Gentlmen, What made you choose youre handle?

  • OFF
  • 12-30-2009, 12:36 PM
mine is pretty self explainatory Originally Posted by geniusman
Mine too! I am just OFF. Not a whole lot just a little!

OFF :-)
offshoredrilling's Avatar
I have a boat and lease a slip. In the late spring, all summer and early fall I like to have providers and other females meet me at the boat. Another boater at the same marina has told me the the name for my boat is wrong. He wants me to name it offshoredrilling. I love making little waves in the water.
TGFBI stands for:
Thank God For Breast Implants
I really, really, REALLY like breast implants!
Tooly's Avatar
  • Tooly
  • 12-30-2009, 02:27 PM
Well it is not an acronym as a lot of them are. I chose it due to my occupation when I started hobbying. Tool Pusher hence Tooly! All of the guys that worked me called me by that. Go Figure that one out.
GneissGuy's Avatar
Gee, Gneiss Guy is my real name. Have the rest of you got something to hide?

Seriously, it's a reminder to be nice. Just because everyone else is an asshole on the internet doesn't mean I need to be.

It's also real close to my real last name, first name.
Randall Creed's Avatar
Due to being caught in the hobby, I needed a new identity and looked for something that represented anonymity. I had been watching V for Vendetta and the following lines seemed to represent what I was trying to achieve.

Evey Hammond: Who are you?
V: Who? Who is but the form following the function of what and what I am is a man in a mask.
Evey Hammond: Well I can see that.
V: Of course you can. I'm not questioning your powers of observation I'm merely remarking upon the paradox of asking a masked man who he is. Originally Posted by GuyFawkes
Man! I love this movie! I can quote V all day.

V: Thus I clothe my naked Villainy with old odd ends, stolen forth from holy writh, and seem a Saint, when, at most, I play the Devil.
Father Lilliman: Have mercy!
V: Oh, not tonight, Bishop. Not tonight!

Creedy: [after emptying his bullets into V] Why won't you die.
V: Beneath this mask, is more than flesh. Beneath this mask is an idea, Mr. Creedy. And ideas....are BULLETPROOF! [V snaps Creedy's neck]

Wish I'd thought of this one.

Oh, yeah. My own handle.

I picked Rambro from watching the movie, Hollywood Shuffle. Robert Townsend does a sketch parody of Rambo, the black version.
When I get my hands on the pic I'll make it my avatar.
The Proper Stranger's Avatar
I was listening to a lot of Guess Who at the time, and it seemed a good fit.

On a related note, my avatar here was also picked based on my concurrent listening habits. Kinda curious if anybody could pick that one out without hitting up TinEye.
Dittychaser's Avatar
I was a spy during the cold war. My specialty was interception of morse code transmissions by communist bloc countries. Morse code for each letter, number, and special character is made up of a series of short sounds (dits) and long sounds (dahs). Those of us who did that were called dittychasers.
am woody's Avatar
I wanted to my handle to be "Nocturnal Penile Tumescence" but it was already taken.
Sudzny's Avatar
I picked up the Sudz back in college after an unfortunate Laundry fiasco. Apparently Dawn Dish Soap is not an adequate substitute if you run out of the laundry stuff. And the NY is because well, I'm from NY.
Ovid was Roman poet , at first admired by the Emperor , then exiled to the most remote and barbaric part of the empire when his poetry became too erotic ! I work in Dallas , but live in Shreveport ... and since my wife passed away ... I empathize with him !
Mesquitor's Avatar
I enjoy woodworking . . . no really . . . REAL wood . . . "from trees" kind of wood . . . and my favorite kind of wood to work with (TREE kind of wood!!) is mesquite.
Bestman200600's Avatar
It was my handle on AFF, Eros, and some other sites before my ATF enlightened me me to aspd and eccie.
It just felt right. it was this or Michael Scott.
Magnetron's Avatar
mine is pretty self explainatory Originally Posted by geniusman
hahahaha... layers of reference here. a geniusman who purposely (presumably) misspells "explanatory"... (I was going to spell "misspell" as "mispell", but that would have been *too* recursive...)