I I want to buy Eccie

Vicky Zafirah's Avatar
If it walks like a duck and it quacks like a duck then guess what it's a duck.
I'm the only person it seems us getting points so I bid everyone a good day so I can enjoy my premium access. Iit seems like truth is not wanted here
Unique_Carpenter's Avatar
But what are the facts of the matter?
Vicky Zafirah's Avatar
Bingo!!!... Who knows only him and his 20 personalities probably. Last night he sent me a text. Real nasty text how do I know because he's the only one that would talk like that. But hey they like to self alert on themselves so more power to them/him/they. Proof is in the pudding
bigwill832's Avatar
Some have outed this dude as he opens up to providers. Saying he lives with his mom and he is angry because he feels he's been cheated by the world.
Lol. You can't make this stuff up........
winn dixie's Avatar
Sometimes it's better not to ask......
Unique_Carpenter's Avatar
Blame the other personalities.
beanocook's Avatar
I rarely venture into Coed, but when I do it just confirms my decision to rarely venture in here.
bigwill832's Avatar
Hold on wait did I read that right you work at a convenience store.... What the f is going on.. are you really serious right now? OMG!haha Originally Posted by Vicky Zafirah
That's in addition to his poop scooping business with multiple contracts, spending as much time as he does on here, and taking out VIP clients to strip clubs. This man has time control powers.

This has been entertaining. Please, do continue!!!!
