Emotional repercussions?

Out_of_Bounds's Avatar
Op, stay out of the hobby.
It's not for you.
Fix or dissolve your marriage.
Rekindle things with your SO or move onto finding someone else who makes you happy.
Whores are not the "take home to momma type".
You dig?
lesbianbob's Avatar
Brother, run stay away. Most of us have been doing this for years, and we all go through ups and downs. If you have only been with two in 30 years, you are not meant to be here. A good provider on here will turn your naive ass inside out. And what ever you do stay out of titty bars. Any decent dancer will have you leaving your wife, changing political parties, and dumping your bank account.
The hobby is no place for a guy like you. Don't take it as a challenge, just take all the advice as us trying to help you.

And not to be mean but we have enough guys on here that don't belong, and become "involved" with some of these ladies and turn into WK's

Stay off of here too, the temptation is too great to avoid for long.
You have to be very careful with your emotions in this whole "hobby thing". If you are the kind of guy that confuses a hard dick with being in love, then stay as far away as you can.

Why? Most providers who have reached a point of being on a board such as this are VERY good at this. They have honed their skills to the point that it is very easy to get confused as to what is reality and what is fantasy.

Look at seeing a good provider as the same thing as going to a great ball game. The tickets and concessions are pretty expensive, but if you have a great time, and look forward to going back, then it is money well spent.

If you tend to have "buyers remorse", then stay away. You will miserable. Always remember, these Ladies are Hookers, they know they have a job to do, and that is pleasing you. But it's a job.

It should be a win-win. You get to be with a beautiful woman, she gets your money. If you make it any more complicated than that, you are heading down the Boulevard of Broken Dreams.
"Buyers Remorse" ... WTF ya'll talking about?
Are all hobbyist this afraid to take the first plunge?
It's pretty easy to understand why he only has been with 2 women in 33 years. Geez, somebody please, buy this man a good fuck!

I think the therapy this guy needs is a good session with a provider. His problem is that he has probably never been fucked properly in his entire life.
bullet0's Avatar
.... And what ever you do stay out of titty bars. Any decent dancer will have you leaving your wife, changing political parties, and dumping your bank account. ... Originally Posted by lesbianbob
LB, you beat me to it. As I was reading the thread, I was thincking the same thing.
DEAR_JOHN's Avatar
...........Maybe this is a dumb question. But has anyone ever experienced any kind of sadness or loneliness after seeing their first provider?
It seems like it could be a very emotionally vulnerable situation. Originally Posted by thp_919
If you're married, you can experience all sorts of emotions from euphoria to out and out guilt. What you feel isn't an absolute but a variable that varies from person to person, and varies from what is going on in your personal life at that time. There isn't any absolute answer to give you.

.......Don't get me wrong. I want to get my rocks off just as much as the next guy - that's what's driving me toward the provider option.
But I'm not an experienced guy - only 2 women in 33 years. Originally Posted by thp_919
Don't go shopping for some 18 year old, find you an older and experienced provider and just talk to her, tell her how you feel. Some will want to you 'get on, get off, and get out', while others may sense your vulnerability and want to help you through the session. Those type may enjoy the matronly feelings. Again........no absolutes.

.......And I'm kind of an emotional person (I'm a hopeless romantic, snuggler, etc). So I'm just a little afraid that maybe I'll feel even lonelier once the party is over and she's gone. Originally Posted by thp_919
Some really enjoy the romantic side, again........variables. Once the party is gone, is when you need to be a professional and realize the one hour party is just that, a one hour party. You paid your money, you got your services, bask in the glow for awhile, then move on. Just be careful about getting in over your head and getting involved in a downward spiral where the hobby becomes a major part of your life. If you're going to hobby, use moderation, as it's very addicting.
Wakeup's Avatar
The only fact in this entire thread is that you said you're in a loveless marriage...get...the...fuck... out...
Sarunga's Avatar
He probably is already.....out.
Tall Bill's Avatar
You are not alone. I fully sympathize with you. Wife goes through menopause and the fun is gone. We are getting older and divorce would financially ruin us. There are only three options
1) Providers
2) Divorce and starting over at a late age
3) The final solution