mileage and reviews

Papacorn's Avatar
I lost a lot of weight a couple of years ago, and am today in much better shape than for the prior 15 years.

I can honestly say that I don't think that I am treated any differently now than I was when I was pushing 300 lbs. Many of the same ladies are very complimentary, which sure feels great. But they are mostly the same, fun, genuine ladies I met with when one pop was a lucky end to the hour.

I see the same type of folks now that I did then, and screen to have an idea that the are the type I would enjoy. I have not changed who I like to see, and have not yearned to see the hot PYT's that enter and leave our hobby frequently. My compliments to the ladies that enjoy a genuine session with someone that has no intent other to have some fun, and try to help you do the same. You guys rock!

YMMV indeed, but I suspect it has less to do with looking like Brad Pitt, and more with being nice, respectful, and to someone's point freshly showered!
The ladies are right! We are not the ones looking up profiles, reviews, photos, etc. We screen the ones who contact us. I rarely know anything about a new person's looks until we meet. IMHO the Gents who meet me are special. They see what they need in me, and they show up clean, respectful and hungry for what I can give. I treat each and every human being with care and attentiveness. I do all I can to create the ambiance and atmosphere that will inspire an unforgettable adventure. I cannot create "chemistry", but I can be prepared, and bring my best attitude every time. No one can please all the people all the time, but we can try to attain perfection through practice. Those of us who truly love what we do tend to translate that feeling without effort. So, no matter if you are a "two" or a "ten", if you are lucky enough to find the right Provider, your experience will be unrivaled! I do not discriminate, and always look for what's inside. No matter how good looking a person is, or isn't, nothing replaces respect and a great attitude! It is all about the "click", and the only way to find out who you "click" with is to meet them!

I have been social in the hobby and met quite a few guys. I have to think the more "fit" guys get better mileage and therefore tend to write more glowing reviews. Originally Posted by J.G. Wentworth

Hobbyist "C" - a guy like this would get all of the mileage.
brickmonster's Avatar
A very interesting point .. I almost always have good experiences with almost every provider I see but I am only average looking . I think it also has alot to do with how likable you are . I am very easy going and I like to tip , so I always seem to get treated real good by most providers .
MickeyBlue's Avatar
I don't trust reviews because I think most of you guys are full of shit.

My opinion is that the average review is so glowing that any objective review is considered harsh. Many say they fear the white knights but my opinion is that guys really fear that being honest will limit their choices of providers in the future.
Originally Posted by monkmonk
True true true.

Especially the one with mgmt or who are eccie favorites. No one wants to be outted like BBL.
pyramider's Avatar
Why do I keep opening this thread? I keep thincking hey a new thread where we can earn frequent flier miles.
Just saw this thread and wanted to throw my 2 cents as a newbie hobbiest.

My assumption is the girls on here have seen every type of guy, and part of their "job" is to make every type of guy feel wonderful. Sure, there is prob a bitch or two... but that happens in every customer service position.

With that, the two things that probably effect a session more than anything are things that effect perceptions in the civie world... Confidence and presenting yourself like you care.

Personally, I find myself to be an average looking dude, in average shape. But have also been that guy who dates really cute girls and it has nothing to do w/money or shit like that. More so, carry yourself with confidence and girls like it.

Whats funny, my first session (and only one so far)... I was nervous and felt the sex was average. And IMO it had nothing to do with the girl... just me being a little more hesitant than I normally am in my everyday life.

(BTW, boggles my mind that a guy wouldn't shower before a session... )
It's all boils down to chemistry (and/or how good an actress she is )....but let's face it. Physical or not, if you're compatible you're bound to have a better time than if there is some awkward silences and nothing in common.
... I was nervous and felt the sex was average. And IMO it had nothing to do with the girl... just me being a little more hesitant than I normally am in my everyday life.

(BTW, boggles my mind that a guy wouldn't shower before a session... ) Originally Posted by TonyRomoWasHere
+1 and agreed on both counts... the psychological effects wreak way more havoc than the physical ones... and I think the providers I've had the best time with do an amazing job of making it feel natural and mutual. When it's forced and matter of fact, no one is going to enjoy it.
I agree with chemistry! My best sessions are ones that has had intense flirting back and forth I will see tall, short, fat, thin, and any long as you are clean, have fresh breath!! and respectful. My best reviews are not with the ones that are tall dark and handsome.. I ask questions. I get a sense if they are more GFE or PSE kinda guy... if they are GFE but want PSE type cherries popped..etc. I read body language...i communicate. I make sure the gentleman is aware of YMMV (which has nothing to do with what you look like as much as it has to do with if youre hung like a damn fence post or if your balls stink like 3 day old roadkill.)
No 2 reviews of mine are the same, as i am not mechanical. I let the gentleman lead the way because after all.. its their $ and their fantasy.
I will admit however... my sexual peak is in the evenings... so sometimes its hard to tame the PSE at that time.. LOL

and it boggles my mind that some dont shower before either..but twice i have had a session that even a shower wouldnt cure what was growing...of course this was back when i was newer and didnt know i could simply close shop and scoot their rotting body out the door.
As long as a hobbyist has very clean hygiene, is respectful to the provider, honoring her boundaries and time, and has the proper donation, the provider, WHOM HE CHOSE to spend his money on, should always bring their "A" game and give him a great session, (after all, it is only for a whopping 1 hour, most of the time, shorter than that), without being a fucking robot going through the motions. While physical and psychological chemistry are great and can "enhance" the session, the donation SHOULD be all the "chemistry" a provider needs to give a hobbyist a great time during the session. If a provider just lays there and is a dead fuck, eyes closed the entire time, making it obvious they are thinking they wished they were somewhere else or wish it was anyone but the current hobbyist there, then maybe they need rethink being a provider.
As long as a hobbyist has very clean hygiene, is respectful to the provider, honoring her boundaries and time, and has the proper donation, the provider, WHOM HE CHOSE to spend his money on, should always bring their "A" game and give him a great session, without being a fucking robot going through the motions. While physical and psychological chemistry are great and can "enhance" the session, the donation SHOULD be all the "chemistry" a provider needs to give a hobbyist a great time during the session. If a provider just lays there and is a dead fuck, eyes closed the entire time, making it obvious they are thinking they wished they were somewhere else or wish it was anyone but the current hobbyist there, then maybe they need rethink being a provider. Originally Posted by bigdog0311
I totally agree.. you wont find any 2 of my reviews the same. No robot here, no lazy pillow princess... etc. I am like a fish out of water.. there is no laying still !! Its like a damn rodeo! And closing eyes? Pfftt... i actually get highly aroused just watching, both actions taking place as well as eye fucking him. If im a dead fuck.. u better check my pulse!
I have done a couple doubles where the girl was either a dead fuck or homophobic, trying desperately to PLAY the part.. fuck that!! So i can totally understand the disappointment when guys experience that.
It is human nature to be more excited about having sex with someone you find attractive or are very comfortable with. Many providers are able to use some other motivation to give a good dession but it has to be easier with someone you are attracted to.

That is why I like meeting first and love repeating with a ladies I click with. I am a reasonably attractive man but no one will ever mistake me for Russell Crow! :-) It takes time to find a persons best qualities.

I have found from experiece the better the lady knows me, the more she gets to see my positive qualities, the more relaxed she becomes and the better the sessions get. I know this is very true for me. I have met several ladies that I do not think of as my type at all. Would not be attractive to them walking down the street. But, because I got to meet and know them before BCD, I decided to see them. 1 I saw 25-30 times. A couple of others I have seen once and am eager to see again. I know there are some who have no desire to get to know their partner for the hour. Thats fine. Just not my MO. :-)
For male and female being fit, good looks, and hygiene go a long way. Throw in personality and you are master of your domain.
Missy Mariposa's Avatar
it has to be easier to session with the better looking man than the less attractive ones.
I disagree wholeheartedly. Looks have so little to do with chemistry, personality, or hygiene. I greatly prefer a session with someone who is a good lover that isn't attractive over a session with an attractive guy that is bad in bed.