Trump Says Bad Economy Will Be Your Fault

The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
MAGA!!! Way to go Waco!! Originally Posted by themystic

wait till i post a thread about the H1-B visa stuff that meanie Trump wants to cut back on? well turns out Trump was right! who knew??

but Texas is an a big game with LSU .. down 20-7 now but in the red zone threatening to score. so it will have to wait till after the game.

  • Tiny
  • 09-08-2019, 03:29 AM

You're changing the subject. Say you have a U.S. company and a German company. They both manufacture the same product. They both incorporate Chinese parts into their product. The U.S. company starts paying 25% more for its parts, so it goes out of business, while its German competitor prospers.

your analogy is flawed. what happens when both companies play on even terms? free or at least fair trade. then it's down to who is simply the better company, as it should be.

You say "in a generally strong economy any business that fails has only themselves to blame. that is the case in any circumstances." No, in these circumstances, Donald Trump is to blame. And there are cases like this out there.

As to agriculture, for a good while Trump's additional support for agriculture was more than what we were raising from the new tariffs. How much sense does that make?

so what? you certainly know agriculture in the US has been subsidized for decades by the government. you don't deny that because you know it's true. so why is this suddenly all on Trump? it's not.

And as to your digging up some post where I say Trump's a genius if he gets China to play fair and both countries reduce tariffs to "0", well, he's not a genius. On this issue he's just as stupid as Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren. How about digging up some of my posts showing evidence for the benefit of "0" tariffs, or showing the U.S. under Trump has the highest tariffs in the developed world outside of possibly Norway.

i didn't say you said Trump was a genius. i said you agreed trade was unfair to the US. and you did. so don't make any more of it than that.

You question my patriotism because you support a senseless trade war that hurts everyone except the crony capitalists who hide behind tariffs.

it is unpatriotic to support unfair trade that harms the US. Trump has said he wants free trade, if not that, fair trade. how does that harm anyone? in the long run it's a benefit to all countries.
Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
You and I agree 100% about agricultural subsidies and the benefits of free and fair trade. The way you interpret what's happening in the USA is the reverse of reality though. You're stretching hard to justify policies that make no sense.

As to your first point, about my analogy, it's Trump who created the conditions. The American and German companies compete on an equal basis. Trump comes up with a system where trade is NOT free and NOT fair, so that the American company's cost of raw materials is higher than the German company's. They can't compete on an equal basis because of Trump's tariffs.

About agriculture you say for all you care American farmers can blast themselves in the head with shotguns because of all their whining and subsidies, then you defend their Enabler In Chief, Donald Trump, who upped the subsidies for a while in excess of what we were getting off the new tariffs.

As to patriotism, apparently you're not patriotic, by your own reasoning. Trump is responsible for unfair, unfree trade that hurts the USA and you're firmly behind him on this.

You're a smart guy. You need to take the blinders off. If you want to argue Trump is better than Warren or Biden I'll agree with you. But you don't need to go through the mental masturbation to be ideologically pure, with respect to a leader who changes his mind all the time anyway.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
That’s because he doesn’t give a frog’s fat ass about policy where the purity of the Trump agenda is concerned.

That’s where today’s “thinking conservatives” separate from logic and let emotion take over the revival meeting.

Reason disappears.

Sharpies define today’s boundaries, as defined by the Scheissfuhrer.
That’s because he doesn’t give a frog’s fat ass about policy where the purity of the Trump agenda is concerned.

That’s where today’s “thinking conservatives” separate from logic and let emotion take over the revival meeting.

Reason disappears.

Sharpies define today’s boundaries, as defined by the Scheissfuhrer. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
You really gotta learn to give context to your rants. WTF are you bobble heading about now? Who's he?

Are you referring to the previous poster, who he quoted, who was quoted before that. Context and words matter and you provide none.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
  • Tiny
  • 09-08-2019, 12:13 PM
I thought this was interesting,

The writer believes a trade deal with China is unlikely, and the best we can hope for is a truce.
eccieuser9500's Avatar
Either way, China doesn't lose face. They are in the driver's seat.
Redhot1960's Avatar
I thought this was interesting,

The writer believes a trade deal with China is unlikely, and the best we can hope for is a truce. Originally Posted by Tiny
Your globalist Blinders are working, Tiny...

Redhot1960's Avatar
I thought this was interesting,

The writer believes a trade deal with China is unlikely, and the best we can hope for is a truce. Originally Posted by Tiny

How does Tiny feel about USMCA???

eccieuser9500's Avatar

The Chinese don't pay our taxes. AMERICANS pay the taxes.
Redhot1960's Avatar

The Chinese don't pay our taxes. AMERICANS pay the taxes. Originally Posted by eccieuser9500
panda boi's suck...

  • Tiny
  • 09-08-2019, 03:44 PM
Your globalist Blinders are working, Tiny...

Originally Posted by Redhot1960
What a load of crap. The reason the economy's growing 2% instead of 3% is because of Peter Navarro's trade war. Blaming it on the Fed is chicken shit. American manufacturing employment is stagnant, in part because of the trade war.

How does Tiny feel about USMCA???

Originally Posted by Redhot1960
As to the USMCA, did it really change much? The big change is that there's a 16 year sunset clause and 6 year reviews. This means that a manufacturer can't invest in a new factory and integrate it into the North American Supply Chain unless he's willing to run the risk the rug will be pulled out from under him. But since Trump has established treaties mean nothing anyway that's not a big deal. Otherwise the changes are pretty marginal, higher local content for autos, a little better access to Canada for American dairy farmers, etc. The main point of USMCA was to provide Trump with something he could call a victory.
  • Tiny
  • 09-08-2019, 03:48 PM

The Chinese don't pay our taxes. AMERICANS pay the taxes. Originally Posted by eccieuser9500
Absolutely true. "China pays the tariffs" is a bald faced lie. Yeah, their manufacturers will lower prices marginally and absorb part of the cost for a while, until they start selling to other, non-American customers. But the majority of the burden is borne by U.S. businesses and consumers. And it's U.S. businesses that pay the tax.
eccieuser9500's Avatar
Absolutely true. "China pays the tariffs" is a bald faced lie. Yeah, their manufacturers will lower prices marginally and absorb part of the cost for a while, until they start selling to other, non-American customers. But the majority of the burden is borne by U.S. businesses and consumers. And it's U.S. businesses that pay the tax. Originally Posted by Tiny

Why the opposition doesn't hammer that message home is just beyond comprehension. Tarrifs are a tax. Tarrifs are a tax. Tarrifs are a tax. On US. US as in we, the consumer. US as in uncle Sam.

Tarrifs are a tax. Tarrifs are a tax. Tarrifs are a tax. On US. US as in we, the consumer. US as in uncle Sam. Originally Posted by eccieuser9500
LOL. It would be so much more convincing if you could spell tariffs, but I'll let that pass.

Tariffs are also used as a political cudgel to effect some sort of change in either methods or trading practices.

Even the threat of them with Mexico has caused them to begin paying for that big beautiful wall by deploying thousands on their side to stop illegal border crossings and thus lowering our costs in dealing with illegals at the border. Certainly a win for Tariffs.

China is more complex. You either ignore the trade imbalance for the status quo, which is what most POTUS's have done to date, or you step up as Trump has done and try to level the playing field. Sure it could be temporarily at the expense of the average tax payer, but we've been paying and paying and paying for years. How do you end it with China?