Atlas Shrugged letter

eccieuser9500's Avatar
Hmm, This thread may become a great reference for Anarcho-Capitalist and Anarcho-Marxist theory. The Austrian School meets Groucho Marx. Or whatever his name was. Groucho's my favorite of the Marx brothers, not sure if he's the right one. Originally Posted by Tiny

The Goucho Marx School of Witticism. Whatever he says, "I'm against it."

Who's the man?
  • oeb11
  • 10-07-2021, 04:27 AM
95 is a brainwashed indoctrinated marxist minion
Incapable of independent thought

all his/her ideas are from from Xinn and adoration of che'.

so SAD!
incapable of seeing teh Light of Facts -Truth- and reality!

and continues to idolize a psychopathic mass murderer - because of homoerotic pics with long hard, hot , cigars.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
EccieUser, I really enjoyed your March of History video. And I want to bang the blonde. I don't care if she is a Communist. Originally Posted by Tiny
what blonde?
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
what blonde? Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm
Grimes??? oh that blonde....

I'd bang her too.

don't really know if shes communist. she just prolly checking Marx's theories.
eccieuser9500's Avatar
Sanders alums launch progressive firm

Top Bernie Sanders campaign alums are launching a progressive firm in the Biden era to drive the conversation further leftward and elect more left-wing Democrats.

The new consultancy, Left Flank Strategies, first reported by The Hill, bills itself as an insurgent-style alternative to Democratic shops that rely on traditional tactics to usher centrist candidates into office.

It's also an attempt to break up the moderate firewall in Congress that finds itself publicly sparring with the newly influential progressive wing.

"The idea is to deliver something that helps grow the movement, built by people who have come from the movement," said Bill Neidhardt, who ran Iowa communications and operations for the Vermont senator during the 2020 Democratic presidential primary.

Neidhardt is joined by Anna Bahr, who served as Sanders's national deputy campaign secretary last cycle, and Karthik Ganapathy, a longtime activist and senior spokesperson for Sanders in 2016.

The trio of veteran strategists has ties to grassroots advocacy networks, which has informed the creation and mission of their group. They are pledging to offer an alternative to the standard ways of conducting party politics, in which they say consultants can enjoy lucrative campaign salaries funded in part by corporate donations and then earn wider attention through a revolving door to cable news.

The founders see an opening to help tilt the agenda to the left through more work on the ground and representation down-ballot at a time when Democrats hold both chambers of Congress and the White House.

Part of that involves recruiting, training and creating a public narrative around a new bench of progressives eager to buck conventional negotiations on top priorities, they say.

"The progressive movement is at an inflection point: the policy agenda is clear, people are ready to mobilize and the status quo is shaky," said Bahr.

Equal parts strategic political and media centric, Left Flank Strategies is one of a growing roster of progressive outfits looking to scramble the decades-old Democratic campaign playbook.

The most prominent group, Justice Democrats, which helped elect Reps. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y.), Jamaal Bowman (D-N.Y.) and Cori Bush (D-Mo.), has increased its issue-based advocacy under the party's control.

With more manpower, the thinking among progressive operatives goes, the easier it is to band together to push left-leaning policies into fruition or blockade others when necessary.

A version of that happened last week, when liberal House members effectively stopped a stand-alone vote on a bipartisan infrastructure bill in favor of a joint vote on a much larger social spending package.

But Justice Democrats no longer has the left-wing consultancy lane to itself. New Deal Strategies, named after former President Franklin D. Roosevelt's sweeping Depression-era agenda, was created to help progressive Democrats develop better messaging to convey their policy goals. And BlackBrown Partners, which was also started by former Sanders alums Chuck Rocha and Kara Turrentine, is aiming to shake up how progressives do digital ads.

Left Flank Strategies intends to help polish the image and extend the shelf life of progressive ideology by amplifying the same policies that energized voters during Sanders's two White House bids.

To do that, the founders are prioritizing "building an economy that works for working people, saving the planet from environmental disaster, and rooting out institutional injustice," according to their website, which was unveiled on Thursday.

"Too many working people and young people are skeptical of Democrats," said Ganapathy.

"Some of that is Joe Manchin's fault for sure, but we think it's also because people can sniff out how consultants normally operate, taking money from oil companies and massive corporations while advising candidates to talk a big game on climate action, or a higher minimum wage," Ganapathy added, referring to the Democratic senator from West Virginia.

"People feel like so-called professional politics is a gross, smelly cesspool. And it just doesn't have to be this way," he said.

The flank movement is an offensive military tactic that seeks to circumvent the wings of the enemy positions attacking its flanks (sides) or the rear.

Left Flank Strategies

Blue team destroys red team.
  • oeb11
  • 10-08-2021, 07:09 AM
95 - your Hero bernie - is a dedicated marxist revolutionary who spend his honeymoon in soviet russia learning marxist revolution and terrorism.

he has made himself a wealthy nomenklatura by graft, corruption, and selling books on 'socialism' to foolish, elitist white liberals.

Bernie is a closet Capitalist - by his economic behavior.

So - Hypocrisy exposed - How does that make you feel???
Does it change the fact that Che's corpse rots in teh grave - where marxist idiotology should be rotting along with it????
And - sad for One - no more long, hot, hard cigars !
95 - your Hero bernie - is a dedicated marxist revolutionary who spend his honeymoon in soviet russia learning marxist revolution and terrorism.

he has made himself a wealthy nomenklatura by graft, corruption, and selling books on 'socialism' to foolish, elitist white liberals.

Bernie is a closet Capitalist - by his economic behavior.

So - Hypocrisy exposed - How does that make you feel???
Does it change the fact that Che's corpse rots in teh grave - where marxist idiotology should be rotting along with it????
And - sad for One - no more long, hot, hard cigars ! Originally Posted by oeb11
you see, communism denies the nature of man

bernie, eliz warren, booker, hellary, Obama, and biden et al all grub, discreetly and indiscreetly, for personal wealth, as does every socialist despot the world over

a grubbing that despoils and barters their public selves and fiduciary duties

and the saddest thing is, they do it without adding to progress and human prosperity and an uplifting of their fellow humans as capitalism does
  • oeb11
  • 10-08-2021, 07:43 AM
NGIT - succinctly, eloquently , and accurately written

Thank You - Good Sir!
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
burnie? a closet capitalist? nyet! he's a closet fascist capitalist!!!
  • oeb11
  • 10-08-2021, 10:07 AM
DF - good point.

Whatever One might label Bernie - he is an autocratic tyrannical control freak for other People's freedoms adn monies!
as are 95, yr, and others wanting to join teh nomenklatura!
eccieuser9500's Avatar
How an iconic Canadian rock band lured angry teens to the dark arts of Ayn Rand.

To wit: in this recent post at the Objective Standard Institute, writer (and “TEDx speech coach”) Robert Begley describes his first encounter with the dark priestess of enlightened selfishness:
I first heard [Rush] in the 1970s, shortly after their album 2112 came out. I loved their music and lyrics, and in the liner notes of that album, I saw a reference to “the genius of Ayn Rand.” Who is that? I went to the library and found Anthem.
Most of us, even if we do briefly fall under the spell of Rand’s siren invitation to fight the man by indulging our “winner takes all” lizard brain impulses, eventually grow up and leave behind the blinkered and ungenerous world view at the heart of objectivism.

So, in closing, fuck you, Rush.

  • oeb11
  • 10-09-2021, 04:40 AM
LBJ and Rush Limbaugh - my - branching out from che' , - aren't You - 95!
Limbaugh was a great man - if for no other reason than vilified, persecuted, and hated by the DPST elites for openly espousing the values of eh Constitution, bill of Rights, Equality for All under the law, and the values of MLK Jr.!

and - long , hard, hot , cigars.

dilbert firestorm's Avatar
LBJ and Rush Limbaugh - my - branching out from che' , - aren't You - 95!
Limbaugh was a great man - if for no other reason than vilified, persecuted, and hated by the DPST elites for openly espousing the values of eh Constitution, bill of Rights, Equality for All under the law, and the values of MLK Jr.!

and - long , hard, hot , cigars.
Originally Posted by oeb11
he wasn't talking about that Rush. he was referring to the band called Rush.
eccieuser9500's Avatar
he wasn't talking about that Rush. he was referring to the band called Rush. Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm

Not you dilby.