This cannot be possible. Election fraud isn’t real, say the libtards and the media

berryberry's Avatar
Lol 20. 20 people. 20 votes OMG...must be the breaking news of the pubetards that 20 votes significantly would adversely affect an election. I would suggest that most non-moronic folks would know that felons are not allowed to vote, as well as other folks who have been stripped of their voting rights. Should they be charged -of course. But 20 votes is statistically insignificant in any election except for high school homecoming court. Certainly not in a statewide election like Florida and it's 10.46 million voters. But yeah you can Crow all you want about 20 votes from convicts. Originally Posted by eyecu2
So you support voter fraud then. Because ONE case of voter fraud is too many. And these are only the ones that were caught. There are tons more instances of voter fraud that went undetected. The Arizona Audits, 2000 Mules, Wisconsin and other after the fact investigations proved that. But you ignore it because you are afraid to face the truth
berryberry's Avatar
Why not require proof of identification (license, photo ID, passport, etc) to vote? It would surely cut down on fraud.

"BECAUSE MAH RITES!!!!" - A Republitwat or something Originally Posted by onawbtngr546
It is unreal how seriously misinformed you are.

Republicans are very much for voter ID laws. It is the libtards who are against them because they know it will restrict libtards ability to cheat in elections
berryberry's Avatar
Yes, they don’t get to vote. It’s ridiculously easy to get a state ID, if you can’t pull that off you probably shouldn’t be voting anyways. Originally Posted by Jacuzzme
100% correct. All the arguments about "what about the people who can't get an ID are utter bullshit". The only people against voter ID laws are libtards because it would restrict their ability to cheat in elections

You need an ID to

Buy Cigarettes
Buy Alcohol
Open a Bank Account
Apply for Food Stamps
Apply for Welfare
Apply for Social Security
Apply for a job
Apply for unemployment
Get on an airplane
Get married

this list could go on and on.

Again - the only people against voter ID are libtards who want to cheat in elections
berryberry's Avatar
1. Make election day a single day, likely on a Saturday or Sunday, and make it a holiday (doing so on the weekend limits the impact for many businesses)

2. Require strict Voter ID

3. Eliminate all mail in ballots except for true Absentee ballots where someone is out of their jurisdiction to vote

4. Require all results to be tabulated and reported within 4 hours of the polls closing
HDGristle's Avatar
Sat and Sun infringe on my religious freedoms.

And my polling place is the basement of my church.

Lawsuit writes itself, and it's a winner
That’s what absentee ballots, with an application process, are for. Originally Posted by Jacuzzme
I mean that's all that mail in voting was in PA though. I did it (Although I dropped my ballot off at the courthouse instead of sending it in the mail because I'm close enough) and I had to apply for it before an absentee ballot was sent to me. I think the only provision that changed in PA was that I didn't have to give a reason, but I mean writing a reason down on a mail-in application wouldn't really do much for your security concerns, it's not like people were going around to see if you actually needed it, and not all states originally even made people give a reason on their application.

Also, and feel free to correct me here, but I'm guessing you're still skeptical of the 2020 election results in Arizona. That's fine, but how do you deal with the fact that the population there has been voting by mail for the most part for like 20 years? Like should the feds be telling states how they should run elections now?

100% correct. All the arguments about "what about the people who can't get an ID are utter bullshit". The only people against voter ID laws are libtards because it would restrict their ability to cheat in elections Originally Posted by berryberry
You are now the third person who is trying to make a counter argument to mine that I've had to ask to stop being insulting. It isn't that hard. I've been doing it this whole thread.

Just because you don't seem to care about people who cannot get an ID for really whatever reason (Last time I checked they aren't required by law) doesn't make it bullshit. Also there's a big difference between your list and voting. Nothing on your list is a right of US citizens, they're all privileges.
eyecu2's Avatar
It's odd to me that all the racial slandering or profiling came from the conservatives on this board. Further that some would want me to prove their point or counter-assertion. Such as I'm for fraud. That's ridiculous. Never said it, but ALSO never said I think there is perfection in voting systems, but claims of widespread fraud is a ruse. Proven false by numerous lawsuits,- you know where they deal with facts instead of Repturds accusations simply because their asshole lost his presidential bid for re-election.
berryberry's Avatar

Just because you don't seem to care about people who cannot get an ID for really whatever reason (Last time I checked they aren't required by law) doesn't make it bullshit. Also there's a big difference between your list and voting. Nothing on your list is a right of US citizens, they're all privileges. Originally Posted by anmar85
Sorry but it is bullshit, utter bullshit. I listed just 10 examples in everyday life where an ID is required. The list is a lot longer than that. The argument that people can't get IDs is bogus. Again - the only people against voter ID laws are libtards because it would restrict their ability to cheat in elections. That is a plain and simple fact if you pay attention to who opposes voter ID laws when proposed. And we all know why.
Sorry but it is bullshit, utter bullshit. I listed just 10 examples in everyday life where an ID is required. The list is a lot longer than that. The argument that people can't get IDs is bogus. Again - the only people against voter ID laws are libtards because it would restrict their ability to cheat in elections. That is a plain and simple fact if you pay attention to who opposes voter ID laws when proposed. And we all know why. Originally Posted by berryberry
And I countered that with the fact that you're comparing things that people don't have a right to do with something that they do. Like if we really need to look at it one at a time we can. Here's your list.

Buy Cigarettes - Not everyone does this every day or even at all in their lives
Buy Alcohol - Not everyone does this every day or even at all in their lives
Open a Bank Account - I'm hoping I don't blow your mind with this, but the venn diagram of people who don't have a photo ID and people who don't have a bank account is probably pretty close to a circle.
Apply for Food Stamps - This is going to vary from state to state, but you don't necessarily need a photo ID to apply for SNAP benefits. There are many other avenues you can take to prove your identity in this case.
Apply for Welfare - A Photo ID is required for a Welfare Application in like two or three states, other states may require some form of proof of identification, but it doesn't have to be a state issued ID.
Apply for Social Security - I think you mean applying for a Social Security number here, which I mean would be a pretty specific situation for an adult to be in. As far as I'm aware a state issued ID isn't actually required to receive benefits. I think you just need a record of your number, your birth certificate, and your tax information for that.
Apply for a job - Sure you might need one to get a job, but you don't need to maintain a valid ID to keep your job either.
Apply for unemployment - Actually while a state issued ID will be helpful for applying for unemployment, it isn't required. It's just heavily preferred.
Get on an airplane - First is not an everyday thing, second this is a pretty big fucking luxury. Do you think people who don't have the means to get a state issued ID are really hopping on a lot of planes?
Get married - I mean sure? But you're only doing that a few times in your life at the most and zero at the least, and you aren't just like divorced by the state if you don't get your ID renewed.

I've already said this, but again, all of these things are not a right that we have as citizens. Maybe marriage is the closest to that, but like you don't have a right to be married if no one wants you right? In fact when I looked them up just now a good handful of those don't even require a state issued ID in many states. These just don't seem like good justifications for limiting individual and state rights to me. You can go on and on and on about why the "liberals" or whatever are against voter ID laws, but I'm telling you why I am against them. Does my ass look like that Crypt Keeper Nancy Pelosi? I'd hope not. I feel like I have some legitimately conservative opposition to something like that honestly. My problem isn't with who would be cut off specifically, or some super-secret-but-out-in-the-open-nefarious-cabal plot. My problem is that I disagree with a move like this that would put restrictions on the rights of people and states to do their constitutional duty.
HDGristle's Avatar
Actually, you don't need any government ID to apply for a job except for some roles pretty much none of us are going to hold.

You may have to produce some info for an background check, but typically not a copy of an ID or DL unless you get into a check requiring certain clearances and/or the good old FBI background check. But many of those are post application, post offer acceptance.

It's the I-9 process when you're hired where you actually have to show proof of identity and work authorization with valid docs from List A or a combo of List B and C docs.
berryberry's Avatar
And I countered that with the fact that you're comparing things that people don't have a right to do with something that they do. Like if we really need to look at it one at a time we can. Here's your list.

Originally Posted by anmar85
You are really stretching. Yes, not every person does every one of those things on that list, but if you are a functioning member of society - from no matter what walk of life, you need an ID for some facet of your life.

And if Voter ID requirements are enacted, states would make efforts for the small minority you say don't have one to be able to obtain one

Being against voter ID enables voter fraud.
berryberry's Avatar

It's the I-9 process when you're hired where you actually have to show proof of identity and work authorization with valid docs from List A or a combo of List B and C docs. Originally Posted by HDGristle
So to get a job, you are required to have ID. Because every employer is required to complete an I-9 when hiring any employee

Only you could conclude from this that "Actually, you don't need any government ID to apply for a job ". Why am I not surprised?
HDGristle's Avatar
It's not surprising you don't understand the difference between applying and onboarding.

Those are different phases of the hiring process
berryberry's Avatar
It's not surprising you don't understand the difference between applying and onboarding Originally Posted by HDGristle
It's not surprising you once again shit post because you can't comprehend that completing an I-9 for is part of the job application process. You can't be hired without first completing said form
HDGristle's Avatar
You have it all mixed up, berry.

I-9 section 1 shouldn't be completed until after an offer is accepted. That's post application. People apply for jobs all the time and don't progress to an interview or an offer and never had to show ID. But they did apply

I-9 section 2 must be completed within 3 days of hire. Which means you're beyond application and the offer acceptance and have reported for your start date.

And you absolutely can hire someone without completing an I-9. There compliance issues, potential criminal liability and potential penalties for it, but it's a matter of should/shouldn't not can/can't.

I suggest you consult employment counsel and brush up on the M-274 handbook.

And tighten up that language. This is worse than mistaking a fence for a wall