Is whispers a pussy?

JohnnyYanks's Avatar
The question was is he a pussy? Originally Posted by Beachplayer03
Do a poll and then you'll have your answer.
Who here has met whispers and thinks he's a pussy? Originally Posted by Beachplayer03
Who here has met BeachPlayer03 and knows that he is a scammer and a total
douche bag? I'd rather hang out with whispers any day than see your pathetic, whiny ass.

Alert to come...
Who here has met BeachPlayer03 and knows that he is a scammer and a total
douche bag? I'd rather hang out with whispers any day than see your pathetic, whiny ass.

Alert to come... Originally Posted by lizshue81
You guy's are all mis communicating the thread here. The question was is he a pussy? Originally Posted by Beachplayer03
BP03 acts like a child who doesn't have adult's attention and then tries to say nasty things just for shock. What a waste of time.

Could be BP03 is projecting his own insecurity and lack of self-worth onto Whispers purely as a defensive mechanism. Don't know, I'm not a social worker or trained professional dealing with disturbed people.

Who here has met BeachPlayer03 and knows that he is a scammer and a total douche bag? I'd rather hang out with whispers any day than see your pathetic, whiny ass.

Alert to come... Originally Posted by lizshue81 Originally Posted by lizshue81
Nice job Liz. You took a chance seeing him and now we all know what a pathetic, whiny little ass wipe BP03 actually is.

OK, what was the OP's original question? Never mind, we don't care. We all learned that the BP03 acts like a pathetic pussy and mistreats providers by trying to short or not pay.

Can somebody tell me if his actions violate any eccie guidelines?
Beachplayer03's Avatar
Bugle dick
Whispers's Avatar
Can somebody tell me if his actions violate any eccie guidelines? Originally Posted by BugleBoy
He is banned under a variety of other handles and typically has multiple handles in play.

But staff has to be able to tie the current one to a banned one and like many others he seems to have learned how to avoid that.

Not paying a whore is not a violation of an ECCIE guideline. Staff do not get involved in the business dealings of whores and johns.... only in actions that take place on the board....

With a strict interpretation of guidelines he could certainly be pointed for a variety of things but applying that strict interpretation a large number of local posters would get the boot faster than he would....
Beachplayer03's Avatar
Ive never been banned cause I only have ever had one handle bugle dick
Beachplayer03's Avatar
Whispers it's nice to hear from ya big pussy
He is a very sad boy. Your parents raised a liar and a thief. Too bad your whore mother didn't swallow.
Mr.BobDabolina's Avatar
Who here has met whispers and thinks he's a pussy? Originally Posted by Beachplayer03
I think youre a pussy!