Let us ALL discuss BROOKE...honestly!

dearhunter's Avatar
Originally Posted by cpi3000
But, it wasn't me.........I didn't do it.......it was that other fucked up pussy who did it...........it wasn't meeeeeeeeeeeee............and quit staring at my taint
Trey's Avatar
  • Trey
  • 07-07-2010, 12:18 PM
this needs to stop its going no place fast. If this cumback kid AKA alyssa did not give a fuck about eccie he/she would not post anything here. As me we men dont give a Good hard shit about this god damn bitch shit. If you want to be a girl go to the girl sections and change your pad there.
Speaking of taints, have you ever heard of or seen a guiche piercing?

Oh man, Trey just went menstrual!
notanewbie's Avatar
Speaking of taints, have you ever heard of or seen a guiche piercing? Originally Posted by RebeccaRothko
funny you mention that, I just got one!

I use it to hang my keys from so I don't loose them.
I had to look it up... talk about a high pucker factor!!!!

dearhunter's Avatar
Why do I feel a pain just reading that............nan, that is fucked up
notanewbie's Avatar
taints ar e not just fun to look at...they have a practical purpose as well.
It's not just for breakfast anymore!
CPI I should put you in time out! That's gross.
If it's clean then why not?
dearhunter's Avatar
CPI I should put you in time out! That's gross. Originally Posted by SP Hunter
I thinck you should go whip his ass in fight club..........he deserves it........my eyes are still hurting.
Brooke Wilde's Avatar
Excuse me ... this thread is suppose to be about ME!

Go hi-jack carkidos’ thread!
notanewbie's Avatar

Go hi-jack carkidos’ thread! Originally Posted by Brooke Wild
dearhunter's Avatar
Brooke, show us your taint
boardman's Avatar
Originally Posted by cpi3000
Did you just make Brooke an honorary cat?
That's cool!!!