Multiple Women Recall Sexual Misconduct and Retaliation by Gordon Sondland

HedonistForever's Avatar
running from the substance again?

how is it Jerry Falwell jr., Dr. Jeffries, and others..

so easily IGNORE Trump's sins, while damning the rest of us to Hell?

how do you, eccielover, so easily ignore Trump's foibles? Originally Posted by Chung Tran

I imagine in the same way Hillary supporters ignored hers. We had a choice between two people who probably had more foibles than any two people in our life times. Democrats ignored hers and Republicans ignored his.

Maybe the easiest question ever asked and only speaking for myself, I ignored Trumps foibles because I could not support the policies of Hillary. And if I haven't made myself clear enough, I dislike Trump's "foibles" but I will not support any of the current Dem's running because of that fact.
  • oeb11
  • 11-28-2019, 11:30 AM
HF - well written

Happy Thanksgiving to All!!
Sistine Chapel's Avatar
I imagine in the same way Hillary supporters ignored hers. We had a choice between two people who probably had more foibles than any two people in our life times. Democrats ignored hers and Republicans ignored his.

Maybe the easiest question ever asked and only speaking for myself, I ignored Trumps foibles because I could not support the policies of Hillary. And if I haven't made myself clear enough, I dislike Trump's "foibles" but I will not support any of the current Dem's running because of that fact. Originally Posted by HedonistForever
Hey its ok... you don't need to explain to us why you chose a guy that has openly expressed several times that he'd wants to fuck his own daughter....raped his ex wife (she testified under oath to this) and had sexually assaulted countless other women....and is highly likely a pedophile based on other previous comments he's made. Those are just some of his sexual deviant behavioral traits. Let me know of you want me to go on. There's much more from this cretin.

We understand. Birds of a feather.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
Maybe the easiest question ever asked and only speaking for myself, I ignored Trumps foibles because I could not support the policies of Hillary. And if I haven't made myself clear enough, I dislike Trump's "foibles" but I will not support any of the current Dem's running because of that fact. Originally Posted by HedonistForever

Hillary made herself expendable when called people here deplorables.

well this deplorable didn't like her or her policies and for the fact that she had a "C" behind her name. *dynastic ambitions)

I'd been voting Indy since bush 41 in 1992. voted for 43 in '00 and back to indy in '04, '08, '12. In 2016, normally, I'd vote for the Conservative Party as i did in 2012 in the general. Instead I did this, voted for Cruz in the primary and in the general, I voted for Trump.

it was either trump or hillary.

it was an easy decision.
HedonistForever's Avatar
Hey its ok... you don't need to explain to us why you chose a guy that has openly expressed several times that he'd wants to fuck his own daughter....raped his ex wife (she testified under oath to this) and had sexually assaulted countless other women....and is highly likely a pedophile based on other previous comments he's made. Those are just some of his sexual deviant behavioral traits. Let me know of you want me to go on. There's much more from this cretin.

We understand. Birds of a feather. Originally Posted by Sistine Chapel

I had a choice between Hillary and Trump. Trump was not my first, second or third choice for the Republican nominee but being a registered Independent, I had no say in the nomination.

But lets examine your concerns which I think says more about you than me.

openly expressed several times that he'd wants to fuck his own daughter.
A conclusion you drew from his statement that he thought his daughter was beautiful, something I think any father might say about his daughter and less likely any father would goes as far as saying he would date her if he wasn't her father. I think in your hatred of the man, you are projecting and telling us things he never actually said which could get you your own show on MSNBC.

raped his ex wife (she testified under oath to this)

During a deposition given by me in connection with my matrimonial case, I stated that my husband had raped me.
I wish to say that on one occasion during 1989, Mr Trump and I had marital relations in which he behaved very differently toward me than he had during our marriage.
As a woman, I felt violated, as the love and tenderness which he normally exhibited toward me, was absent. I referred to this as a ‘rape,’ but I do not want my words to be interpreted in a literal or criminal sense.
Any contrary conclusion would be an incorrect and most unfortunate interpretation of my statement which I do not want to be interpreted in a speculative fashion and I do not want the press or media to misconstrue any of the facts set forth above.
and is highly likely a pedophile based on other previous comments he's made.

Ah, yes, the "highly likely" but never proven in a court of law accusation.
Let me know of you want me to go on.

No need, I think your words paint a pretty good picture of who you are. A person so consumed with hate you'll accuse anybody you don't like of anything simply because you can. Bill Clinton was accused of raping women. Did you vote for Bill Clinton?
While it may seem like I defend Trump, I really don't. I don't like the man and would avoid being in the same room with the man but again, I had two choices and my basic concerns are policy issues not personality traits that I would find objectionable. The idea that I would vote for Hillary and her policies because Trump made comments about women and had accusations made against him when I saw that Democrats couldn't care less and still highly regard Bill Clinton who had the same accusations against him? Naw, I put it all aside and vote policies. It's the only thing that makes sense in the sleazy world of politics.
  • oeb11
  • 11-28-2019, 05:58 PM
DPST's in hair rollers throwing feces against the wall - trying to get it to stick - the only thing it sticks to is their hands.

Well written comments - Agreed.

Happy Thanksgiving!
HedonistForever's Avatar

We understand. Birds of a feather. Originally Posted by Sistine Chapel

The only thing you know about me is that I disagree with you on political issues and from that you have decided that I'm a rapist and a pedophile. That's a pathology

Definition of pathology

c: deviation giving rise to social ills

You are so consumed by hate of anybody that doesn't think like you, that you will smear them, defame them and it could be said that you have just encouraged others to do me harm by saying you think I'm a pedophile. People have killed because they took somebodies word that a person is a pedophile. That's a sickness on your part. While you could have said all those things about Trump, you couldn't stop there, you had to accuse me of being a criminal with no evidence other than I disagree with you and support Trump's policies. You're a pitiful human being not because of the political leanings you hold but because you are so willing to harm others for your own personal vengeance based on political disagreements.

You need help.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
the only help SC needs is a 4x4 on his ass.
  • oeb11
  • 11-29-2019, 05:25 AM
The only thing you know about me is that I disagree with you on political issues and from that you have decided that I'm a rapist and a pedophile. That's a pathology

Definition of pathology

c: deviation giving rise to social ills

You are so consumed by hate of anybody that doesn't think like you, that you will smear them, defame them and it could be said that you have just encouraged others to do me harm by saying you think I'm a pedophile. People have killed because they took somebodies word that a person is a pedophile. That's a sickness on your part. While you could have said all those things about Trump, you couldn't stop there, you had to accuse me of being a criminal with no evidence other than I disagree with you and support Trump's policies. You're a pitiful human being not because of the political leanings you hold but because you are so willing to harm others for your own personal vengeance based on political disagreements.

You need help. Originally Posted by HedonistForever

+1 on the Axis of Socialism!
HoeHummer's Avatar
I think Hedonist Forever is Yessup. He sure whines like the little bitch!

Either that or El Chapo ...

And I suggest you let that one marinate!
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
I think Hedonist Forever is Yessup. He sure whines like the little bitch!

Either that or El Chapo ...

And I suggest you let that one marinate! Originally Posted by HoeHummer

if youz say so, bud.
HedonistForever's Avatar
I think Hedonist Forever is Yessup. He sure whines like the little bitch!

Either that or El Chapo ...

And I suggest you let that one marinate! Originally Posted by HoeHummer

And I'm supposed to care what you think? I just read in another post your advice not care what anybody thinks so I guess I'll take your advice.
  • oeb11
  • 11-29-2019, 06:38 PM
I think Hedonist Forever is Yessup. He sure whines like the little bitch!

Either that or El Chapo ...

And I suggest you let that one marinate! Originally Posted by HoeHummer

Foolish hh - HF posts opinions that are thoughtful and sensible.

YR posted diatribes of a politically opposite opinion.

Foolish post.
HoeHummer's Avatar
LOLLING! You’re dumber than you post, bud!
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
LOLLING! You’re dumber than you post, bud! Originally Posted by HoeHummer

if you say so, dance bud.