So it was deliberate...

  • oeb11
  • 08-17-2021, 07:02 PM
Does it make you feel more secure to fabricate and lie?

I wouldn't want to embarrass you further, but could you share the identity of the person who you claim was killed by the protestors entering the capitol building after the capitol police allowed them to enter? (Note: I listened to the "testimony" and was particularly disappointed at LE lying under oath.) You probably didn't actually watch and listen to the lying officers, but instead got your "conclusions" from the LameStreamMedia which consistently fabricates events and mischaracterizes them to fit their agenda.

Like you and others on here do. Originally Posted by LexusLover

Poster puts out Lies for 'shock value' and inflame opinions.

One of the many who should be on a forum ignore list.
offshoredrilling's Avatar
Biden: “Fuck that. We don’t have to worry about that (Afghanistan). We did it in Vietnam. Nixon and Kissinger got away with it.”

Joey Puddin un-assed the place in the fcuked up manner that he did on purpose. He's blaming Trump but it was his plan, his execution, and the images we get to see in the coming months and weeks will be because of him. Originally Posted by texassapper
problem, not counting MIA in Nam, 0 Americans left behind

or google lie on my search which is a maybe
rexdutchman's Avatar
Let me get this straight , We ( puddens) knew it was a bad plan ( blame on Big T ) but for 6 months we did nothing , Then we Pulled the plug overnight ( and its the Intell bad) . And of couse the agfeans fault
At lease Biggie T s plan was to evac non-combatants first not after the fall ???????

And we believe this narrative he will be 1/4 term potus
LexusLover's Avatar
problem, not counting MIA in Nam, 0 Americans left behind

or google lie on my search which is a maybe Originally Posted by offshoredrilling
I suppose you have to define "left behind"! Because not all of the U.S. personnel left "the area" .... did "Google" tell you how many U.S. personnel were IN VN or adjacent to it when Kennedy was inaugurated?

Right now is not a really time timeline on which to drag up the Vietnam experience, which followed the Korean experience. On a high level the Gulf of Tonkin resolution was founded upon a lie fabricated by LBJ to increase his authority to inject more military presence and activity. The alleged attack on U.S. ships didn't happen. When it was reported initially I thought it was "strange" to say the least.

There was a lot of lying about the VN activity .... not only John Kerry, but the media.

That's the only similarity with Afghanistan. Lots of lying currently. The current administration!