyers and the judge in his court case said he’s not to be taken as factual. Meaning, he’s lying and lacks credibility. And you shouldn’t believe statements he makes.

As for “other people’s opinion” ok. Still opinion. Opinions aren’t facts. It seems Salty doesn’t know the difference. Find a source with facts rather than opinions and we can discuss the facts. Why argue over opinions since those don’t mean anything. Particularly when you refuse to accept facts when presented to you. Let’s start there. Find a fact based source for your belief and let’s discuss how the facts reflect on the thoughts.

Glad you admit to lying in order to try to win an argument Waco. It’s not like we didn’t already know this but you honesty on that deserves praise.

Once again, nothing shown by Tucker this far is exculpatory in any way. Maybe his jail time will make him more wise. He and the rest of the insurrectionists deserve jail time for trying to stop congress from doing one of the most essential duties of our continued democracy, passing power from 1 president to the next without any violence.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Both your arguments reach heights of silliness I’m starting to believe you don’t actually believe it and you’re trolling. Ya know. Kinda like what Tucker, Hannity and Ingraham were shown to do.

Like I said Tuckers own lawyers and the judge in his court case said he’s not to be taken as factual. Meaning, he’s lying and lacks credibility. And you shouldn’t believe statements he makes.

As for “other people’s opinion” ok. Still opinion. Opinions aren’t facts. It seems Salty doesn’t know the difference. Find a source with facts rather than opinions and we can discuss the facts. Why argue over opinions since those don’t mean anything. Particularly when you refuse to accept facts when presented to you. Let’s start there. Find a fact based source for your belief and let’s discuss how the facts reflect on the thoughts.

Glad you admit to lying in order to try to win an argument Waco. It’s not like we didn’t already know this but you honesty on that deserves praise.

Once again, nothing shown by Tucker this far is exculpatory in any way. Maybe his jail time will make him more wise. He and the rest of the insurrectionists deserve jail time for trying to stop congress from doing one of the most essential duties of our continued democracy, passing power from 1 president to the next without any violence. Originally Posted by 1blackman1

still waiting for your DA NILE you've ever manipulated any facts or lied to cover yourself.

prove Carlson knowingly lied on air. should be easy to prove, right? maybe the leftist media can help ya out on that? the leftist media that would never lie themselves?
