more records broken

winn dixie's Avatar
You sir exhibit the attitude and demeanor that helps divide us. This is not win or lose for Dems or Reps, when our leadership fails it fails ALL of us.

Trump is not and never was my boy, you assume too much. I have eyes and can see what has happened and what is happening, again worst President in the history of our country.

Fewest continuous clains?? Maybe you are correct, although I doubt it because again I have eyes that can see. All the hiring signs means people are not working. I know you are intelligent enough to understand that if there is a shortage of labor that means people are not working. I could google your claim but I am not interested in just winning a debate, I am interested in living in an improving country and a united people.

If people are unwilling to work for $7.25 an hour how are they buying food, clothes, etc. Someone is paying for it most likely the taxpayers in some form or another. And the amount of wages is not the issue, if people cannot eat they will work for $2 an hour ask any illegal that comes across the border. They work hard for less, I have seen it myself. People are not working because if someone else buys me food, why work? Every claim of unemployment most likely had a claim for food stamps as well, for housing, etc. Why work when Uncle Sam and hard working Americans are footing the bill?

The filibuster works both ways, listen to one of your own, Manchin. He is against getting rid of the filibuster because he knows that the Dems hold the power now but it will not last forever and what are the Dens to do when the Reps are in control? It is a good tool to help the country stay balanced and pass compromised legislation for all not just for one half of the nation.

Can you see better? Wake up and see how can you help our nation instead of just pointing fingers and Trump lovers and blaming them for all your misery. Wake up and do something beside bitch. T
... And THAT'S surely tellin' it like it is!

### Salty
Chung Tran's Avatar
You sir exhibit the attitude and demeanor that helps divide us. This is not win or lose for Dems or Reps, when our leadership fails it fails ALL of us.

Trump is not and never was my boy, you assume too much. I have eyes and can see what has happened and what is happening, again worst President in the history of our country.

Fewest continuous clains?? Maybe you are correct, although I doubt it because again I have eyes that can see. All the hiring signs means people are not working. I know you are intelligent enough to understand that if there is a shortage of labor that means people are not working. I could google your claim but I am not interested in just winning a debate, I am interested in living in an improving country and a united people.

If people are unwilling to work for $7.25 an hour how are they buying food, clothes, etc. Someone is paying for it most likely the taxpayers in some form or another. And the amount of wages is not the issue, if people cannot eat they will work for $2 an hour ask any illegal that comes across the border. They work hard for less, I have seen it myself. People are not working because if someone else buys me food, why work? Every claim of unemployment most likely had a claim for food stamps as well, for housing, etc. Why work when Uncle Sam and hard working Americans are footing the bill?
T Originally Posted by Computerwise
My attitude ''divides us''? Huh? You just spouted every right-wing cliche about the poor and unemployed. Complete nonsense, and you refused to read my link, because you don't want your pre-arranged notions changed. For your information, people can be working, and there still be more jobs open and not filled. That is what is happening today, under Biden's economy. Hate all you want, dismiss and spin at your leisure.
Nice try but the S&P 500 is less volatile than the DOW. I go back into the time machine and see that the S&P was at 2600 when Trump took office and 3800 when he left office. That is a 46% increase. Despite the 1000 point loss when the democrats impeached Trump over nothing. Trump recovered that 1000 and went on to set new records. Biden...well, the S&P closed at almost 4800 yesterday and that is a steady increase of 26%. Far less than Trump and Trump had a pandemic without vaccines, a hostile House and Senate, and an out of control Fauci changing his story daily.

All in all, the numbers say that Trump beat Biden and continues to beat Biden. You also know that for people on the street, inflation is killing us while the DOW and S&P kind of ignore that Biden crap. Check it out. And quit lying. You just get caught. Originally Posted by the_real_Barleycorn
26% in one year vs trumps shitty 48% in 4 years. And trump inherited one of the best economies in 20 years.

Impeached over nothing my ass... led a coup to overthrow the government. Dumbfuck should be hanged.
winn dixie's Avatar
26% in one year vs trumps shitty 48% in 4 years. And trump inherited one of the best economies in 20 years.

Impeached over nothing my ass... led a coup to overthrow the government. Dumbfuck should be hanged. Originally Posted by royamcr
he led the group? the horned shaman? snick insurrection was the stolen election

freakin folks should be vwoke bout this
tman1847's Avatar
[QUOTE=Chung Tran;1062695478]Huh? You are making up those figures. Inflation is 8.2%, which is 1/3 of the S&P 500's gains in 2021. Voodoo Economics, you are!

The FAO Food Price Index tracks monthly changes across a range of food commodities. The index has risen by more than 30% over the past year. It now stands at its highest level since July 2011, the FAO said on Thursday.

I don't care if the price increase is 5% or 50%.

Answer my question, how does an increase in the market help middle class and poor people pay for their groceries and everyday expenses?
... And, of course - the trade deficit - far and away shows what
a WEAK economy it is. .. as INFLATION HIT A 30 YEAR HIGH
in November.

... The country is doing GREAT.

#### Salty
Yes sir, your attitude HELPS divide us, not "divides us." I am not sure if English is your second language or you just read into writings as your pre arranged notions dictate. If you read for issues to enter apart and for wrongs or for winning only, then you miss all the truths, all the rights, all the information that can help you grow and realize reality.

I concede that I did not want to read the link you posted and that was a bit closed minded of me. So, I read it and if the article were true which it very well could be, then continuing claims are at all time lows. But it also says a large portion of the reason is because benefits ran out for a large number of claimants. That is in no way due to brilliant economic policies by anyone. That just reinforces my argument that people do not work when they do not have to. If the American taxpayer will buy me food and shelter people or a portion of an population will not work.

You assume too much in your words. You assumed I was a Trump supporter, I am not, you assume I know nothing of the poor and I know much more than most. I have been poor, I have gone without eating for over a day because I had no money. I have lived in communities where all of the residents had to figure out how to eat, real poor, not this poor of I cannot afford toothpaste. When I was poor, toothpaste was a luxury. I talked and lived it for years and conversed with my neighbors. I know poor so I decided to work hard, get an education and not be poor anymore. Rare in those places. Most got governmental benefits and only discussed how to get more disability or benefits, never talked of work or actually getting a job. Mostly how the system ripped them off. These people I knew and know spoke of working as an evil, as something to never do. Why work when Social Security will send me a check for my PTSD which I got from being poor, lol. I have only met one person in my life that truly needed disability due to an real mental disorder. But I know at least ten people getting it. Not a one of them works by the way, but all are capable. And here is the kicker all ten of them bitch they dont get enough free money, lol.

This is real life stuff not something I read, but something I have lived. Have you ever been so poor you could not eat? Have you ever been homeless? Have you ever had nothing, truly nothing, no car, no shelter, no income and then worked your way up? I doubt it, because your words come froma person that has no real understanding of the system and how it is abused. It is not an cliche, it is a reality, come spend two days with me and I will enlighten you. Having been so poor I have tried to help my fellows get themselves out of poverty. They dont want jobs, they want benefits.

Since the pandemic started I have seen unemployment rise heavily, people I know and associate with were laid off. They lost their jobs, got into unemployment. At least 6 people I know and I could probably think of more. All, ALL of them have been offered their old jobs back as early as August, but benefits were still in play, not a one of them went back to work. Again why work will Uncle Sam will support me? Now, one them went back to work, but the other 5 are applying for disability due to ADHD and PTSD and mental crap that does not disable any of them from working. They got a taste of money without work and they liked it. I have eyes, I can see and I am awake.

Talk of the poor after you live it, then you will understand. I do not think I am any better or smarter than the poor. I think those that feel sorry for them and give them handouts only want to feel better, smarter than the poor. They are too stupid, too dumb to ever work a job like me, kind of attitude. They are very capable and smart like you and me. Also very capable. Give a man a fish you feed him dinner, teach a man to fish and you feed him for life.

I repeat, your attitude helps divide us, I believe mostly because you assume I am against you. I am not, I am with you as an American, I read your article and apologize if I was closed minded but I have been poor and it sucked. Did not know I had been poor did you? You assume way too much because of your pre arranged notions. At least it appears that way.
the_real_Barleycorn's Avatar
which American president won World War II? A simple question like my poll questions. The answer depends on your prospective. I say Roosevelt won World War II though he did not live to see the surrenders of our enemies. Some might be sticklers for timetables and say that Truman won World War II. Roosevelt did all the heavy lifting and Truman was in the Senate. I will give Truman these though, he made the decision to use the bomb on the Japanese, he gave up East Germany to the Soviets, he gave up the northern islands of Japan to the Soviets, he gave up eastern Europe to the Soviets, and he dismantled our military to such a degree that we had trouble just getting troops, ships, and planes to South Korea less than five years later. Had Roosevelt made these deals with Stalin unofficially? If they were unofficial then Truman was not bound by those terms and it is all on him for the rest of history.

When does the economy become that of the new president? I guess that depends on your point of view then. We all know that the economy is sluggish to respond to White House pressure if at all. The democrats are sticklers on that timetable when the republican president leaves a decent economy but hate it when the economy is in the tank when a republican takes over. I just look upon that as the dishonesty of democrats:
Reagan inherited a failing economy.
Bush inherited a good economy.
Clinton inherited a good economy.
Bush inherited a good economy.
Obama inherited a recovering economy.
Trump inherited a stagnant economy.
Biden inherited a recovering economy.
I'm worried that the next president will inherit a failed economy because Biden supporters won't admit or acknowledge the truth. They will blindly walk off the cliff (taking the rest of us with them) while singing songs and carrying banners.
Chung Tran's Avatar
Never been truly poor, no. I have gone more than a week without food, though. By choice.

I disagree with the idea that all these people refuse to work. The statistics show that jobs are being filled at historic rates, unemployment is exremely low. Yet you harp about 6 people you know who REFUSE to work. You would rather lean on your small anecdotal stat, and refuse to believe the broader truth that jobs are rapidly being filled.
VitaMan's Avatar
Excuses and anecdotes and irrelevant topics (mainly Trump) is all that has arrived.

Hard to deny actual facts of the original post of this thread.
Yes, I have to agree my sample of 6 people is in significantly small. But it is what I know as truth. It was not a stat someone said was true, not some news report that can have bias editorial. It is a fact I know because I know the people.

Hard to know what to trust in the media on both sides of the aisle.

I never stated ALL people, I even stated one person I know on disability truly is disabled mentally and cannot work and needs disability. I do believe in helping those who need it, just define who needs it. From my experience I have seen several individuals, families and communities abuse the system. Albeit my experiences are tiny in comparison to the whole nation.

No one here denies any facts or maybe I misread. The market is up what people are saying or it appears is that the market is up but a healthy economy needs more. It is a good place to start and hopefully it continues to rise and the inflation is curtailed and all Americans are prosperous.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
computer guy: there are alot of grasshoppers in this country.

choo choo: you really should listen to computer guy. so poor you can't buy shit. my mother's parents lived like that.

the healthy poor who don't want to work are experts at ripping off the welfare system. there is a network to find out the latest trick or scam to get govt. benefits. these grasshoppers want free money without work.
the_real_Barleycorn's Avatar
26% in one year vs trumps shitty 48% in 4 years. And trump inherited one of the best economies in 20 years.

Impeached over nothing my ass... led a coup to overthrow the government. Dumbfuck should be hanged. Originally Posted by royamcr
This should tell you why he was banned and, more importantly, why I put him on ignore.

The first big lie and alienation from reality: Trump inherited "one of the best economies in 20 years". Total fabrication and/or lie. Wages were stagnant, GDP was below standard, the stock market was only going up because of Equity purchases by the government which was a wealth transfer from the average taxpayer to the investors on Wall Street. Best economy...don't make us laugh.
The impeachment was not about a coup, it was supposed to be about Russian collusion. All the evidence turned out to be fabricated or did not exist at all. Emails were forged, lies were told, secrets were leaked to the press, and souls were sold and what did they come up with? Nothing, absolutely nothing. Even the FBI had to admit that they had nothing on Donald Trump.
I said and wrote years ago that I give a former president six months of effect on the economy before the new president has to shoulder all the blame or credit. Frankly, I'm not sure what you're referencing when you say 26% versus 48%. GDP? Stock market? Why don't YOU give those same standards for Obama, Bush, Clinton, Bush, and Reagan? See how those mysterious numbers stack up.

To add: since math is my thing. Like I said, I give a president six months before and after. Taking that into account Trump comes out from July 20, 2017 to July 20, 2021 at 40% increase in the Dow. (notice, how I actually name the metric). 40%...not too bad. Now what Biden really inherited was a Dow that had steadily been increasing since March of 2020 (That's Trump's watch). So, if the Dow in the metric you want to look at like Roy does then you have to admit that the economy was booming when Biden took office despite the pandemic. The Dow went up 11,000 in nine months under Trump and only 5,300 under eleven months of Biden. You can check my numbers.

From 20 January, 2009 to 20 January of 2017, Obama's Dow's number increases by 11,000. That's eight years equaled by the final nine months of Trump.