Dummy Needs to Go Away

adav8s28's Avatar
Trump will lose to Biden in Nov and go home in Jan 20,2021. Biden will flip Penn, Mich and Wisc where he has at least at 5.5% lead in all three states.
Trump will not be able to make this up.

That's why he will always be known a as the one term ignorant in chief. With mucho indictments and convictions
Lucas McCain's Avatar
Does anyone have a defense of Trump's irresponsible behavior other than to attack the people that post exposing his shortcomings ? Originally Posted by sportfisherman
Of course not. You can't logically defend his actions. They will just resort to name calling as usual. That's fine with me because I will never hit the RTM button so they can call me whatever they want to because it matters not to me. Hell, I may even agree with them on some of the insults and like their post if it is a clever insult.
The putin/trump posters have a lot of work to do. They are on this sight and blowing up other sites as well. Earn you keep comrades or you have no chance of survival!!!

Your cut n paste and reply posters are fun to fk with though
Of course not. You can't logically defend his actions. They will just resort to name calling as usual. That's fine with me because I will never hit the RTM button so they can call me whatever they want to because it matters not to me. Hell, I may even agree with them on some of the insults and like their post if it is a clever insult. Originally Posted by Lucas McCain
You must hit the like button as often as you hit the RTM
HedonistForever's Avatar
We also know that many deaths by Covid have not been listed as Covid. During the summer FL Dept of Health informed coroners and hospital physicians to only list the cause of death as the final medical condition from which death occurred. This led to pneumonia and renal failure (or results from renal failure such as heart attack) being listed rather than Covid. It goes both ways sadly because it’s been politicized.

BTW, Many people that have died from Covid have been listed as heart failure. This is mainly due to renal failure resulting from Covid which led to build up of potassium which in turn leads to heart attack. Originally Posted by 1blackman1

My point exactly.

So anybody spouting they know the "truth" in this matter are merely spouting their bias. Me, all I do is add my opinion to what literally every thinking person believes. We can't trust the numbers and we can't trust the motives of the people giving them.

The numbers IMHO are now irrelevant to the "facts" as we know them. We know who is and isn't most susceptible. We know that this virus is not going to overwhelm our health care system, our biggest concern in the beginning and we know that we are gradually getting this thing under control and "millions" will not die.

We should also know, that no President, once this thing took hold here, could do anything to control it because that fell to the Governors to handle. The President couldn't stop Gov. Cuomo from sending Covid positive patients back into nursing homes because the Governor said it was their job to be able to handle such a problem. The President can't decide to open or close a business in any state but some on the left not all, will continue to blame every death on the President which is ridiculous and obscene and done for political purposes.

Covid has killed people and nothing the President has or hasn't done could have prevented that any more than Obama/ Biden could stop the deaths of H1N1, a much less lethal disease.
Lucas McCain's Avatar
Jam3768, a crazy Dallas hooker called me Lucas McLame a few years ago. It made me laugh so I had to give her a like for that. She also called me Lucas Mucus. She didn't get a like for that lame attempt at insulting me. I look for creativity when people waste their time attempting to insult me. All I ask is to think outside of the box and make me laugh when people insult me and they will get a like from me.
sportfisherman's Avatar
So by the Trump supporters logic ;

10,000 died of Covid and 200,000 died of heart attacks ?

And this is based on there being a Legion of leftist Democratic healthcare workers and doctors who are in concert against Trump and are inappropriately filling out case reports and death certificates ?

Do they have meetings to coordinate this ?

What about the supposed 50% or more people the Trump supporters claim love Trump ?

Do they just sit idly by and let this take place ?

I think maybe Trump healthcare people are holding the figures down.

Poor Donnie !! He is sooo mistreated by every body on every front.

I can understand his angst.

I know he wears his ties too long.

You think he wears his shoes too tight ?
You think that is why he habitually has that pained look on his face ?

He's an entitled pussy.
You think he ever got in a fist fight growing up ?
Nobody ever called you "Chuck in the Corners?"

I loved watching the Rifleman as a kid btw. I practiced my off the hip shot with my bb gun enough that I actually got pretty good at it.

Sportsfisherman -- I'm sure he had a stable of hired thugs to fight his battles for him. So he could just stand there and watch
Lucas McCain's Avatar
Nobody ever called you "Chuck in the Corners?" Originally Posted by Jam3768
No, but I've been called a faggot at least 100 times on this board because people believe Chuck Connors was gay. I just know that he was married 3 times and had 4 kids. Fuck if I know whether he was gay.

I just know I liked the show and I was drunk while watching it one night and decided to choose this handle. I didn't know there was any such thing as a gay rifleman until people got pissed at me on this board and started calling me a faggot. LOL
HedonistForever's Avatar
So by the Trump supporters logic ;

10,000 died of Covid and 200,000 died of heart attacks ?

And this is based on there being a Legion of leftist Democratic healthcare workers and doctors who are in concert against Trump and are inappropriately filling out case reports and death certificates ?
Originally Posted by sportfisherman

Nobody ever said that, that's just hyperbole on your part. There is also no "legion of doctors" left or right making these claims only some and we have no way to know if they have been told "we'll make more money by writing died from Covid" which by all accounts has happened and we know that the government shelled out more money for a Covid death as opposed to other deaths. That appears to be part of a Congressional bill and as such, can't be disputed.

What usually happens when we incentivize anything?

Try not being so "excitable/ hysterical" it never serves any good purpose.
Stating that we can’t “trust” the numbers is foolishness. They might not be exact but people that do this for a living at reputable organizations (Johns Hopkins) are likely very close to the correct number. 210000 and rising might not be exact but it’s damned close. Claiming numbers like 10000 or even 50000 would just make you look ignorant as no one with any sense would make such an assertion.

You notice that the only people that even try to claim those numbers are OANN and Breitbart and the like. Even Faux News Channel doesn’t go that route. They just refuse to put any numbers of deaths up on any of the opinion shows because it’d break narrative.

Anyone that was alive prior to getting Covid and their condition was exacerbated by Covid resulting in their deaths died from Covid. Any other argument borders on stupidity. If a person has diabetes today but isn’t dying and catches Covid which exacerbates their condition causing them to die, when they otherwise were walking around, they died of Covid.

Nonetheless, the Idiot Crew will continue to make arguments that show they are are dumb as rocks. Because . . . They can’t help themselves.

What I’ve always wondered and never been able to reconcile is why conservatives, trumps supporters, republicans, the Idiot Crew, and far right folks always have to rely on lies and half truths. If they truly believe they are right, why not allow the truth to be enough. If your corrector your beliefs are better and more sensible, why lie, why make up stupid arguments that anyone can see right through, why create strawmen and make up lies about the other position.

If you’re right and your “side” is correct, why not just be honest about your belief and have faith that it’ll persuade the other side.
lustylad's Avatar
I don't know about you guys, but I don't have a helicopter or a pilot on standby waiting to take me wherever I need to go in a minutes (sic) notice. Originally Posted by Lucas McCain
Awww, don't be jealous, Lucy! Just comfort yourself by hugging those three (imaginary) Ivy League degrees you constantly brag about! Then remind yourself trumpy only has one (but it's real).
The lie that doctors and hospital get paid more for “covid” deaths is just that, a lie. Even Joni Ernst just stated on yesterday that it’s not true.
sportfisherman's Avatar
Yeah we're getting it under control.

It's so well controlled that our Sociopath in Chief got it ;

the most protected,coddled,man in the world !!

Fortunately he received experimental super expensive medicine unavailable to regular people.

Regular people cannot afford to not be afraid or concerned about the virus.Trump can and he can advise regular people to do the same.Just be tough.

The president sets the tone.Without any formal mandate or order Trump could have held a fireside chat with the American people in early Feb and disclosed to us that this virus was easy to transmit and at that time seemed to be 4-5 times more lethal than common influenza.

He could have advocated measures to mitigate the virus.And prepared the people for what may be in store.

So for that we feel duped and have been exposed to the sequelae of his negligent bullshit.
Worse economic and health damage than otherwise.

And speaking of economics.
I thought Trump was cutting winning trade deals and putting these tariffs to protect our trade.

It came out that our trade deficit is through the fucking roof !!
The 3rd greatest of all time !!

That Trump sure is something !!