World Cup!!!

TexRich's Avatar
my suspicion he is anti-American, but i am also a conspiracy theorists or grassy knoll type, lol.
mrod's Avatar
  • mrod
  • 06-21-2010, 04:53 PM
So far so good... its really starting to get interesting... i got a bad feeling US wont make the next round... by just pure luck... Mexico should be good to go next round and can prob go far. They will probably get Argentina in the next round... which will be very tough... Either way MEX will be hard to beat in the next cup... Im liking Arg, Ned, Urg in the finals mix.. they are probably the best teams right. now...
TexRich's Avatar
If USA beats Algeria, they're in the next round.
cookie man's Avatar
Go USA...then Spain and then Netherlands.. I hate Italy...pussies. I just want the South American teams to play well so no one gets "whacked". Originally Posted by cookie man
Paul the Octupus, who is 100% correct in his predictions, has picked Spain to win the World Cup. He also picked Germany to win 3rd. Put your bets down!
LazurusLong's Avatar
What's the point of sitting around watching men pretend they are playing a game when all the do is bounce the ball back and forth with rarely any attempts to score.

I've heard people exclaim how freaking great it was when the regulation time ends and the score is 0-0 and then they go to kicks.

Meaning, you can see the actual highlights in a 20 second ESPN highlight reel!

If they figure out how to have naked dancing cheerleaders in a PiP corner of the screen, then I can see Americans getting into it.

If not, never gonna catch on.
Guest012211-3's Avatar
Paul the Octupus, who is 100% correct in his predictions, has picked Spain to win the World Cup. He also picked Germany to win 3rd. Put your bets down! Originally Posted by cookie man
Paul also predicted Spain to beat Germany last week, and of course he was right!! I would go with the Octopus when placing bets, LOL.

World Cup is huge this side of the pond It's actually overshadowing Wimbledon, go figure

Just wanted to pop in and say "hi". Hope everyone is doing well!!

netman's Avatar

Just wanted to pop in and say "hi". Hope everyone is doing well!! Originally Posted by Nicole Preston
Hey there pretty lady...

How are things with you? Having fun at school? I want to see all A's.

Mopar71's Avatar
What's the point of sitting around watching men pretend they are playing a game when all the do is bounce the ball back and forth with rarely any attempts to score.

I've heard people exclaim how freaking great it was when the regulation time ends and the score is 0-0 and then they go to kicks.

Meaning, you can see the actual highlights in a 20 second ESPN highlight reel!

If they figure out how to have naked dancing cheerleaders in a PiP corner of the screen, then I can see Americans getting into it.

If not, never gonna catch on. Originally Posted by LazurusLong
I'm with you LL, bet ESPN would have had better ratings if they played all the NFL games of this past season.....or any season for that matter, Aussie football is more interesting then that soccer crap.