Over/under on when Dorthy Monroe will be back sucking cock for money

It's only 5:30 ...... she's not drunk yet.
Lexieinhouston's Avatar
Dorthy, only look forward to the brightness that lies before you in your future and never back at anyone here who has disrespected you.

"G ma & Kitty"


rduke4923's Avatar

If you judge me by my online persona and never actually got the honor to meet me your opinion is comical.. Most of you fucktards talking shit have been declined by me.. I have met many wonderful people here and have spoke to many wonderful people.. I will miss some of you and I wish yall the best but I will in fact be moving on in my life!!!

It's funny that some of you won't ever talk shit to me on the board instead you wait till you assume im gone to let your assdamn open its flood gates..

One thing about me is if I don't like you I tell you & don't hide until the big bad wolf is in hibernation!!

Learn to grow some nutts and stop being scary mitches..

This will be my last post


DORTHY MOTHERFUCKING MONROE Originally Posted by Dorthy_Monroe
For the record you called yourself BIG on your last post.
At least that was good for a giggle.
The real over/ under is will you be able to resist the temptation
To verbally throat punch and post........
Fancyinheels's Avatar
Love her or dis her, Winky Whisperer Dorthy Monroe will be remembered! I wish her all of the Irish luck in the world on her new path.

Things will be much quieter here, and you drama queens and kings will be bored, admit it or not.

All the H-town characters have either left, have been banned or stopped posting....

Now I don't have anyone to call

  • romab
  • 08-03-2015, 05:20 PM
Fancy Now we know why the computer fried itself. Instead of a spilling of the spirits, was merely dog droll. Remembered yes. Course so were many others and not always in a positive way. Oh well, life will bring many interesting lessons to the all knowing and seeing throat puncher. Considering that she was through with us, sure didn't take long for a typical reply from her.

Onward through the fog

PS DM you can not "grow a pair" even if you wanted. Pay for yes - grow no.
kinkyorca's Avatar
Don T. Lukbak's Avatar

If you judge me by my online persona and never actually got the honor to meet me your opinion is comical.. Most of you fucktards talking shit have been declined by me.. I have met many wonderful people here and have spoke to many wonderful people.. I will miss some of you and I wish yall the best but I will in fact be moving on in my life!!!

It's funny that some of you won't ever talk shit to me on the board instead you wait till you assume im gone to let your assdamn open its flood gates..

One thing about me is if I don't like you I tell you & don't hide until the big bad wolf is in hibernation!!

Learn to grow some nutts and stop being scary mitches..

This will be my last post


DORTHY MOTHERFUCKING MONROE Originally Posted by Dorthy_Monroe
Well, goddamn...you picked a fine time to leave, Lucille....I mean Dorthy.....You're one of a kind, thanks for the entertainment....and all the best to you, may your line never grow slack unless a giant marlin is making his run back to you or something like that. Watch out for the fuk'n usless hardheads..
So wait, there's no BA, no Brooke, no Dorian, no Mynx, no Queen Bee XOXO, no Ol Ho, and now no DM...a damn shame as far as pure entertainment.

Good luck with your shit DM.

pyramider's Avatar
Only in Houston is a 3rd rate whore like her have any leverage with hobbyists. Originally Posted by Asianhobbyist
And you wonder why she refused to see Asians ...

Fancy Now we know why the computer fried itself. Instead of a spilling of the spirits, was merely dog droll. Remembered yes. Course so were many others and not always in a positive way. Oh well, life will bring many interesting lessons to the all knowing and seeing throat puncher. Considering that she was through with us, sure didn't take long for a typical reply from her.

Onward through the fog

PS DM you can not "grow a pair" even if you wanted. Pay for yes - grow no. Originally Posted by romab

Much like HV's BBC, DM's balls are a lot bigger than most of the posters on this thread.
DM has left the building and she did it her way.

Best wishes to a cool chick.
Despite the many NCNSs, showcase photo stealing, dumb cuntery, the hooker would've been my cup of tea.

but then again, I don't like huge pieces of shit it my tea.

Much like HV's BBC, DM's balls are a lot bigger than most of the posters on this thread. Originally Posted by pyramider
Much like HV's BBC, you seem to be riding DM's cock pretty hard too.

Anyway, so I'll put my wager for: before the end of the year

Other choices:
- By the end of August
- In 3 months
- by July 2016
- stop?! She's sucking my cock now
- Gone for good
And you wonder why she refused to see Asians ...

Much like HV's BBC, DM's balls are a lot bigger than most of the posters on this thread. Originally Posted by pyramider
That's worth repeating. The board won't be the same without you doll.